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智能手机红 图像处理领域必布局的四大商机

【CTIMES / SMARTAUTO ABC_1 报导】    2010年07月19日 星期一



根据研究机构iSuppli报告,全球智能型手机出货量将从今年的2亿3900万支,成长为2013年的4亿3900万支,成长幅度惊人。IDT总裁暨执行长Theodore Tewksbury表示,图像处理领域的挑战与商机来自于数字内容开始被跨装置浏览。

为了利于传输,经压缩的视讯内容必须再经解压缩程序,一来一往过程往往产生噪声而折损影像质量。如果只是要满足行动装置需求,可能使用低质量的压缩技术即可解决;但若要同时满足行动装置与大型显示器,情况就完全不同,因为在大型装置上,噪声会被放大,对于习惯用大型装置如电视观赏高画质节目的观众而言,产生极大的落差。也因此,Theodore Tewksbury说,从频率控制器到图像处理器,都是商机所在。



關鍵字: 智能型手机  ASSP  IDT  Theodore Tewksbury  网际影音通信 
印度疫情恶化导致智慧型手机产量下滑 全球年成长将收敛至8.5%
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Gartner:2019 Q2全球智慧型手机销售量再跌
Only Chen发言于2010.08.20 11:03:43 AM

A Flip-Like Pocket Cam From Sanyo Does 1080p At 30FPS

A Flip-Like Pocket Cam From Sanyo Does 1080p At 30FPS

Sanyo, long-time expert in making small but powerful dual cameras (video + still), just made its first Flip-type camera. Yes! It not only has Sanyo's expertise, it also has a 3X optical zoom and dual-mics that look like shoulder pads.

The price for the VPC-PD2BK is only $170 (right in line with the rest of the pocket cameras), and can do 1080P at 30FPS. It takes 10-megapixel photos, stereo sound recording, flash, SD/SDHC/SDXC card compatible, measures 2.48 x 0.87 x 4.36 and weighs 3.7 ounces. The 3X optical zoom also sets it apart, even if it does make the back look a bit unbalanced and cyborgy.

That Sanyo is getting into the cheaper camcorder space is exciting, even if the space is slowly being squeezed out by higher and higher quality smartphone video recording. Even still, it's going to be a while before you can get this level of quality on a smartphone. [Sanyo]

Only Chen发言于2010.07.29 11:23:21 AM

Even Karate-Mad Hermits Can't Resist Owning Cellphones In Japan

Even Karate-Mad Hermits Can't Resist Owning Cellphones In JapanI thought hermits kept busy plastering windows with newspaper and collecting Pot Noodle cups. This Japanese hermit, while burying himself in the hills and practicing nunchuck skillz, has his own website and answers phonecalls—while being interviewed on TV.

At 68 years of age, the Japanese hermit moves faster and has better eyesight than any of us, probably due to the fact he is a former karate champ. 16 years ago he moved to the Aichi prefecture of Japan to become a hermit, but as shown in this crazy Japanese TV segment about him, he just can't give up communicating with the outside world. I feel his pain. [Heiseisennin via Japan Probe]

Only Chen发言于2010.07.20 08:59:09 AM
購買智慧手機,我個人的先決條件是收發訊及網路要暢通,這是手機溝通與雲端運算的必要條件,其次才是Panel的影像品質與造型設計問題,如HTC與Nokia的天線收發訊號品質就不錯!!而iPad我倒希望有iPhone 4 Panel的影像品質.
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