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下一個20年:哪裡有行動聯網 那裡就有ARM

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2010年12月03日 星期五



ARM行銷執行副總裁Ian Drew表示,ARM在數位家庭領域的發展策略,是積極促成無所不在的聯網環境(Internet everywhere)。 BigPic:417x500
ARM行銷執行副總裁Ian Drew表示,ARM在數位家庭領域的發展策略,是積極促成無所不在的聯網環境(Internet everywhere)。 BigPic:417x500

ARM行銷執行副總裁Ian Drew表示,ARM在數位家庭領域的發展策略,是積極促成無所不在的聯網環境(Internet everywhere),不僅是數位電視、包括手機、平板裝置、機上盒和車用娛樂系統等,只要牽涉到螢幕顯示的聯網裝置,都會是ARM積極介入的場域。

Ian Drew指出,數位電視和機上盒一直是ARM非常重視的市場,未來幾年內數位電視的成長趨勢仍非常強勁,除了繼續投資此領域,ARM也會繼續與聯發科等關鍵廠商密切合作。低功耗、高效能、和跨領域軟體的支援能力,仍是ARM站穩數位電視根基的三大法寶。提供更為完備的軟體支援和開發工具,是說服數位家庭晶片端客戶廣泛採用ARM IP授權架構的不二法門。

Ian Drew進一步表示,在數位電視領域,ARM處理核心Cortex-A8和A9仍是發展主軸,也有許多發展空間,Cortex-A15並不會一下子取代之。不過最快到2012年,Cortex-A15為核心的處理器將會在市場上出現。至於在Mali繪圖處理架構部份,ARM已經授權29項內容,明年市場上將會出現越來越多Mali核心的繪圖處理器。IPIan Drew並樂觀預估,明年ARM在數位電視領域的市佔率將會成長1倍。

對於新一代聯網電視架構,Ian Drew認為,無論採取何種軟硬體整合方案,預期在這幾年都會掀起不小的風潮。只要聯網電視能站穩腳步,各種多樣化的商業模式也將隨之應運而生,PC產業的茁壯歷程就是如此。高效能的繪圖處理架構、易操作的使用介面、傳輸效率快速的頻寬、支援雲端運算、豐富的多媒體內容、個人化和傳輸安全的設計,會是聯網電視架構的主要內涵。ARM所推出Cortex-A15和Mali-T604、整合CPU和GPU的新一代SoC架構,也就是針對數位家庭和聯網電視的低功耗和高效能處理效能而準備。

Ian Drew指出,在聯網電視領域,ARM有別於其他競爭者、屬於自己的商業模式。最大的差異點在於,ARM是以授權IP為主,比較屬於水平式滲透於各種多樣的晶片架構。英特爾則比較可歸類於垂直式製造和販售晶片的經營模式。

另一方面,Ian Drew表示,越來越多消費者願意購買平板裝置,這股趨勢已經對既有NB產業起了變化。平板裝置聲勢看漲,正是因為市場對於低功耗和高效能處理能力的需求越來越殷切。除此之外,tablet也是大量消費多媒體內容的新興聯網裝置,對於各年齡層消費者來說相當有吸引力,因為使用介面操作容易親近。

對於傳統PC/NB和智慧手機製造商投入平板裝置究竟誰勝誰負,Ian Drew認為其實雙方各有千秋,真正的贏家會屬於具備低功耗、高繪圖處理效能、易操作的使用介面、以及可提供豐富多媒體內容服務等整套軟硬體方案的陣營。不過,從晶片供應商角度來看,智慧手機晶片商由於具備成熟的低功耗設計經驗,因此在平板領域會較具有優勢。

在智慧手機或是平板裝置,Cortex-A8、A9和A15這三種CPU架構的處理效能區隔也很清楚。Cortex-A8屬單核心設計,A9則為雙核心設計,A15則可進一步支援4或8核心架構。Ian Drew指出,站在IP授權的立場,市場採用何種處理架構、應用在何種聯網裝置內,ARM都樂觀其成,並不會刻意地規範或是要求不同CPU處理架構之間特定專屬的市場定位。

面對競爭對手MIPS傳言明年介入智慧型手機領域的消息,ARM是秉持「恃吾有以待之」的態度。Ian Drew強調,很多競爭對手都宣稱要在智慧手機處理架構領域分一杯羹,但這並不是件容易的事。ARM不會因此做出任何策略上的調整,因為既然仍能繼續在此領域維持成長的優勢,可證明ARM是朝向正確的方向邁進。

