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鼎新数智更名携6大GAI助理亮相 提供一体化软硬体交付服务 (2024.11.19)
凯睿徳制造软件推出新一代的生产执行系统 (2009.10.05)
Critical Manufacturing(凯睿徳制造软件) 宣布推出新一代的生产执行系统。cmNavigo是拥有丰富互联网效益,提供给高科技制造业(半导体,太阳能和电子行业)使用的生产执行系统
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The Process Configurator is a tool that will provides an easy way to configure any Operating/Directional Business Process workflow for Business Manager or Company Owner's . It's easy to use and It's fully integrated with ERP System Adempiere/Compiere
-EBI Neutrino R1 (ERP / CRM System) EBI NeutrinoR1 Release 1.0 (2008.07.14)
EBI Neutrino ERP / CRM EBI Neutrino is a Framework for Enterprise Resource Planing (ERP) and Customer Relation Mangement(CRM) software solution that combines power of distribution, inventory, E-Commerce, accounting and workflow
-EBI Neutrino R1 (ERP / CRM System) EBI Neutrino R1 RC2 Release Candidate 2 (2008.04.30)
EBI Neutrino ERP / CRM EBI Neutrino is a Framework for Enterprise Resource Planing (ERP) and Customer Relation Mangement(CRM) software solution that combines power of distribution, inventory, E-Commerce, accounting and workflow
-EBI Neutrino R1 (ERP / CRM System) EBI NEUTRINO R1 RC1 (2008.02.02)
EBI Neutrino ERP / CRM EBI Neutrino is a Framework for Enterprise Resource Planing (ERP) and Customer Relation Mangement(CRM) software solution that combines power of distribution, inventory, E-Commerce, accounting and workflow
-MaxDev MDPro 1.0821 italiano (2008.01.30)
We're working to create a resource for professionals and active contributors where it will be developed: integration of Postnuke/eNvolution/Oscommerce and other CMS special version to manage E-Commerce, E-Learning, intranet, Workflow
盛达电业与鼎新计算机共同打造企业行动办公室 (2007.11.12)
全球主要网络通讯设备制造商-盛达电业股份有限公司为因应中小企业在行动办公室的需求与成长趋势,宣布与台湾企业资源规划(Enterprise Resources Planning; ERP)软件厂商-鼎新计算机策略联盟,针对使用鼎新ERP系统客户推出专属的SSL VPN远程安全联机系列产品–S5、S10及S20
-EBI Neutrino R1 (ERP / CRM System) EBI Neutrino R1 CRM BETA 1 (2007.10.27)
EBI Neutrino ERP / CRM EBI Neutrino is a Framework for Enterprise Resource Planing (ERP) and Customer Relation Mangement(CRM) software solution that combines power of distribution, inventory, E-Commerce, accounting and workflow
-MaxDev MDPro 1.082 (2007.09.29)
We're working to create a resource for professionals and active contributors where it will be developed: integration of Postnuke/eNvolution/Oscommerce and other CMS special version to manage E-Commerce, E-Learning, intranet, Workflow
具完整企业级功能与流程的ERP,CRM系统,包括电子商务,POS,库存,​​订单,客户管理,会计总帐等,相当齐全。-opentaps open source ERP+CRM opentaps ERP + CRM 1.0 (2007.07.21)
-myApps myApps-0.8.1-with-tomcat6 (2007.06.01)
myApps,an enterprise universal platform,facilitates non IT users to build IT solution flexibly by form desinger, workflow designer & report builder etc. MyApps can also collaborate with ERP systems by sharing master data,transaction data and processes
-Open ERP - Software Solution for all OpenERP_Version_0.5.1 (2007.04.30)
Open-ERP combines the power of HRMS, CRM, Inventory ,point of sales (POS), retailing, distribution, inventory, e-commerce, accounting, and workflow systems. Also some Industry Specific Modules for Milk producing, Courier & HR
具完整企业级功能与流程的ERP,CRM系统,包括电子商务,POS,库存,订单,客户管理,会计总帐等,相当齐全。-opentaps open source ERP+CRM Weekly Build for Developers (2007.04.24)
-MaxDev MDPro 1.80 italiano tar.gz (2007.03.29)
We're working to create a resource for professionals and active contributors where it will be developed: integration of Postnuke/eNvolution/Oscommerce and other CMS special version to manage E-Commerce, E-Learning, intranet, Workflow
具完整企业级功能与流程的ERP,CRM系统,包括电子商务,POS,库存,订单,客户管理,会计总帐等,相当齐全。-opentaps open source ERP+CRM opentaps ERP + CRM Version 0.9 (2007.02.21)
-Open ERP - Software Solution for all EHRMS Payroll & Jobboard 0.3.0 (2007.01.30)
Open-ERP combines the power of HRMS, CRM, Inventory ,point of sales (POS), retailing, distribution, inventory, e-commerce, accounting, and workflow systems. Also some Industry Specific Modules for Milk producing, Courier & HR
-MaxDev MDLite RC in lingua italiana (2007.01.05)
We're working to create a resource for professionals and active contributors where it will be developed: integration of Postnuke/eNvolution/Oscommerce and other CMS special version to manage E-Commerce, E-Learning, intranet, Workflow
具完整企业级功能与流程的ERP,CRM系统,包括电子商务,POS,库存,订单,客户管理,会计总帐等,相当齐全。-opentaps open source ERP+CRM opentaps ERP Version 0.8 (2006.12.22)
-RaPiD Framework RPDfwk 1.0 (2006.12.11)
Use RPDfwk framework for RaPiD ASP.NET application development. Easy to develop and change, the web forms are dynamically generated from xml files. Data access is automatically generated. Implements document workflow, mail merge

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