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ZADAK and NVIDIA Team up at Taipei Game Show 2019

【CTIMES/SmartAuto 報導】   2019年01月25日 星期五


TAIPEI, Taiwan - ZADAK, in association with NVIDIA Taiwan, wowed visitors at the opening of the Taipei Game Show 2019, presenting a scratch build from up and coming Taiwanese modder AK. Inspired by the popular Fallout 76 PC game, the Pip-Boy mod is composed of leather, aluminum and 3D-printed acrylics. It marks the first collaboration between ZADAK and NVIDIA Taiwan, showcasing the flagship MAOB II Water-cooled PC from ZADAK, and the latest NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti gaming graphics card.


The scratch build is AK’s take on the Pip-Boy 2000 Mark VI, with ZADAK hardware taking the place of the screen. Just like the real thing, it features twistable knobs, leather detailing, exposed wiring and vacuum tubing.

“I feel honored to be invited by NVIDIA Taiwan and ZADAK to attempt this kind of custom modding project, especially as NVIDIA and ZADAK are two of my favorite brands,” commented AK. “I chose the Fallout 76 theme as Pip-Boy is instantly recognizable to gamers and the MOAB II PC case fits the Mark VI concept perfectly.”

The MOAB II is a remarkable piece of craftsmanship from the ZADAK team by a like-minded group of engineers, designers, and modders to offer gaming enthusiasts a custom-built PC experience. Dubbed the Mother of All Bombs, the water-cooled PC cleverly removes the need for pesky hardline tubing by using an inner aluminum structure and water distribution plate to rapidly circulate the coolant, effectively acting as a giant heatsink. Gone are the days of cracked, leaking tubes and fiddly tube-bending with the MOAB II.

A built-in, real-time display allows users to keep close tabs on water temperature and voltages - a must when you’re dealing with high-performance hardware like the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti and Intel Core i7 9900k CPU. Smooth operation is ensured by a specially developed 240mm radiator and the innovative MOAB M.2 RGB heat spreader which combines two types of aluminum finishes to provide fantastic heat dissipation. Combined with the ZADAK SHIELD RGB DDR4 3200MHz 16GB memory modules, this unique build offers blistering performance on hardcore games such as Fallout 76.

關鍵字: PC  Gaming  ZADAK  NVIDIA 
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