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Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2012.02.09 12:14:21 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟視窗8預覽版 月底推出,取消“開始”按鈕



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2012.01.19 12:10:01 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft introducing ReFS file system with Windows server 8



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.11.29 12:11:47 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

「Kinect 2」大進化 手指、嘴唇動作都能辨識

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.09.29 12:17:20 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect




Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.09.14 12:04:42 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟公佈Windows 8開發者預覽版 本週開放下載



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.08.24 12:13:59 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟芒果機大軍 9月1上陣




Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.06.20 12:08:55 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟Kinect技術 工具包免費下載



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.06.17 12:15:43 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟:9月將揭曉Windows 8的“一切”



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.06.17 12:08:03 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟發佈 Kinect for Windows SDK Beta


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.06.16 12:08:02 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

傳微軟近日將放出Windows OS Kinect的SDK


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.06.02 12:12:13 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟預告 視窗8今亮相



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.05.11 10:22:47 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟85億美金 收購 Skype


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.04.13 12:19:58 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟又發佈大規模修補程式 PC族記得更新



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.03.31 12:07:56 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.03.16 12:03:20 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟全球發布 IE9 瀏覽器正式版 有39種語言


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.03.11 12:13:56 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft Kinect sales set new Guinness World Record



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.02.22 11:58:58 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟將發布 WindowsKinect SDK


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.02.21 10:56:50 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟將於3月14日發布 IE 9 正式版本?


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.02.21 10:54:03 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

分析師稱 Windows 8 最早2011年底開發完畢


摩根士丹利分析師亞當霍爾特(亞當霍爾特)週五在一份研究報告中稱,支持的ARM晶片的Windows 8的最早將於2011年底開發完畢。

微軟在今年1月的CES的展會上宣布,Windows 8的將首次支援的ARM處理器,這意味著 Windows 8的將被應用到平板電腦等行動設備中。

霍爾特週五在報告中稱,支援ARM晶片的Windows 8最早將於年底或2012年初開發完畢,這意味著Windows視窗平板電腦的上市日期可能要早於業內預期。 

前有微軟內部人士稱,為了讓視窗支ARM處理器,目前有約 1000名工程師在從事相關工作。由此可見,微軟對平板電腦業務十分重視

由於遲遲未能推出的Windows平板電腦,微軟早已遭到了業內指責。但分析人士認為,微軟在平板電腦市場仍有機會。摩根士丹利預計,2012年全球平板電腦出貨量有望達到 1億部

在財富 100強企業中,80%正在測試或已經部署的iPad,但這並不意味著蘋果將佔領獨占企業市場。霍爾特稱:“企業可能同時使用蘋果和微軟的產品,前者是領先者,後者的產品將簡化企業管理。“



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.01.17 12:05:59 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Windows 8整合ARM困難重重? 預計2013年完成


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.01.17 12:03:23 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

業界人士猜測 Windows 8將集成XboxKinect


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2011.01.11 11:46:24 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Windows 7 Home Server首度现身



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.01.10 11:53:30 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2011.01.10 11:24:05 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

是,微軟終究會讓 Kinect 支援 PC



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.12.24 11:52:16 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.12.24 11:35:15 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Windows 8 on ARM, but don't hold your breath

All signs point to the next version of Windows running on ARM, the emerging global silicon standard for smartphones and tablets. But don't get too excited--it won't happen until 2012 at the earliest and just as likely not until 2013.

Unless Windows 7 tablets like the Archos 9 take the world by storm--not likely--consumers will have to wait for Windows 8.

Unless Windows 7 tablets like the Archos 9 take the world by storm--not likely--consumers will have to wait for Windows 8.

(Credit: CNET Reviews)

For now, let's call the next major release from Redmond Windows 8--though I'm hearing that Microsoft will call it something else. More importantly, I'm also hearing that Windows 8 isn't due until the fourth quarter of 2012, at the earliest.

So that means tablets running Windows 8 won't appear until 2013. Microsoft could do something in the interim with a technology such as a future version of Windows CE but that's not the Windows we all know and love.

