CTIMES / 社群討論 / 半導體

来自: 中国
文章: 2

发 表 于: 2008.12.12 08:53:54 AM
文章主题: IEEE光學與光電子學國際研討會徵文(SOPO2009) zl
The International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO2009)
                            Call for Papers
                 Wuhan, China   August 14-16,2009
This symposium is sponsored by IEEE Laser & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS),
the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE) and Wuhan University.
The conference proceedings will be published by IEEE. All the papers accepted
will be included in the IEEE Xplore and indexed by Ei Compendex. For more
information, please contact : sopo@srpublishing.org
   Laser Technology and Applications
   Optical Communication and Sensors
   Optical Storage and Technologies
   Optoeletronic Devices and Integration
   Medical and Biological Applications
The conference will be held in Wuhan, on the banks of the Yangtze River where
the Three Gorges Dams are located.
检视会员个人资料个人资料 回复文章 回顶端
研究:新兴市场需求推动二手智慧手机价格上扬 供应短缺成挑战
恩智浦整合UWB雷达与安全测距晶片 推动自动化工业物联网应用
大同智能携手京元电子 签订绿电长约应对碳有价
ASML助制造商简化工序、提高产能 盼2025年降每片晶圆用电30~35%
机械公会百馀会员续挺半导体 SEMICON共设精密机械专区
STM32MP25系列MPU加速边缘AI应用发展 开启嵌入式智慧新时代
STM32 MCU产品线再添新成员 STM32H7R/S与STM32U0各擅胜场
STM32WBA系列推动物联网发展 多协定无线连接成效率关键
开启边缘智能新时代 ST引领AI开发潮流
ST以MCU创新应用技术潮流 打造多元解决方案
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