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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.28 11:48:19 AM
文章主题: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!

Nissan Leaf gets early review: you might just forget its an eccentric electric car

It still won't be widely available until 2012, but Nissan's Leaf is already leaking out to a few select media outlets. Our comrades over at Autoblog managed to get behind the wheel of the all-electric whip down in San Jose, and while they didn't find anything that changed the admittedly developing game, what they did find was a solid, refined EV that's "ready for primetime." They were quick to praise the design, which doesn't scream "oddball" like some of the earlier electric automobiles. As for the ride? That was deemed "suitably smooth," while the interior was found to be "a few degrees better than what you'd find in an economy car of similar size." In fact, the overriding tone of the review was one of unsurprised satisfaction, with critics noting that the "gadgetry is impressive, but no more so than some of the hybrid options available from Nissan's competitors," and in the end, the Leaf doesn't aim to "change the driving experience, just change the method of motivation." Hit the source link for the full skinny.
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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.29 11:07:49 AM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!


Evatran's Plugless Power Station Will Wirelessly Charge Electric Cars

Evatran's Plugless Power Station Will Wirelessly Charge Electric CarsEvatran's Plugless Power Station hopes to juice electric cars by sending charges wirelessly. Pull up, park and its power station will handle the rest. No plugging in necessary.

The whole system works by attaching an adapter (about the size of a shoebox) to the car and having it come really close—two inches close—to the power station's parking block (presumably, in your garage). Basically, you'll have to become a master of inching your car up to the exact spot to get the invisible juices flowing.

Sadly, the Plugless Power Station isn't exactly 100% effective (it's currently at only 80% efficiency and hopes to be 90% effective on launch). So in a way, it's a little counterproductive to an electric car's purpose. But hey, it's no wires! Evatran hopes to release the Plugless Power Station by April 2011. [AutoBlog via Fast Company]

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.30 10:55:24 AM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!

台灣之光:必翔電動車銷全球 供太空梭電池














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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.30 11:50:13 AM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!

The state of the electric automobile, in pictures

You've heard the announcements. You know the specs. You may even be able to guess how the showdown will play out. But unless you were in San Jose, California, this week for Plug-In 2010, you've probably never seen six contenders for our future electric vehicle dollars all in one room. We hopped in our late-80s gas guzzler and hit the show floor in your stead, snapping enough pictures of the Leaf, Volt, Focus, Prius PHEV, fortwo Electric Drive, and the i MiEV to give you a virtual tour. See what we saw after the break.

Chevy Volt

Pricing for the Chevy Volt was certainly big news at the show, but the rest is old hat at this point; click through to the gallery for some additional pics of the design and the portable 120V charger, but for the rest you'd best refer to our test drive. $41,000 (or $350 a month to lease) buys you a PHEV that can travel 40 miles on battery alone.

Smart fortwo electric drive (cabriolet)

We'd long heard that Smart would bring its Tesla-powered fortwo to the States, but we've never been quite sure when it would arrive, so it's most pleasing to hear October will see the launch of Daimler's miniature electric drive. 250 vehicles will be available for four-year lease at the surprisingly steep price of $599 a month, allowing consumers the chance to enjoy the electric vehicle's 83-mile range (and curse the 60 MPH top speed) well before a planned 2012 general release.

Toyota's plug-in Prius Hybrid

Toyota's plug-in Prius was on display at Plug-In 2010, but we also came across a special treat -- a presentation by the company's Monique Richard that explains just how the extra-electrified version works. Sadly, the car won't arrive till 2011, we still have no word on price, and the 150 units destined for the US have been completely spoken for. However, we were told the vehicle now has an estimated 13 mile all-electric range, plus a slightly different GPS, and -- because batteries take up the spare tire spot -- the car will ship with run-flats.

Nissan Leaf

The Nissan Leaf was front and center at Plug-In 2010, and it wasn't hard to see why -- the automaker obviously invested quite a bit in the booth, and far more in the vehicle's lovely modern design. See it inside and out, then read what a Leaf is like to drive.

Ford Focus Electric

This Ford Focus Electric was just passing the time at Coulomb's booth, with nary a Ford representative in sight; when we tried to peek inside, we were shushed away before we could tell if the floor model held a MyFord touchscreen.

