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Taiwan Mobile 5G Super Alliance Takes Shape (2019.08.01)
TAIPEI, Taiwan - Taiwan Mobile announced the formation of a “5G Super Alliance” together with hundreds of partners including HTC, Quanta, Accton, Alpha Networks, and Gemtek Ltd. More importantly, in the future the alliance will advance into the international market, and in addition to entering the market with components and equipment, the alliance expects to create a trillion-yuan industry through the development of 5G applications
Hit AI人工智慧產業台灣首屆高峰會即將登場 (2017.12.14)
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 (2010.05.05)
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠
有femtocell真好 LTE網路妙管家非它莫屬 (2010.03.18)
隨著3G技術不斷演進以及FMC(Fixed and Mobile Convergence)網路的發展趨勢,毫微微峰巢式基地台(femtocell)正廣泛為行動通訊電信業者和網路設備營運商所採用,加上WiMAX以及HSPA+/LTE等3.9G標準的推波助瀾,femtocell已經是佈建WiMAX或HSPA+/LTE網路不可或缺的中繼關鍵
預知CES 2010!全球最大消費電子展即將登場 (2009.12.30)
全球規模最大的消費電子大展(Consumer Electronics Show;CES),即將在1月7~10日於美國拉斯維加斯隆重登場。可以這麼說,每年的CES展會,就會大致勾勒出這一年全球電子產業在產品、技術和應用的發展樣貌
明泰科技採用CelenoWi-Fi波束成型晶片 (2009.09.14)
Celeno及明泰科技( Alpha Networks)宣布,明泰科技已選擇Celeno CL1300晶片組,將應用於其下一代具備波束成形功能之Wi-Fi接取點,以達到最佳化的高畫質(HD)視訊串流。明泰科技亦將整合此元件與其無線網路及數位家庭裝置產品,為客戶提供全新的高畫質體驗
高速多媒體傳輸介面技術應用蔚為風潮 (2009.01.05)
多媒體影音視訊傳輸儲存應用日益普及,系統互連(System Interconnect)及網路虛擬整合(virtualization)傳輸架構,也越來越依賴高速數位串流I/O介面設計和IC晶片解決方案。本刊接受Globalpress邀請安排參加亞洲媒體採訪團
-Resourcerver - *nix Resource Server rservr-alpha.6-example (2008.08.08)
System of GNU programs and libraries to manage complex IPC between larger application components. Security-minded design in all aspects. Create incrementally-executable applications that are modifiable at run time and are distributable across networks
-Guanxi SNA pre_alpha (2008.07.08)
Guanxi is a robust analysis and simulation application for Social Network Analysts. Guanxi allows researchers in the field to create, import, and export an endless array of networks, analyze their structure, and run custom dynamics over them
-FakeDetector 0.1 pre-alpha (2008.06.30)
A simple console program to battle fake naming and name flooding in p2p networks. In current state works only with StrongDC client.
WiMAX讓台灣動起來! (2008.05.27)
6月2至6日於台北舉辦的WiMAX論壇營運商高峰會(WiMAX Forum Operator Summit),正是代表台灣在全球WiMAX產業鏈的重要性。台灣WiMAX產業在量產CPE設備和小型基地台、參與上游規格標準制訂和底層訊號處理、研發通訊協定核心軟體、營造良好測試驗證環境等層面具備競爭優勢
資策會小型WiMAX基地台成功連通ASN Gateway (2008.04.25)
資策會網路多媒體研究所WiMAX技術中心主任洪文堅表示,資策會所研發之小型WiMAX基地台,已經成功連通美商Wichorus的ASN Gateway商用設備,資策會將帶頭推動WiMAX小型基地台的開發作業,並積極促成台灣廠商參與的意願
-Resourcerver - *nix Resource Server rservr-core-alpha.1 (2008.04.14)
System of GNU programs and libraries to manage complex IPC between larger application components. Security-minded design in all aspects. Create incrementally-executable applications that are modifiable at run time and are distributable across networks
奧多比發表適用於Linux的測試版Adobe AIR (2008.04.08)
全球軟體廠商奧多比宣佈推出適用於Linux作業系統的Adobe AIR測試版本(Alpha),即日起可於Adobe Labs下載取得(www.adobe.com/go/airlinux)。透過這項嶄新軟體,Linux社群開發人員將可運用多項普及的網頁技術,例如HTML、Ajax、Adobe Flash及Adobe Flex,設計出可部署執行於跨作業系統桌面環境的豐富型網際網路應用程式(rich Internet application;RIA)
行動WiMAX技術發展現況 (2007.11.20)
今年10月WiMAX無線寬頻接取技術被納入3G標準後,對WiMAX頻譜資源和業務推展具有非常重大的意義。本文針對IEEE802.16標準發展歷程、Mobile WiMAX、WiMAX Relay、產品發展現況、認證測試現況、以及資策會WiMAX技術發展現況作簡要介紹,希望能讓讀者能對行動WiMAX技術發展現況有一概括性的瞭解
-SlackerChat Alpha 0.1 (2007.09.08)
SlackerChat is a chat program built for (but not limited too) local area networks. SlackerChat is a decentralized chat program that has no main server, meaning you can even chat with friends on a network without an internet connection
-Nexus Tools First alpha (2007.09.03)
Nexus is a P2P mesh networking platform for running scripts that operate across multiple distributed host computers. The mesh allows the network nodes to exist on physically isolated networks provided that they can access at least one common node
-Remote Anywhere Remote Anywhere Version 0.90-Alpha (2007.07.31)
Retrieve files from a remote computer using a PDA/Pocket PC running Windows Mobile. Can access remote computers regardless the geographical position. Can work under WiFi, GPRS or any other wireless networks.
2008年台灣廠商WiMAX產品將進入市場化階段 (2007.05.23)
-aircash aircash-pre-alpha-0.1 (2007.03.26)
An application to provide a worldwide mobile secure/confidential payment system over the internet and other kind of insecure/unreliable networks

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3 貿澤RISC-V技術資源中心可探索開放原始碼未來
4 貿澤電子即日起供應適用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT應用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK開發套件
5 u-blox 推出適用於穿戴應用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC
6 Microchip 推出新款統包式電容式觸控控制器產品 MTCH2120
7 Littelfuse NanoT IP67級輕觸開關系列新增操作選項
8 英飛凌新款ModusToolbox馬達套件簡化馬達控制開發
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10 台達全新溫度控制器 DTDM系列實現導體加工精準控溫

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