Ian Drew認為,聯網裝置市場的趨勢變化,必須以更為寬闊的視野來面對。以手機為例,5年前不過只是通話的工具,網際網路跟手機的干係完全牽扯不上,要把PC使用經驗移植到手機內可說是天馬行空的想法。但ARM很早就已經看到未來手機具備PC特性的發展趨勢,先行一步研發手機晶片架構對於各類作業系統和應用軟體的支援能力,並與合作夥伴共同規劃相適應的工程生態體系。這也是為什麼,現在ARM架構在手機領域佔有壓倒性的優勢,而平板裝置的處理架構也多以ARM架構為核心的緣故。

Ian Drew進一步指出,許多社群互動工具、多媒體分享軟體和企業應用資料庫,都已經進入雲端運算體系,這表示負擔沈重的處理效能並不是行動聯網裝置的唯一依歸,但是作業軟體仍是不可或缺的內容,例如聯網電視,因此ARM投資高效能處理架構的計畫仍會按部就班地推動。

關鍵字: tablet  聯網電視  connected TV  ARM  行動終端器  整合性網際影音通信商品  微處理器  影像輸出設備  攜帶型主機 
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Tommy Chung發言於2011.01.06 11:25:25 AM

NVIDIA公司確認進入 CPU的市場首款產品宣布


Tommy Chung發言於2011.01.06 11:01:59 AM

The Future of Windows Isn't Just PCs Anymore

The Future of Windows Isn't Just PCs AnymoreThe next version of Windows is going to run on ARM processors—the same kind of chips that's inside a bajillion smartphones and tablets right now. Which means the future of Windows isn't just PCs anymore.

The Future of Windows Isn't Just PCs Anymore

What does this mean?

Well, most simply, it means the full Windows shebang you know and love (or loathe) from your PC can now run on tinier computers that use way less power—ones using ARM chips that are common in smartphones right now. Think tablets. And other wacky, smaller form factors. But you know, with all-day battery life.

Microsoft showed how this new Windows, running on an ARM chip that you might find inside a cutting edge Android tablet can slice and dice full HD video, run Powerpoint and do fancy graphics tricks in Internet Explorer with no problem. Microsoft even said it'll have full DirectX powers for games. Basically, everything you'd expect to do in Windows. But now in lots more places.

What Microsoft didn't talk about is what this new Windows will look like when it's on these new tablets and sliders and other fantastical permutations of PCs. Presumably, it'll look different. Somehow. Hopefully. Or when it'll come out. They also won't say what it's called.

The Future of Windows Isn't Just PCs Anymore

So all of my Windows apps will just work on this new, mobiler Windows?

Ehhh. Microsoft wouldn't say how or if it would happen, but ominously, Head Windows Dude Sinofsky noted "It's definitely the case that x86 programs [i.e., the ones on Windows now] don't run on ARM." And to get those running, Microsoft won't be using "virtualization or something like that," since the low-power ARM chips aren't really suited for that kind of work. Which means either Microsoft has another trick up its sleeve (hopefully) to run current programs on this new, ARMier Windows. Or it's not going to happen. But that seems to defeat the point of porting Windows to ARM, in some ways.

Another point is that devices won't just work either—-manufacturers are gonna have to write new drivers for 'em.

Is regular old Windows going away?

Nope. It'll run on old-school x86 chips from Intel and AMD and the like. It'll just run on these ARM chips too. How Microsoft is going to differentiate them, from the branding to the interface to the features, we don't know yet. Microsoft is very much emphasizing that this is just a "tech demo" to show that they have Windows running on ARM chips right now.

Does that mean the sweet Windows Phone OS won't be on a tablet?

Probably not. The Microsoft philosophy is, "Small screen is windows phone. These screens are Windows 7." So the future of tablets (and other things with slightly-bigger-than-phone screens) for Microsoft is very much still Windows. Conversely, it means for the future of Windows isn't just PCs anymore. Though we're not exactly sure what that means yet. [Microsoft]


Tommy Chung發言於2011.01.06 10:43:44 AM

Microsoft shows Windows running on mobile phone chips

Steven Sinofsky Steven Sinofsky says Microsoft wants to end the compromises people have to make when using portable gadgets

Microsoft has shown a full version of Windows running on chips usually found in mobile phones.

The desktop version of Windows was demonstrated working with three processors built around chips designed by UK firm Arm.

The demonstration is significant because before now Windows has been closely connected with Intel chips.

Microsoft would not be drawn on when the first products using these chips would go on sale.

