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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.07.08 12:16:33 PM
文章主題: Bluetooth 4 規格釋出

Bluetooth 4 spec reduces energy consumption by 90%

Bluetooth has approved a next-gen spec that will allow future wireless devices to operate for years on just a tiny, button-sized battery.
According to Bluetooth SIG director Michael Foley, devices based on the new 4 spec are likely to consume nearly 90 percent less energy than current electronic items.
"[This] will enable a host of new uses for wireless products in everything from sports and fitness to healthcare and home entertainment," Foley explained in a blog post.
Some of the new devices envisioned by Foley include:

•Advanced fitness monitors - Capable of recording activity levels, heart rate, weight.

•Health sensors - Collect vital information such as pulse, temperature and blood glucose levels. Automatically sends the information to a mobile phone or PC, allowing doctors and other healthcare providers to monitor patients remotely.
Watches - Designed to control wireless headsets, mobile phones and other portable devices.
The first Bluetooth low energy devices are slated to be released this Fall, with a virtual "flood" expected in 2011.

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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.07.19 10:14:45 AM
文章主題: Re: Bluetooth 4 規格釋出

A New Docking Device from Apple Set to Simplify Bluetooth Pairing

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