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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.25 11:30:31 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Rescue concept vehicle

CARV concept vehicle

Carv rescue concept

Rescue Carv concept

CARV : Future Mountain Rescue Vehicle That No Rescue Team Should Be Without

This is a very interesting concept, that no rescue team should exist without. The designer, Matt Hardman, designed the CARV to be both useful in summer and winter scenarios. The vehicle is inspired from existing snowmobile design, the steel banded rubber track system, teamed up with air suspension provide the perfect combination of handling and riding. The suspension and the shape of the vehicle enable it to overcome any extreme environment, steep hills and deep snow, with ease. This stunning rescue vehicle is powered by a 2.0 liter diesel electric hybrid engine, making it also Eco friendly and creating a strong bond between the rescue team and the alpine ecosystem. The electricity is provided by the solar panels on top of the vehicle. The engine being a hybrid, helps the rescuers drive the CARV in compact snow without the risk of triggering an avalanche due to the low, almost non-existing engine vibrations.

The interesting feature is casualties transport. The casualties are strapped into a stretcher  at the rear of the vehicle, which can be loaded in and out using a winch system. Due to the GPS tracking beacon system along side which the CARV operates, and which is currently built in the lift pass system, the rescue response is cut drastically and it allows anyone in need of help to send a distress call instantly. The CARV will make the difference between life and death in the future rescue operations.

Designer : Matt Hardman

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.25 11:34:51 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

 Vitals Monitoring System Helps Medical Staff Remotely Monitor Patients Vital Signs


The designer, Dan Bishop, found a solution for crowded hospitals with lack of medical staff. The Vital Monitoring System allows the medical staff to remotely view the vital signs of the patient under their care without having to be in the same location. The device helps the doctors care for more patients than normal. This amazing device is easy to carry around as it can be strapped on the wrist of the patient, and it is designed to check the body temperature, the pulse rate and the blood pressure. The data is transferred wirelessly to a digital chart for later review and access.

In case that the patient’s vital signs change significantly, the Vital Monitoring System lets the health care provider know immediately, so that appropriate medical care can be administered. This helps make the patient more comfortable and place less of a burden on the medical staff charged with their care.

Designer: Dan Bishop

vital monitor system

vital monitoring system

vital monitor system concept

monitoring system

monitoring system concept

concept vitals monitor

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.25 11:44:44 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Eolo Urban Transportation Bus Can Purify The Air By Removing Toxic Elements Emitted By Cars


What can be better for us when one of the most air polluting agents, vehicles on street, become the key of air purifier? The Eolo bus aids the environment by cleaning the fine particles from the air emitted by cars, while providing a compact and functional urban transport system for small cities. This electric bus features four-wheel steering, each containing electric motors, powered with nano-titanium anode batteries and contains filters to clean the particulate matters from the air. With this compact and beautifully designed public bus, the future streets as well as the environment are envisioned to be cleaner and more space-efficient.

Designer : Krassi Dimitrov







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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.25 11:50:00 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

O3 : The Product You Don’t Want To Have!(個人活氧裝置系統)


O3, a personal survival oxygen unit,  is designed to grow awareness of the potential natural disaster and the current environmental situation among mass people. The concept aims to provide sustainable oxygen support to mankind if a situation comes when artificial production and distribution of oxygen becomes a must to live in the massively polluted environment. Being a personal oxygen production unit, this gadget includes compressed oxygen refill units which is exchangeable through local oxygen supplier and contains an individual easy-to-carry mouthpiece. The refill unit incorporates a flexible and washable membrane that can be adjusted according to the user’s lips and controlling the oxygen flow is done by twisting the refill unit. Even though the product is very much innovative and functional, no one would like to have this due to the extreme environmental situation it has been designed for.

Designer : DesignAffairs STUDIO

O3 Personal Survival Oxygen Unit

O3 Personal Survival Oxygen Unit

O3 Personal Survival Oxygen Unit

O3 Personal Survival Oxygen Unit

O3 Personal Survival Oxygen Unit

O3 Personal Survival Oxygen Unit

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.25 11:57:04 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Mobile Hospital Features Every Aspect of A Hospital With Lot More Functionalities


The mobile hospital is an innovative concept hospital design that incorporates 58 fully functional trailers, making place for 48 fully mobile beds along with other aspects like surgical suits, pharmacies, labs and gift shops. This futuristic health care design caters different medical requirements in different fully equipped trailers and the entire clinic can be moved from one place to another in about 2 to 3 days only to make health services available in any part of the country. The hospital system not only features almost every sector of medical services, also a helipad is there to support air transport for emergency patients.

mobile hospital

mobile hospital

mobile hospital

mobile hospital

mobile hospital

mobile hospital

mobile hospital

Additional Information from the designers:


Overall Healthcare Facility: 55,380 SF
Entry Lobby, Waiting, Gift Shop: 3,015 SF
On-Call Suite: 5,025 SF
- includes mens and womens shower units, mens and womens on-call rooms, and a doctor’s lounge.
Cafeteria, Kitchen and Servery: 4,020 SF
- does not include 2,190 SF dining patio.
Acute Care In-Patient Services: 10,050 SF
- services 48 patient beds.
Emergency Department: 5,025 SF
- includes two trauma bays, and 8 urgent care beds.
Pharmacy: 1,005 SF
Administration/Admitting: 2,010 SF
Labs/Phlebotomy: 2,010 SF
ICU Suite: 3,015 SF
- includes 8 patient beds.
Imaging Suite: 5,025 SF
- includes an MRI, CT Scan, Mammo., and X-Ray (Radiology).
Surgical Suite: 7,035 SF
- includes 4 O.R.s, 4 Pre-Op beds and 4 Recovery beds.
Materials Mgmt / Central Sterile: 3,845 SF
Ambulance Entry: 725 SF
Restricted Corridor: 1,245 SF
Public Corridors: 2,330 SF


50 double expandable units
1 single expandable unit
7 linkage corridors.