As well as running Windows, Microsoft also showed the work it was doing to get applications such as Word, Powerpoint and Internet Explorer running on Arm chips.

Microsoft was doing the work to get a full version of Windows running on mobile chips in a bid to end the compromises people typically have to make when using portable gadgets, said Steven Sinofsky, president of the Windows and Windows Live division during the demo.

Also, he said, turning to Arm designed chips should mean lower power consumption and much improved battery life for future gadgets.

About 80% of all mobiles, including Apple's iPhone4, are built around chips made from Arm designs.

'Next Windows generation'

During its demonstration, Microsoft showed Windows running natively on chips made by Qualcomm, Texas Instruments and Nvidia.

Microsoft has a mobile version of Windows, known as Windows Phone 7, that already runs on Arm-designed chips. But, said Mr Sinofsky, Windows Phone 7 was aimed at smaller devices and the full version would be for larger tablets, slates and netbooks.

Mr Sinofsky would not say which version of Windows was running on its demonstration devices. He would only say that it was the "next generation of Windows". Many took this to be a reference to Windows 8, which is due in 2012 and is expected to support multi-touch interfaces - capabilities missing from Windows 7.

He also refused to speculate when the first Arm-powered devices running the full version of Windows would appear.

"We've got the chip work done and now we start talking to partners about what kind of devices we can make," he said.

Microsoft was also continuing its work with long-time partners Intel and AMD to get Windows working on the low-power processors they were producing.

The demonstration came during a briefing at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas held prior to the formal opening of the show. Microsoft boss Steve Ballmer will give the opening keynote and is expected to expand on the firm's plans for Windows on Arm.

(BBC News)

Only Chen發言於2010.12.22 11:59:32 AM

Report: Microsoft bringing Windows to ARM chips



Only Chen發言於2010.12.09 11:07:52 AM
Intel says tablets and phones on the way in 2011 SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Intel Corp said it is making headway getting its chips into tablet computers and that smartphones using its processors will go on sale late next year as it rushes to catch up in the fast-growing mobile market. The company is betting that new chips due to ship next year will invigorate its mobile business, which has struggled to get off the ground amid explosive sales of Apple's iPad tablets and smartphones using Google's Android operating system. "The consumer (tablet) products will roll out over the first half of next year," Chief Executive Paul Otellini told analysts at a conference. He said manufacturers have agreed to use Intel chips in 35 tablet models, including a few already on the market. On a slide, Otellini listed brands including Dell, Asus, Lenovo and Toshiba. Intel's Atom chips dominate netbooks but smartphone and tablet manufacturers have mostly rejected them in favor of more power-efficient chips based on ARM architecture that are made by companies like Qualcomm and Marvell. Investors have been waiting to see to what extent major manufacturers choose Intel's chips for high-profile consumer tablets due out next year. "Intel is moving in the right strategic direction but they still have a long way to go," said Hendi Susanto, an analyst at Gabelli & Company. "They're late into the game. There is no clear visibility on what the products look like." Underscoring the importance of staking out territory in mobile, Intel's share of the world semiconductor market slipped marginally to 13.8 percent in 2010 from 14.2 percent the year before after sales of netbooks were hurt by weak consumer sentiment, market research firm Gartner. MARATHON, NOT SPRINT Otellini called Intel's pursuit of the smartphone market "a marathon, not a sprint," adding that the company's second-generation Medfield chip is now being sampled by customers and should ship next year and in 2012. "You will see smartphones from premier branded vendors in the second half of 2011 with Intel silicon inside them," Otellini said. Stock in the world's largest maker of microprocessors rose 1.11 percent. Otellini also Intel has resumed share repurchases after stopping over a year ago due to the tough economy. "I'm happy to report that Intel has been back in the market this quarter," Otellini said. "The buyback has resumed." In November, Intel said it was boosting its quarterly dividend by 15 percent, a move seen as a sign of confidence that the world's largest chipmaker is growing, even as the U.S. economy remains sluggish. A resumption of Intel's share repurchases amplifies that signal, said Craig Ellis, an analyst at Caris and Company. "Shareholders will look at that and say management is putting their money where their mouth is," he said. Intel has already started shipping its new Sandy Bridge chips, which are expected to be in notebooks on store shares early in 2011. The Sandy Bridge microchips, Intel's newest PC chips, include graphics processing capability that the company says is equivalent to low-end discrete graphics processors. (Reporting by Noel Randewich; editing by Andre Grenon, Derek Caney and Bernard Orr) (Yahoo!)
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