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討論 專欄 主題﹕iPhone你是支什麼樣的手機?

Korbin Lan
來自: 台北市
文章: 213

發 表 於: 2007.07.02 09:17:55 AM
文章主題: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?


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Wills Hwang
來自: 台北市
文章: 74

發 表 於: 2007.07.03 09:16:51 AM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?


500,000 iPhones sold so far -- but can Apple keep up?

No matter how you slice it, moving 500,000 units of any product during its inaugural weekend launch is big. According to Gene Munster, analyst at Piper Jaffray, that's exactly what Apple's iPhone managed to pull off. After originally expecting Apple to sell "only" 200,000 iPhones on Friday and Saturday, he's now estimating that Apple sold a half-million iPhones from start of sales at 6pm on Friday until close of business on Sunday even with supply issues at AT&T store. According to their survey, 95% of buyers purchased the 8GB model with 50% of all buyers making the switch from another carrier to AT&T. Great news right? Maybe, but in a potentially worrying trend, Apple is showing a marked decrease in iPhone availability at their retail locations this morning. While stores showed a 100% iPhone availability (they don't break it down by 4GB and 8GB models) on Saturday which dropped to 84% on Sunday, Apple's retail channel is showing a further decline in availability for Monday across Apple's brick and mortar retail business. In particular, Californians not living in San Francisco will have a tough time locating the device with 34 of 36 stores bleeding red on Apple's retail locator site -- a potential supply problem especially if AT&T shops remain void of product. Sure, you can still order on-line albeit with that same 2-4 week delivery delay we've seen since day 1.

Update: Global Equities Research claims 525,000 iPhones were sold through Sunday. A quick calculation shows that only 61% of Apple's 164 stores are stocked with iPhones for today or 23% fewer than yesterday.
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來自: 台中縣市
文章: 90

發 表 於: 2007.07.03 09:18:14 AM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?




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來自: 台中縣市
文章: 90

發 表 於: 2007.07.03 09:20:22 AM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?


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來自: 台中縣市
文章: 90

發 表 於: 2007.07.03 09:48:41 AM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?



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Hong Yi
來自: 台北市
文章: 64

發 表 於: 2007.07.04 04:36:17 PM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?
iPhone的主要零件供應者,在許多高科技玩家的拆解下,已經揭曉了,其中最大贏家的零件供應商是韓國的Samsung,他提供iPhone的核心處理器,又提供主要記憶儲存裝置Nand flash,而Intel則是提供Nor flash。其他還有Broadcom, TI, Infineon, Skywork與Linear等。以下是美聯社的新聞摘要:

Those that released detailed descriptions of the iPhone's innards included sites such as ThinkSecret.com and iFixit.com as well as research companies Portelligent and Semiconductor Insights. Several analysts also published the results of their own tear-downs.

Based on the results, one of the biggest winners is South Korean chip maker Samsung Electronics Co., which is making the main microprocessor used to run the phone's operating system and various applications. Samsung, the world's largest memory chip manufacturer, is also making a type of memory called NAND flash for the iPhone.

Santa Clara-based Intel, the world's largest semiconductor company, is supplying another form of memory, called NOR flash, according to various research firms.

Intel is in the process of unloading its troubled unit that makes the memory, which is primarily used in cell phones, amid fears about its long-term viability with the rise of NAND flash, a cheaper alternative that's commonly found in digital cameras and music players.



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來自: 台中縣市
文章: 90

發 表 於: 2007.07.05 09:55:29 AM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?



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來自: 台中縣市
文章: 90

發 表 於: 2007.07.05 11:10:01 AM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?




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來自: 高雄/屏東縣市
文章: 1

發 表 於: 2007.07.12 09:31:07 AM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?

因為後半年的蘋果將遇到棘手的對手如: HTC 、 Samsung ...等大廠,也已經或即將推出與 iPhone 抗衡的產品。可想而知,受益的還是消費者啦!誰會希望以後全球的人類使用的手機清一色都是蘋果呢?
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來自: 台中縣市
文章: 90

發 表 於: 2007.07.19 11:13:50 AM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?
觸控大螢幕 打破 Smartphone 慣例
Apple 果然夠絕!當 iPhone 現身會場,立即向全球為 iPhone 設計過的人潑了冷水,再次證明:Apple 的產品設計不是任何人可以隨便猜得到的。iPhone 有著不同於一般手機的設計,首先是當今最熱的鏡面,它的超大觸控螢幕達 3.5 吋,但使用與 MOTO K1 相近的玻璃材質,看起來非常高貴,只是 115 x 61 mm 的機身並不算小。

甚有分量的 iPhone,厚度只有 11.6 mm 薄,僅重 135 克,比一般智慧手機還要薄,迎合手機「瘦身」的潮流。機背擁有二百萬畫素相機,大家不用擔心 Apple 過份重視音樂而忘記了最熱門的行動影像需求。




Steve Jobs 表示,時下的 Smartphone 用 QWERTY 鍵盤、用手寫筆操控,全部不夠 User-Firendly,Apple 認為手指才是最易用的操控介面,所以創造出 Multi Touch 技術,除了返回主頁的 Home 外,其他全部以手指操控。

iPhone 的 Multi Touch 不只是點、寫、按這麼簡單,你可以用單指按壓控制,或是用兩隻手指撐開、收攏畫面以達到縮放圖像目的,只要善用雙手即可隨心所欲操控。


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Hong Yi
來自: 台北市
文章: 64

發 表 於: 2007.07.19 12:06:09 PM
文章主題: Re: 你覺得iPhone的銷售能達到官方預測的1000萬支嗎?


Japan unveils iPhone killer



Ever since Steve Jobs announced the coming of the God Phone in January, industry analysts started taking bets on which cell-phone manufacturer would meet the Apple challenge first. My money has been on Samsung, the new electronics leader in Asia, who has recently been besting Sony at every turn. But an unlikely player called Sophia Mobile has stepped up to challenge Jobs' creation with a device called the Nani.

In Japanese, "nani" (literally translated means "what?") is usually what you'd say to someone taking on Cupertino's favorite hippie-mogul. But Nani has a few things going for it: a large, 4.3-inch touchscreen (yes, a touchscreen!), video playback at 800 x 400 pixels, a MicroSD card slot, Wi-Fi capability, a camera and a TV tuner. Is this the iPhone killer? In Japan… maybe.

The odd thing about the Japanese cell-phone market is that despite the country's love affair with Western pop culture, few Japanese consumers go out of their way to acquire electronics from the U.S. and Europe. Finland-based Nokia learned that lesson firsthand, getting repeatedly spanked over the years by the Japanese market, but the case for the iPhone isn't as bleak. Apple has stores in Japan's central hubs of Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Sapporo and Fukuoka, and the iPhone has a huge cool-factor advantage. Unfortunately, the other Apple advantage — unending hype from high-profile Apple zombies like The Wall Street Journal's Walt Mossberg and The New York Times' David Pogue — isn't something the iPhone can count on in Japan.

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