Mitsubishi i MiEV

Mitsubishi's poor i-MiEV, meanwhile, never seems to get a break -- once destined to cruise the sunkissed California coast, these days the poor creature gets relegated to vehicular charging tests (like those conducted by Eaton, who showcased a 30-minute rapid EV charger at the event) or Tokyo taxi service. Though we've heard a US production version may still appear this year or next, the two at Eaton's booth were most definitely still right-hand drive.
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.30 11:54:21 AM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!

Think City electric car gets bigger American batteries for bigger American roads

Think City electric car gets bigger American batteries for bigger American roads
The electric Think City has been targeting an American release for well over two years now but, like many EVs, those dates just kept on 'a slipping. Now the cars are finally starting to hit the colonies and, as a reward for the wait, we're receiving models with more powerful batteries. The cells are supplied by Indiana-based Ener1, a new lithium-manganese pack that offers 25kWh. Those cells are said to double the car's previous expected range, up to 100 miles from 50, yet still recharge in a scant four hours -- if you're using a 240v plug. The folks at Green Car Advisor managed a maximum of 68mph in the two-seater and, driving in a decidedly non-eco-minded way, managed 43.5 miles with 38 percent left, giving an estimated 75 miles for those with leaden right foots. That, at least, is promising, and while a $28,000 MSRP is rather a bitter pill, it's a good bit cheaper (though smaller) than the Nissan Leaf. And don't forget that Uncle Sam would be happy to knock at least a few grand off of that price, too.
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.08.02 12:18:52 PM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!

Nissan's Forest AC air conditioner will megadose on Vitamin C, moisturize your skin

Believe it or not, grapeseed polyphenol filters and plasmacluster ions aren't just off-the-shelf snake oil plug-ins for your auto's 12V socket -- they're par for the course in Nissan's Fuga hybrid. So when the Japanese automaker says its future cars will pump Vitamin C into the air to help hydrate human flesh, well -- we take the company at its word. Also on the docket: chairs with seat warmers and folding leg rests, and speedometers that will happily remind you of your impending wedding anniversary as you barrel down the highway. "We want drivers to feel that they are healthier staying in the car instead of on the outside," a Nissan engineer told AFP. We think that says it all, folks.
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.08.30 10:56:21 AM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!



豐田汽車的普銳斯混合動力汽車以其環保的設計贏得了不少消費者的青睞,但正是因為普銳斯以電力為主能源的環保動力設計,所以汽車行駛時所發出的聲音也很小,容易被行人,尤其是盲人忽略,從而帶來不少危險。正是因此,豐田公司計劃於 8月30日開始,在日本市場推出一款與普銳斯環保汽車配套安裝的行人警示設備,讓普銳斯汽車在行駛時能發出與普通汽車相當,同時不會過於惱人的音效,以提醒路旁的行人注意來往車輛。


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.08.30 10:59:42 AM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!













官網 : http://www.buckeyebullet.com/press.html

來自俄亥俄州州立大學的學生製造了這輛子彈頭電動汽車,車身採用符合空氣動力學的流線型造型,配合功能強勁的鋰電池供電系統,使得時速可以高達每小時 291英里,幾乎超越了所有的超級跑車。雖然這輛汽車目前還不適於量產,但隨著技術的更新和安全係數的提高,相信有一天它會逐步普及的。
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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.06 09:36:07 AM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!












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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.09 10:57:22 AM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!

Hyundai working on Hydrogen-powered Cars

Hyundai just announce that they will be rolling out their hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in 2012. Two years is still a long way but Hyundai is still working on the technology so we’ve got not much details yet.

Automotive company is expecting to sell a thousand units of their FCEV in 2013 and 10,000 units by 2015.


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.14 11:41:11 AM
文章主题: Re: Electric Car 及 Connected Car是趨勢!!

The Electric Car That Doesn't Need to Be Charged

The Electric Car That Doesn't Need to Be Charged

This car—built by students at the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences—doesn't need charging. It is powered by energy sucked straight from the road, using electric induction. Like the Powermat gadget chargers, but in motion.

The E-Quickie is like a full-scale slot racer but without rails. It doesn't need to be in contact with any metallic surface because it gets the energy through induction, sucking it from electrical conductors embedded on the road itself.

The Electric Car That Doesn't Need to Be Charged

While the car is too small and slow—only 31MPH—it shows promise. Their tests have been a success and now they are working to make it lighter and reduce the energy consumption. [Automotto via Gizmag]


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