A lot can happen in two years and a lot of that on tablets and smart devices running on Google's and Apple's operating systems--not Windows. "Time after time in the high tech industry you see these companies that are successful in one market can't make the leap into the next phase because they're so busy serving their installed base," said Linley Gwennap of the Linley Group, a chip consulting firm.

Granted, that installed base is still the envy of the tech world: both Microsoft and Intel have a plum position serving a global computer market measured in the hundreds of billions of dollars.

But that doesn't mean both of those companies are going to lead the next computing revolution, or even evolution. Many consumers look at the iPad and see a device that represents the future of personal computing. While they don't know--or care--that it runs on a power-frugal ARM processor and slimmed-down version of Apple's OS X, both of those technologies are the foundation for its appeal.

And that future began last April when the iPad was released. "Apple is one of those companies that is really good at bringing out the next product that obsoletes their previous products," Gwennap said. That is a crucial point. Apple is bold enough to entertain the possibility of ultimately cannibalizing its own MacBook product line (it's not hard to imagine next-generation iPads that increasingly impinge on the feature set of the MacBook Air) with the iPad because it knows it has to create new markets to be successful.

Not to rain too much on the Windows-on-ARM parade, but Windows on other platforms--such as outside of Intel's x86--has not fared well, either. Full-featured versions of Windows--what used to be called Windows NT--ran on PowerPC, MIPS, and Alpha processors. However, support for all three platforms was phased out. While certainly ARM holds more promise for Microsoft than DEC's Alpha technology ever did, it doesn't mean that Windows will necessarily be successful on ARM.

And that chance for success gets dimmer every month that Microsoft doesn't bring out a fully optimized version of Windows for tablets. So, the prospect of Windows 8 in 2012 will stick out as a symbol of WinTel's complacency. And how much bigger does Apple (which President Obama cited today in a news conference as an American success story) need to get before it begins to eclipse both of those companies, combined? We should know by 2012.


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.12.22 11:56:07 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft Opens HTML5 Proving Ground

Web developers will have a chance to explore and tweak emerging yet unstable standards in Microsoft's new HTML5 Labs site. "At this point, HTML5 standards are moving targets," Pund-IT's Charles King stated. "But it's better for developers to get involved early and tweak their offerings along the way than to start late and deliver half-baked offerings."

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Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) launched an HTML5 laboratory for developers on Tuesday. The company intends the project to be a site where Redmond prototypes early and unstable Web standard specs from standards bodies such as the W3C and shares them with the developer community.

One reason for establishing the lab could be that Microsoft wants to leverage its strong relationship with developers for the Web.

Microsoft could also be playing catch-up with Google (Nasdaq: GOOG), which launched its HTML5-based Body Browser last week, and with Mozilla's Firefox browser.


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.12.14 10:36:32 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Kinect minority report hack: fingers detected!

Engineers from MIT CSAIL have figured out out how to get the Xbox 360 Kinect to not just sense larger body movements, but to actually detect individual fingertips in mid-air.


They used the data points to replicate a rudimentary version of the gesture interfaces seen in Minority Report – sans gloves, of course.The guys used something called the Point Cloud Library from Willow Garage’s open source robotic control package ROS.

Here’s a video of the hack in action:

One can only hope that some games start to surface that take advantage of individual finger movements. I could see this coming in handy for puzzle games, and maybe something like the part of Bioshock where you hack into the security system – this would be a much cooler way to test your dexterity. Also, for virtual porn.

If you’re interested in giving this a shot for yourself, you’ll need to grab the ROS Kinect code here, and MIT’s code here. I’m not sure exactly what else you need to do to make it all work though, so install at your own risk.


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.12.10 11:16:57 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟將在IE 9加入防止隱私追蹤功能



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.12.03 11:54:49 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Kinect now offers a stealth mode, courtesy of optical camouflage hack (video)



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.12.01 11:02:30 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft Files for Patent on Touchy-Feely Screens

A recent Microsoft patent could add a new dimension to touchscreen technology. The concept uses light-induced shape-memory polymers that would allow the screen to actually change its topography with the image, providing the sensation of touching actual buttons. Don't expect to see it on the next Windows Phone, though -- practical uses for such an invention are still years away.

Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT) has filed a patent application for a display screen that would dynamically give users the feeling of pushing buttons when they touch it.

It filed patent application 20100295820 last week.

The patent's for a "light-induced shape-memory polymer display screen" that would give users the sensation of actually touching buttons as they're displayed on a touchscreen.

At least one other project that would give users tactile sensations when they put their fingers on a touchscreen is under way elsewhere.

Microsoft Explores Your Feelings

Microsoft's patent describes a device with a display screen that has a topography-changing layer. This layer would consist of a shape-memory polymer activated by light. It would have an imaging engine that would project visible light onto a display screen and a topography-changing engine projecting ultraviolet (UV) light onto the screen.

The UV light would, in essence, command the shape-memory layer to create buttons on the screen as required. This could provide a virtual keyboard users can interact with.

The screen would also have a reference engine that would project infrared (IR) light onto the screen and a touch-detection engine that would detect when the screen was touched. The lights would impact the polymer layer pixel by pixel.

Microsoft's patent proposes using cinnamic acid groups for light detection. The E-isomeric form of cinnamic acid can be converted to the Z-isomer through irradiation with UV light. The technology would apparently be used first in large devices.

"A simple application would be to use this technology to create a true tactile touch keyboard where you could actually feel the keys under your fingers," Carl Howe, director of anywhere consumer research at the Yankee Group, told TechNewsWorld.

Microsoft declined comment on the patent.

Other Efforts With Touchscreen Technology

Disney Research in Pittsburgh, Penn., is also working on a project to provide tactile feedback to touchscreens.

Its TeslaTouch project uses the electrovibration principle to provide tactile feedback to users of a touchscreen. Electrovibration, like mechanical vibration, it is a type of tactile sensation.

A handheld prototype was created in collaboration with Mark Baskinger of the Carnegie-Mellon University School of Design.

The prototype measures 35 by 4 by 40 mm and uses 8 volts of electricity to generate tactile feedback. An electrostatic force attracts the user's fingers to the interactive surface, so the user doesn't receive an electric charge. The input signal is spread uniformly across the touch surface.

TeslaTouch technology can be added to devices ranging from small handheld items to large multitouch collaborative surfaces. However, the user must be grounded for best results. For larger devices, this can be achieved by users wearing antistatic wristbands or sitting or standing on grounded pads. For mobile devices, the back of the device's case serves to ground it when the user holds the device.

Uses of Tactile Feedback

It's difficult right now to predict exactly where this type of tactile technology might be used on a large scale.

"Ideally, this would be for devices with screens which come closer to laptops and smartphones than they do to desktops," Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, told TechNewsWorld.

"However, initially monitors for existing PCs and other devices are more likely to be easier to use with this technology because the initial cost of the panel will likely limit the market significantly," he added.

The design is part of the problem with the technology.

"The patent puts several constraints on the display and, as of now, I don't see such constrained displays -- ones where have multiple projectors behind them -- having a ton of utility," the Yankee Group's Howe pointed out.

However, there might be niche applications, such as in the command and control center of a battleship, where the tactile feedback would help users remain oriented while the vessel is pitching and yawing, Howe suggested.

However, practical use for the technology might be some ways off.

"It'll likely be seven to 10 years before the technology exists outside the lab in limited runs and over 10 years before it hits the broader market," Enderle opined.


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.11.05 11:52:38 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft kinect spills its guts for ifixit

The dudes over at iFixit just love to rip stuff apart. Now, on the launch day of Microsoft’s much anticipated Xbox 360 Kinect peripheral, they stripped one of these set-top gadgets down to its bare essence.


With the Kinect priced at $149 (USD), I figured there’d be a significant amount of complexity inside the device, and that’s exactly what the iFixit guys found. They had to remove no less than 4 different types of Torx security screws and a sticky rubber pad to crack it open.


