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原廠/品牌: ACTEL 上架日期: 04/12
供應商: 大志科技 產品類別: FPGA

     Actel's IGLOO nano low-power FPGAs offer groundbreaking possibilities in power, size, lead-times, operating temperature, and cost. Available in logic densities from 10,000 to 250,000 gates, the 1.2 V to 1.5 V IGLOO nano devices have been designed for high-volume applications where power and size are key decision criteria. Priced competitively in the market, IGLOO nano devices are perfect ASIC or ASSP replacements, yet retain the historical FPGA advantages of flexibility and quick time-to-market in low-power and small footprint profiles.

零件編號 封裝 規格說明 單價 庫存 最小量 購量
AGLN010 AGLN010       洽詢 4 週 1 洽詢
AGLN020 AGLN020       洽詢 4 週 1 洽詢
Key Features
  • Ultra-low power in Flash*Freeze mode, as low as 2 µW
  • Variety of small footprint packages as small as 3x3 mm
  • Zero lead time on selected devices
  • Known good die supported
  • Enhanced commercial temperature
  • Many products under $0.99
  • Reprogrammable flash technology
  • 1.2 V to 1.5 V single voltage operation
  • Enhanced I/O features
  • Clock conditioning circuits (CCCs) and PLLs
  • Embedded SRAM and nonvolatile memory (NVM)
  • In-system programming (ISP) and security

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