The building block of advanced mobile healthcare -
Shipping Dimensions: 8′-0″W x 52′-0″L
Shipping Volume: 3,385 cubic feet
Expanded Dimensions: 22′-0″W x 52′-0″L
Expanded Volume: 7,480 cubic feet
5-unit suite Shipping Volume: 16,925 cubic feet
5-unit suite Expanded Volume: 37,400 cubic feet
5-unit suite square footage: 4,738 square feet

Designer : Hord Coplan Macht and Spevco via [Archdaily]



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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.25 12:02:44 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Sidewinder SCBA : A Next Generation Equipment For Convenient Functioning Of Firefighters

The Sidewinder concept is a Self Contained Breathing Apparatus or SCBA that has been specially designed for firefighters with the ability of a wider field of vision and movement. This innovative mask features a regulator that can retract the air tube over the shoulder, reducing snag points. Additionally, this concept comprises voice amplifier, flashlight and heads up display for providing more information, ensuring better functioning of the firefighters. The design features a GPS system to alert firefighters about an injured coworker and show directions to exit or a particular area. Also, the harness has been changed to enable firefighters to glide through tiny openings without the need of removing their harness.

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.26 03:45:57 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠





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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.26 04:11:24 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠
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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.27 10:55:57 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

現代也有許多生物與基因、食品改造、合成科技,也有隱藏的危機在。很多都是違反自然法則的結果。科技研發是要和自然衝撞或和諧?當經濟與環保無法並行時,經濟重或環保重?值得省思 !!

我個人是採用 與自然和諧及自然環保重的角度出發!

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.30 11:04:19 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠







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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.30 12:12:44 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Scheme to 'pull electricity from the air' sparks debate

Lightning and wind turbing The claim of electricity from the air as a renewable resource is controversial

Tiny charges gathered directly from humid air could be harnessed to generate electricity, researchers say.

Dr Fernando Galembeck told the American Chemical Society meeting in Boston that the technique exploited a little-known atmospheric effect.

Tests had shown that metals could be used to gather the charges, he said, opening up a potential energy source in humid climates.

However, experts disagree about the mechanism and the scale of the effect.

"The basic idea is that when you have any solid or liquid in a humid environment, you have absorption of water at the surface," Dr Galembeck, from the University of Campinas in Brazil, told BBC News.

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"The work I'm presenting here shows that metals placed under a wet environment actually become charged."

Dr Galembeck and his colleagues isolated various metals and pairs of metals separated by a non-conducting separator - a capacitor, in effect - and allowed nitrogen gas with varying amounts of water vapour to pass over them.

What the team found was that charge built up on the metals - in varying amounts, and either positive or negative. Such charge could be connected to a circuit periodically to create useful electricity.

The effect is incredibly small - gathering an amount of charge 100 million times smaller over a given area than a solar cell produces - but seems to represent a means of charge accumulation that has been overlooked until now.

Dr Galembeck suggests that with further development, the principle could be extended to become a renewable energy resource in humid parts of the world, such as the tropics.

Charged debate

However, while the prospect of free electricity from the air is tantalising, the prospect of harnessing enough of it to be widely useful is still a matter of some debate.

Hywel Morgan of the University of Southampton says that a similar effect has been known for some time; he points out that tribocharging - the generation of charge by rubbing wool over amber or water droplets over water droplets - is the origin of thunderstorms.

Start Quote

There have been many attempts to harness electricity from the atmosphere and most had bad endings”

End Quote Francesco Galembeck University of Campinas

"What we think is happening is he's pumping the water vapour across his capacitor and during the pumping mechanism, tribocharging the water vapour."

That would result in a charge, but would not be the same as simply pulling the charge from still, wet air.

Marin Soljacic, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology physicist behind a wireless power transmission technology, known as Witricity, disagrees.

He calls the paper "very interesting" and "a good area of research".

He concurs, however, that the amount of charge gathered in the initial tests suggests the effect may be difficult to put to good use, saying that "at this point it is far-fetched to see how it could be used for everyday applications".

"It really warrants future research and understanding what all the limitations of this are, how far it can go," he told BBC News.

"[Prof Morgan] is right that a similar and closely-related effect is known to exist, but we're very pressed for finding new sources of renewable energy, [so] I think it's a bit early to discard this research."

Dr Galembeck is familiar with the controversy that this kind of work generates, saying that disagreement about the mechanism behind it forms "the motif for bitter discussions among scientists".

"There have been many attempts to harness electricity from the atmosphere and most had bad endings."

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