Once inside, they found the following goodies: four microphones for speech recognition and directional detection, an infrared camera and accompanying IR projector for depth detection, and one standard (640×480) camera for visual recognition. The brains behind the operations are a PrimeSense PS1080-A2 image processor, a Marvell AP102 system-on-a-chip, along with 64MB of DDR2 SDRAM, among other things. There’s also a motor for moving the gadget, and a three-axis accelerometer, presumably used for improving the motor’s accuracy. And as we all know by now, all that gear requires more power than a standard USB connector can provide, using 12-watts of power. There’s even a tiny fan inside to keep things nice and cool.


We’ve only got a few of the photos here, but you can check out the entire teardown over at iFixit now. (Their site is getting inundated with traffic at the moment, so you might have to try again in a little bit.)


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.11.04 11:21:47 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

How Motion Detection Works in Xbox Kinect

How Motion Detection Works in Xbox Kinect

The prototype for Microsoft's Kinect camera and microphone famously cost $30,000. At midnight Thursday morning, you'll be able to buy it for $150 as an Xbox 360 peripheral. Let's take some time to think about how it all works.


Kinect's camera is powered by both hardware and software. And it does two things: generate a three-dimensional (moving) image of the objects in its field of view, and recognize (moving) human beings among those objects.

How Motion Detection Works in Xbox Kinect

Older software programs used differences in color and texture to distinguish objects from their backgrounds. PrimeSense, the company whose tech powers Kinect, and recent Microsoft acquisition Canesta use a different model. The camera transmits invisible near-infrared light and measures its "time of flight" after it reflects off the objects.

Time-of-flight works like sonar: If you know how long the light takes to return, you know how far away an object is. Cast a big field, with lots of pings going back and forth at the speed of light, and you can know how far away a lot of objects are.

Using an infrared generator also partially solves the problem of ambient light. Since the sensor isn't designed to register visible light, it doesn't get quite as many false positives.

PrimeSense and Kinect go one step further and encode information in the near-IR light. As that information is returned, some of it is deformed - which in turn can help generate a finer image of those objects' 3-D texture, not just their depth.

With this tech, Kinect can distinguish objects' depth within 1 centimeter and their height and width within 3 mm.

How Motion Detection Works in Xbox Kinect

Figure from PrimeSense Explaining the PrimeSensor Reference Design.


At this point, both the Kinect's hardware - its camera and IR-light projector - and its firmware (sometimes called "middleware") are operating. The Kinect has an on-board processor which is using algorithms to process the data to render the three-dimensional image.

The middleware also can recognize people: distinguishing human body parts, joints and movements, as well as distinguishing individual human faces from one another. When you step in front of it, the camera "knows" who you are.

Does it "know" you in the sense of embodied neurons firing, or the way your mother knows your personality or your confessor knows your soul? Of course not. It's a videogame.

How Motion Detection Works in Xbox Kinect

But it's a pretty remarkable videogame. You can't quite get the fine detail of a table tennis slice, but the first iteration of the WiiMote couldn't get that either. And all the jury-rigged foot pads and nunchuks strapped to thighs can't capture whole-body running or dancing like Kinect can.

That's where the Xbox's processor comes in: translating the movements captured by the Kinect camera into meaningful on-screen events. These are context-specific. If a river-rafting game requires jumping and leaning, it's going to look for jumping and leaning. If navigating a Netflix "Watch Instantly" menu requires horizontal and vertical hand-waving, that's what will register on the screen.

It has an easier time recognizing some gestures and postures than others. As Kotaku noted this summer, recognizing human movement - at least, any movement more subtle than a hand-wave - is easier to do when someone is standing up (with all of their joints articulated) than sitting down.

So you can move your arms to navigate menus, watch TV and movies, or browse the internet. You can't sit on the couch wiggling your thumbs and pretending you're playing Street Fighter II. It's not a magic trick cooked up by MI-6. It's a camera that costs $150.

How Motion Detection Works in Xbox Kinect


Kinect also has a stereo microphone to enable chat and voice commands. The tech on the audio capture is fairly well-known, but it's worth observing that unlike the noise-canceling microphone you might have on your smartphone or laptop's webcam, Kinect has a wide-field, conic audio capture.

