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为一款统一基础的模块式自动化工具,值得推荐。-Yuma (2011.04.18)
一款 Windows 系统管理工具的集合集应用软件。-SysAdmin Tools from ITeF!x (2011.04.04)
一款 Windows 系统管理工具的集合集应用软件。
-DIASER (2010.10.20)
Distributed Internet Archive System for Educational Repositories. Quick and low-cost way to make an environment more robust and accessible by backing up data in multiple places. Based on DIAP technology. DIASER, Geo-data replication long-term archive system & WAN vault
-CILogon (2010.10.08)
The CILogon project facilitates secure access to Cyberinfrastructure (CI) via the community-driven development and support of the MyProxy, GridShib, and GSI-OpenSSH software. MyProxy manages credentials. GSI-OpenSSH provides single sign-on
-rssh (2010.08.02)
rssh is a restricted shell for use with OpenSSH, allowing only scp and/or sftp.
-HSCP (2010.06.15)
HSCP (Hybrid scp) is developing to transmit the large size file at high speed on the long distance and wideband infrastructure. It has achieved the fast transfer by changing the file transfer part of scp into the UDP (using UDT)
-GTCop openssh 4.7p1 gt (2008.08.10)
GTCop Professional Security Appliance aims to provide a powerful tool for satellite communications, with enhanced QoS and bandwidth controls. As derived from IPCop Firewall, it is a stable, secure, easy to configure and maintain GNU/Linux firewall box
-Secure and Remote Software Distribution 1.4.6 (2008.07.23)
SEREDS is a toolbox for secure distribution/replication of software/files on multiple platforms/systems. Perl, openssh and rsync are key components.
-Secure and Remote Software Distribution 2.1.0 (2008.03.04)
SEREDS is a toolbox for secure distribution/replication of software/files on multiple platforms/systems. Perl, openssh and rsync are key components.
整合一套软体与系统开发的各类实用语言、函式、OS、资料库、系统管理等工具集。-SoupToNuts: articles and software 2004 (2007.12.24)
-Secure and Remote Software Distribution 1.4.3 (2007.09.19)
SEREDS is a toolbox for secure distribution/replication of software/files on multiple platforms/systems. Perl, openssh and rsync are key components.
-CheckAccess CheckAccess 0.8.3 (2007.06.17)
CheckAccess is a PHP script to build a report of logins into a server. It currently supports OpenSSH, Proftpd, popa3d, ipop3d, dovecot and freeradius.
-WinSCP Plus WinscpplusDoc-rel-0.1 (2007.06.04)
WinSCP++ is a combination of and enhancement to WinSCP and Openssh. With WinSCP++, you may access your PCs as well as SFTP servers though standard WinSCP interface.
-Secure and Remote Software Distribution 1.4.2 (2007.03.01)
SEREDS is a toolbox for secure distribution/replication of software/files on multiple platforms/systems. Perl, openssh and rsync are key components.
-Secure and Remote Software Distribution 2.0.10 (2006.11.08)
SEREDS is a toolbox for secure distribution/replication of software/files on multiple platforms/systems. Perl, openssh and rsync are key components.
-Secure and Remote Software Distribution 2.0.8 (2006.07.03)
SEREDS is a toolbox for secure distribution/replication of software/files on multiple platforms/systems. Perl, openssh and rsync are key components.
-Secure and Remote Software Distribution 2.0.7 (2006.04.26)
SEREDS is a toolbox for secure distribution/replication of software/files on multiple platforms/systems. Perl, openssh and rsync are key components.
OpenBSD持续亏损 创始人呼吁企业赞助 (2006.03.24)
OpenBSD开发人员Marco Peereboom 21日于OpenBSD Journal期刊上发表文章表示,「过去两年OpenBSD已亏损约2万美元。并已严重影响到OpenBSD和OpenSSH的开发工作。」 OpenBSD创始人兼首席程序开发人员Theo de Raadt向ZDNet UK证实亏损数字无误,并表示OpenBSD和OpenSSH目前的收入大约10万美元,其中半数靠捐款赞助,另一半是产品销售所得
整合一套软体与系统开发的各类实用语言、函式、OS、资料库、系统管理等工具集。-SoupToNuts: articles and software stock (2006.03.06)
-Secure and Remote Software Distribution 2.0.5 (2006.01.21)
SEREDS is a toolbox for secure distribution/replication of software/files on multiple platforms/systems. Perl, openssh and rsync are key components.

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