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討論 專欄 主題﹕Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.12 10:28:36 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段


SAN JOSE, Calif. – A federal judge says a monopoly abuse lawsuit against Apple Inc. and AT&T Inc.'s mobile phone unit can move forward as a class action.
The lawsuit consolidates several filed by iPhone buyers starting in late 2007, a few months after the first generation of Apple's smart phone went on sale.
An amended complaint filed in June 2008 takes issue with Apple's practice of "locking" iPhones so they can only be used on AT&T's network, and its absolute control over what applications iPhone owners can and cannot install on the gadgets.
The lawsuit also says Apple secretly made AT&T its exclusive iPhone partner in the U.S. for five years. Consumers agreed to two-year contracts with the Dallas-based wireless carrier when they purchased their phones, but were in effect locked into a five-year relationship with AT&T, the lawsuit argued.
The actions hurt competition and drove up prices for consumers, the lawsuit claims.
Apple and AT&T have not commented on the terms of their deal. In its response to the complaint, Cupertino, California-based Apple said it did not hurt competition.
In court documents filed July 8, Judge James Ware of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California said parts of the lawsuit that deal with violations to antitrust law can continue as a class action. The class includes anyone who bought an iPhone with a two-year AT&T agreement since the device first went on sale in June 2007.
Apple has sold more than 50 million iPhones in the last three years. The company does not specify how many have gone to U.S. customers.
Ware dismissed other claims against Apple, among them allegations that the company broke laws when an update to the iPhone's operating software caused some phones to stop working and deleted programs that users had purchased.
The lawsuit seeks an injunction to keep Apple from selling locked iPhones in the U.S. and from determining what iPhone programs people can install. It also seeks damages to cover legal fees and other costs. 
Judge OKs iPhone class action against Apple, AT&T 
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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.12 10:32:55 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Locate Dropped, Cracked iPhone 4's Faster with This Glowing Decal

This handy iPhone 4 decal does double duty as an antenna-protecting film and a glow stick. You know, just in case that reception issue persists, you chuck it into a dark closet and need to find it in a pinch.



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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.07.13 09:50:16 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

iPort Control Mount Series is for the iPad and iPhone

Here’s another accessory for the iPad you’d love to install in your room. No, it’s not another iPad protective case but a special mount called the iPort Control Mount Series. This can also be used for the iPod touch and the iPhone as it’s a simple wall-mountable frame.

With the iPort Control Mount Series, anyone can control the music or temperature using the iPhone apps.

Models CM100 and CM2000 cost about $250 and $499, respectively.

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.13 10:53:21 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

New iPod touch: 3.2MP camera primed

Talk of five megapixels coming to iPod touch crushed.
The new iPod touch has fast become the main grist to the Apple rumour mill in recent days. And now one source says the mooted five megapixel camera is not coming to Cupertino’s top end PMP.
Insiders have told 9to5mac that the camera on the iPod touch will in fact only be 3.2 megapixels, with ‘similar characteristics’ to that found on the iPhone 3GS. That also suggests there won’t be an LED flash either.


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.13 10:57:14 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Reports: iOS 4 upgrade kills old iPhones’ Wi-Fi

Consumer Reports 'can't recommend' new iPhone


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.13 10:59:12 AM
文章主題: Re : Re : Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
Only Chen 提到:
Tommy Chung 提到:

 New Apps Turn Your iPhone 4's LED Flash Into a Flashlight (iPhone 4 LED Flashlight---蘋果允許第三方iPhone 4閃光燈軟體使用)



iPhone 4 Flash-light Apps可成iPhone LED手電筒與夜間攝影長時間曝光?



Light a bright idea for your iPhone 4

LED Light for iPhone 4 Free is a useful, must-have utility that turns your iPhone 4 into a working flashlight; it has become a bit of a cash cow for its creator as well. Developer Jason Ting revealed that his 9,000-download launch day made him almost $1,400 in ad revenue through Apple’s sanctioned iAds program. It’s unlikely that Ting will sustain these returns as downloads slow and initial use tapers, however his experience does bode well for other developers considering iAds.

The app itself is basic, but slick enough to warrant a download. Launching the app turns on the LED light automatically, and you can turn it off by tapping the giant center button. The lower button turns the light into a strobe, which you can change the speed of using the arrows at the bottom of the screen.

In Ting’s case, LED Light is a perfect test model for iAds. The function of the app only relies on two buttons and you never need to focus on the screen for extended amounts of time, so the iAds feed, which only appears every three minutes or so, is extremely easy to ignore. But if you’re still anti-ad, Ting does offer a 99-cent ad-free version of the app in the iTunes App Store.

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.13 11:25:43 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

The Slim Exolife iPhone 4 Case Will Give Your Battery a Boost

We don't know if your iPhone 4's battery life will really be doubled by the Exolife battery case, but at least we know that the case is slim, light, and will give your gadget a bit of a power boost.

The case weighs a reasonable 59 grams including the rechargeable Lithium polymer battery. It has a polycarbonate frame and an Illuminated power meter. It'll run you about $90 and should be available at the end of the month. [Exogear]

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.13 11:33:52 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

手機平台市佔率Android獨升,數月後將超越Windows OS搶下第3名



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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.13 11:45:36 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

HP's McKinney hints that a flexible display Palm device could happen

Speaking at MobileBeat in San Francisco today, HP's Phil McKinney chatted up the company's flexible display tech, which uses rugged Mylar-infused sheets similar to those found in solar panels and can display video while still being bistable the same way E Ink is -- in other words, it'll hold an image without power. Thankfully, this seems to be more than a pipe dream sitting in a lab somewhere, because McKinney went on to say that "these are the kinds of display technologies that will change what we think of in form factors, both in products from Palm with flexible displays, and with HP." In other words, it's entirely within the realm of reason to imagine a bendy webOS device that gingerly sips battery juice -- or stops sipping it altogether -- while you're reading the morning news. We wouldn't expect it any time soon, of course, but it's encouraging to hear a conservative industry behemoth like HP start to talk like this. In the meantime, can we just get a new Pre, guys?
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.07.14 09:35:39 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Apple Wins Graphics Tablet, Audio Command Patents and More

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.14 11:02:55 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Got an iPhone 4? You may need duct tape


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