This is because, unlike a smartphone, you wouldn't want the Kinect's microphone to capture only sounds close to it: It'd only pick up the sound of the television set. You want it to capture ambient speech throughout the room, such as that emitted by whole groups of people watching sports or playing games.

How Motion Detection Works in Xbox Kinect

Screenshot from Kinect Sports Hurdles

A traditional videogame controller is individual and serial: It's me and whatever I'm controlling on the screen versus you and what you're controlling. We might play cooperatively, but we're basically discrete entities isolated from one another, manipulating objects in our hands.

A videogame controller is also a highly specialized device. It might do light work as a remote control, but the buttons, d-pads, joysticks, accelerometers, gyroscopes, haptic feedback mechanisms and interface with the console are all designed to communicate very specific kinds of information.

Kinect is something different. It's communal, continuous and general: a Natural User Interface (or NUI) for multimedia, rather than a GUI for gaming.

But it takes a lot of tech to make an interface like that come together seamlessly and "naturally."


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.11.02 10:19:12 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟:Windows Phone 8 OS正在開發中...


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.11.02 10:17:45 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟收購的3D動作識別開發商  意在Windows 8 OS


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.10.28 09:54:17 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Mac 版的 Office 2011 於蘋果官網開始販售

微軟的 Office Mac 2011 今天已經上線,Apple Store 上也已經看得到,價格部份分別是家用版 Familly Pack 的 NT 5,290/ 3人、NT 3,790 / 單機和家用中小企業版 Home & Business 的 NT 7,490 元/單機、 NT 10,890 / 2 人,差別在於有沒有 Outlook,軟體安裝的系統需求至少要 Mac OS X v10.5.8,其餘細節的硬體要求以及軟體界面截圖可以上蘋果台灣官網看。

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.10.26 10:41:37 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


微軟首席軟件架構師雷奧茲(Ray Ozzie)今日在寫給公司員工的一份備忘錄中指出,雖然他在5年前提到的某些機遇仍難以捉摸和尚未實現,但公司在過去的5年裡已經在自身調整方面取得重大進展。奧茲日前已經宣布他將於本月退休。




Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.10.25 12:16:52 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

星巴克CIO : 2年後智能手機和平板電腦將令Windows 8無足輕重?!



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.10.25 12:12:40 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟博客稱 Windows 8還有兩年才能上市


(photo from weiphone)

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.10.15 11:46:36 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟 Windows 8的系統新特性詳解


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.10.08 10:44:33 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

3D立體遊戲畫面 也能感受力回饋「互動」




Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.10.08 10:33:50 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

IE 市佔率跌破 50%,Chrome 四處攻城掠地



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.10.04 11:27:07 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Nintendo 3DS: Is it 3-D gaming's savior?

The Nintendo 3DS will be released in Japan in February and the United States and Europe in March, the company said.

(CNN) -- Nintendo announced this week that its much-anticipated 3DS handheld will arrive in Japan on February 26, 2011, for around $300, with a U.S. debut to follow in March.

That's about three months too late for the holiday shopping season and later than some had predicted. But even more notable is the gadget's potential to actually make 3-D gaming a household staple.

Unlike 3-D games for the PlayStation 3 or those utilizing NVIDIA's 3-D Vision technology, which adds three-dimensional special effects to PC titles, software for the Nintendo 3DS doesn't require the use of cumbersome stereoscopic glasses.

Fans also don't have to pay for expensive hardware upgrades such as a 3-D TV or custom graphics cards. Both are major hurdles that have thus far kept players from hopping on the 3-D bandwagon en masse, and game makers from following in large numbers.

Original 3-D games also should be more readily available, at least in the near future, for the 3DS than those for desktop or living room units.

Popular franchises including "Resident Evil, "Metal Gear Solid" and "Sonic the Hedgehog" are all slated for upcoming 3-D appearances, with publishers such as Activision, Namco and UbiSoft committed to developing for the gadget.

The device is better suited to the briefer, more mobile gaming experiences that define current gaming trends and appears better poised to satisfy both casual and hardcore video game fans than its competitors.

