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Taiwan Mobile 5G Super Alliance Takes Shape

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 籃貫銘 報導】   2019年08月01日 星期四


TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan Mobile announced the formation of a “5G Super Alliance” together with hundreds of partners including HTC, Quanta, Accton, Alpha Networks, and Gemtek Ltd. More importantly, in the future the alliance will advance into the international market, and in addition to entering the market with components and equipment, the alliance expects to create a trillion-yuan industry through the development of 5G applications.


Taiwan Mobile yesterday at Xinzhuang Baseball Stadium announced the formal establishment of a “5G Alliance” with hundreds of partners, including telecommunications equipment suppliers, mobile phone manufacturers, application platform and service providers, and innovation and R&D teams participating in the conference.

Taiwan Mobile President Jamie Lin stated that Taiwan is entering the new 5G generation, and there will be revolutionary changes in both people's lives and the overall industry chain. Taiwan Mobile is striving to become a platform which links hundreds and even thousands of collaborating partners, and it will progress from the mere points, lines, and surfaces of single enterprises or supply chains into a large-scale comprehensive structural body. Furthermore, the alliance will construct a complete 5G ecosystem, and though the mentality of having the group alliance compete in an international cup competition, the alliance will make Taiwan the home field of 5G.

(TR/ Phil Sweeney)

關鍵字: 5g  Taiwan Mobile 
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