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CTimes零组件杂志第228期(2010年10月号) (2010.11.08)
自动加密及解密的软件工具,支持密码保护、安全钥、公共密钥与私人密钥等-AutoKrypt 9.03 (2010.09.30)
Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段 (2010.05.10)
Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 (2010.05.05)
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠
-Powered Keylogger (2008.12.09)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-keyvil v.0.01 (2008.06.26)
a number of clients try to find a secret key by calculating the encryptions to all possible keys of a given key range and comparing them to the encryptin of the secret key until a matching one is detected....
实现完整的近距离无线通信体系 (2008.01.30)
-Powered Keylogger 2.2 (2007.11.03)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Powered Keylogger 2.1 (2007.05.26)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Powered Keylogger 2.0 (2007.02.03)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Powered Keylogger 1.60 (2006.08.26)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
扩大小型记忆卡新兴应用领域 (2006.07.06)
-Powered Keylogger 1.4 (2006.01.15)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Top Secret Crypto Gold 4.10.000 (2005.08.09)
Top Secret Crypto, a file and e-mail encryption program, maintains your communications privacy over the Internet. It incorporates RSA public key cryptography which uses the One Time Pad Encryption System as its conventional encryption algorithm
-Powered Keylogger 1.35 (2005.07.30)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
促进WLAN安全防护之简易网路​​设定方法 (2005.07.05)
-Powered Keylogger 1.30 (2005.03.19)
Powered Keylogger allows you to invisibly monitor all activity on your computer, including Internet usage, keystrokes, system keys, buttons pressed in DOS boxes, passwords, sent/received emails, desktop snapshots and more. The program comes with a built-in log viewer that allows you to review all logged information by category and date, with options to filter the logs based on several criteria
-Top Secret Crypto Gold 4.00.000 (2005.03.09)
Top Secret Crypto, a file and e-mail encryption program, maintains your communications privacy over the Internet. It incorporates RSA public key cryptography which uses the One Time Pad Encryption System as its conventional encryption algorithm
掌握消费特性 决胜DC市场 (2004.08.04)
Dan Vivoli认为,唯有深入分析并掌握市场上数字产品主流使用群之消费特性,才能研发更具竞争力的产品,并在生活数字化、数字生活化的DC市场趋势里事半功倍、日进千里
掌握消费特性 决胜DC市场 (2004.08.03)
Dan Vivoli认为,唯有深入分析并掌握市场上数位产品主流使用群之消费特性,才能研发更具竞争力的产品,并在生活数位化、数位生活化的DC市场趋势里事半功倍、日进千里

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2 意法半导体整合化高压功率级评估板 让马达驱动器更小且性能更强
3 Pilz多功能工业电脑IndustrialPI适用於自动化及传动技术
5 宜鼎推出DDR5 6400记忆体,具备同级最大64GB容量及全新CKD元件,助力生成式AI应用稳定扎根
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7 SCIVAX与Shin-Etsu Chemical联合开发全球最小的3D感测光源装置
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9 瑞萨全新RA8 MCU系列将Arm Cortex-M85处理器高效引入成本敏感应用
10 Flex Power Modules为AI资料中心提供高功率密度与效率的IBC系列

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