Additional support for 3-D TV shows and films should further buoy the Nintendo 3DS' popularity as a portable entertainment device. The gadget also offers the benefit of on-demand game updates and downloads via Wi-Fi connection.

More extras, such as the option to use the device as a camera, convert friends' photos into personalized virtual avatars and wirelessly communicate with other Nintendo 3DS machines, should only add to its usefulness and versatility.

On the downside, the portable console's graphical enhancements, which resemble pop-up storybook cutouts, aren't as technically advanced as what you'll get from set-top systems. But they can be adjusted to suit individual preferences.

A broad selection of supporting titles ranging from "Nintendogs + Cats" to "Kid Icarus" and "Mario Kart" also promises to appeal to all ages more than rival units, which target diehard gaming fans and early adopters.

Everyday expectations also play to the 3DS' advantage, because players naturally anticipate smaller and/or less complex gaming experiences on handheld devices.

This makes supporting games easier and more affordable to build for the unit, giving designers a leg up on 3-D game development. Instead of forcing manufacturers to push the technical bar to justify pricey living room upgrades, the Nintendo 3DS offers creators a platform to experiment. In this way, it offers simpler, more natural transitions between 2-D and 3-D adventures.

Early feedback from gaming critics is promising. Nintendo's knack for making new technology engaging and user-friendly is evidenced by the success of systems like the motion-sensing Wii.

If the 3DS proves half as eye-catching and intuitive, and even a fraction of the promised games materialize, rivals should be worried. Rather than be televised, the 3-D revolution may quietly unfold in your pocket instead.

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.09.27 12:01:34 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟將在10月21日正式發布Windows Phone 7
最新消息顯示微軟將在10月21日向全球公佈最新款手機系統Windows Phone 7 ,據消息人士透露,微軟正計劃在10月11日於紐約舉辦開放日活動,並展示部分新的WP7設備,首批手機製造商包括宏達電,LG電子和三星,之後還將有戴爾,東芝等。


微軟內部對 WP7的評價頗高,副總裁特里邁爾森表示,這是微軟開發的最令人難以置信的產品。

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.09.20 08:48:00 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

PlayStation Move Teardown




Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.09.16 11:36:06 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft launch Internet Explorer 9 web browser

Click to play

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.09.14 11:36:15 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Playstation's MoveMen Will Stalk You, Crash Your Party and Force You To Play Games

I'm not entirely certain what's going on in this commercial for the Playstation Move, but it appears that there are these freaky MoveMen who'll troll your Facebook page for mentions of parties, gatecrash, and force you to play a game.

And here I thought that the Nintendo guys who showed up unannounced and proclaimed "Wii would like to play!" were creepy. [MoveMen via GameSetWatch via Kotaku]


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.09.13 12:06:35 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect



為慶祝Windows Phone 7進入RTM階段,微軟員工為iPhone和黑莓舉行了一場毛骨悚然的送葬遊行。
陣中一輛貨車打出標語:“Windows Phone 7 OS平台埋葬競爭”。
近日多個消息來源報導,上週進入RTM階段的Windows Phone 7將於10月11日在紐約的一場活動上正式發布,但首款產品直到10月底、11月才會分別在歐洲、美國上市
上周微軟在YouTube上貼出了一則Windows Phone 7宣傳視頻,這是微軟為這款行動系統發布投入的總值預計達5億美元的營銷資金交出的首份作業。
市場研究公司Gartner週五預測,Windows Phone市場份額將由2009年8.7%降至2014年的3.9%。諾基亞Symbian和谷歌Android被置於第一、第二位置,佔有率分別為30.2%、29.6%。蘋果iOS列第三,該公司預計其2014年份額為14.9%。


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.09.13 11:40:59 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟IE9將利用Sandy Bridge實現圖形內容渲染


微軟和英特爾正在緊密合作,以實現在IE9中的網頁瀏覽硬體加速,IE9將支援Core i系列晶片加速,包括最新的Sandy Bridge


微軟在一台上網本上展示了IE9運行HTML5視訊和720P HD視訊編碼的範例,對比測試中,其它瀏覽器幾乎佔用了所有CPU運算,而IE9卻表現良好,不過也有人對此表示質疑,包括Mozilla Firefox在內的一系列新版本瀏覽器都已經開始實現各種級別的硬體加速。
Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.09.06 10:05:37 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect




原因據說是腔調關係,以同樣都是英文來說,各國家的腔調並不完全相同,Kinect的語音辨識系統可能還無法敏銳到這種程度,所以才會有這個限制,並且以國家作為劃分,所以就算是會講英文的意大利人也一樣無法有這個功能,以開放國家的語系來看,應該也是不支援法文,雖說明天春天會有相關更新,但是開放到什麼程度,又很難講了... ...。

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.08.31 10:44:03 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

耐吉+ Wii=最佳跳舞遊戲控制器

耐吉公司近日舉辦了一個名為“Nike 78”的活動,他們要求藝術家們以耐吉鞋為原型,進行各種功能性挑戰來獲取新鞋的設計靈感。這個項目由保羅詹金斯負責,目前已經開始收集藝術家們的作品,並將會在9月份的倫敦設計節進行展出。

其中有一雙鞋子相信會引起不少的Wii用戶的關注,這也是耐吉鞋與高科技的結合,有一位名為尼克馬什的設計者將鞋子與 Wii的控制器進行了合體。雖然這種創意並不是非常的新,但是想到玩家腳穿 Wii的鞋玩遊戲的場景,相信能想像到非常惡搞的滑稽動作。

或許尼克馬什的創意會讓任天堂獲取一些靈感,開發出新的腳部 Wii的控制器,讓玩家們使用下肢來控制遊戲。

下面是這雙鞋子的實際效果,可以看到腳穿 Wii的鞋玩遊戲是多麼的具有幽默感。



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.08.30 11:36:48 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

近期業界傳聞稱,微軟將於2012年發布下一代視窗操作系統Windows 8?而在2014年推出下一版本的辦公室Offices辦公軟體套裝。軟件站Softpedia日前發表分析稱,這種說法確有其道理。



Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.08.30 11:23:29 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

手機OS爭霸 微軟砸320億搏蘋果




資訊業界消息人士指出,軟體業巨擘微軟今年秋天將大舉反攻智慧型手機作業系統(OS)市場,至少砸下十億美元(約新台幣三百廿億元)重金,全力推廣全新打造的「Windows Phone 7」,挑戰當今智慧型手機OS市場三大霸主:蘋果iPhone的iOS、GoogleAndroid、RIM黑莓機的BlackBerry OS。


Windows Phone 7今年二月與世人見面,與微軟舊版的「Windows Mobile」系列OS畫清界線,當時頗獲好評。台灣宏達電(HTC)、美國戴爾(Dell)、南韓三星(Samsung)與樂金(LG)都可望推出Windows Phone 7手機。據傳宏達電的「HTC Schubert」將拔得頭籌,九月率先於英國倫敦發表。


德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)電信業分析師郭德堡這個月走訪美國華盛頓州市的微軟總部,他透露,微軟這回對於爭奪手機OS市場大餅,是抱持破釜沉舟的決心,光是行銷預算就編列高達四億美元,再加上研發經費以及對製造商、電信業者、應用程式(app)開發業者的補貼,絕對超過十億美元。




另一方面,微軟的OS不像Android走免費路線,過去Windows Mobile每一套向製造商收取約十五美元權利金,Windows Phone 7就算降價到十美元,可能還是會影響廠商合作意願。


不過微軟主管仍對Windows Phone 7信心滿滿,聲稱它的商業模式將結合iPhone與Android的長處。對於攸關智慧型手機生存的應用程式開發,微軟表示廠商反應熱烈,下載開發工具數量已超過卅萬筆,屆時一定能夠為手機族提供眼花撩亂的應用程式。




更新日期:2010/08/29 04:11

〔編譯劉千郁/綜合報導〕美國電腦龍頭微軟的共同創辦人艾倫(Paul Allen)的公司Interval Licensing控告Google、蘋果等十一家公司,要求對Interval Licensing所擁有的「突破性」基礎網路技術求償。


Interval Licensing擁有艾倫十年前參與研發的電腦通訊專利,Interval Licensing指稱,包括Ebay、AOL、Facebook、Netflix、Yahoo等企業都違反它的網路技術專利權。訴狀中列出的四項專利是以上這些公司營運的重要技術,包括網路購物、新聞、影片和其他服務中的相關顯示功能。全球最大社群網站Facebook表示,該項指控毫無法律依據,Ebay表示將全力捍衛公司利益,世界最大搜尋引擎Google表示,創新比訴訟更重要。




Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.08.26 11:08:57 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Did Microsoft Just Leak Internet Explorer 9's New Interface?

Did Microsoft Just Leak Internet Explorer 9's New Interface?

Microsoft has yet to reveal IE9's interface—not set to debut until next month. But ZDNet's Mary-Jo Foley says she caught a glimpse of IE9's new minimalist look via a slip-up on Microsoft's Russian press site.

Through a leaked screenshot and a bit of translating, Foley says the new layout consolidates existing functions to give you a larger, clearer view of the web. The URL bar and search box will be combined into one, and familiar menus like 'Favorites' and 'Suggested Sites' are nowhere to be seen, clearing up precious real estate. Internet Explorer has never exactly been part of the interface design vanguard, so it's interesting to see Microsoft taking some chances, however minor.

Foley also mentions a feature that will let users turn "recognized" and "protected" sites into web apps that can be launched directly from the taskbar, a la Fluid. What recognized and protected mean, or if they were even translated correctly from Russian, is anyone's guess. [ZDNet]

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.08.25 11:02:23 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Happy 15th Birthday to Windows 95, the Ugly Duckling that Conquered Your Desktop

Happy 15th Birthday to Windows 95, the Ugly Duckling that Conquered Your DesktopYou'll be forgiven if Windows 95 doesn't summon a burst of nostalgia. It was never pretty, often cantankerous, and, for the most part, our only option. But within two years of its release, 70% of the planet was using it.

Your own preferences and computing ideology aside, Windows 95 is an undeniable icon. For hundreds of millions of people, Windows 95 was personal computing, spanning the inscrutable crudeness of the Windows 3.1 era and the soothing balm of Windows 98. It was inescapable. It was, possibly, the first operating system you used at home. It might not have been your favorite—we'll stop there out of respect for our elders—but it helped an entire generation make sense of the PC's ascension.

Happy 15th Birthday to Windows 95, the Ugly Duckling that Conquered Your Desktop

It's worth considering how long ago 15 years was. By today's tech standards, the mid-90s might as well have been the Cretaceous Period. In his review of Windows 95 for the New York Times, Stephen Manes hyphenated "on-line." That long ago. Manes also recounts the frustrating experience of fine-tuning his AUTOEXEC.BAT file—a computing relic whose name is a shock to my eyes, softened by years of smooth animations, color gradients, and idyllic menus. Operating systems were gritty back then. But they worked—most of the time. "In many ways," Manes poetically sighed, "[Windows 95] is an edifice built of baling wire, chewing gum and prayer, but you will probably end up living there."

And we did. In the process, mainstream computer users didn't just struggle with inconsistent performance and obscure configuration files, but eased themselves into the warm waters of the Start Menu, task bars, plug-n-play (when it worked), and an overall graphical interface intelligible outside of comp sci classrooms. And at the blistering rate of technological change—they were hyphenating the word online back then!—Windows 95 is owed respect for popularizing these computing principles, many of which are still part of today's status quo. And how embarrassing would it have been if the Start Menu flopped?— Microsoft paid $2 million to license The Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up" for their Windows 95 advertising blitz (another $35,000 went to the legendary Brian Eno for a welcome sound we all took for granted).

But popularize might be putting too bright a gloss on the Windows explosion. It was popular, yes—immensely so—but the Department of Justice had another word for it: monopolistic. Windows 95 introduced the first iteration of Internet Explorer (although it shipped sans browser—again, this was fifteen years ago), the software at the heart of a federal antitrust grappling match that lasted years.

But despite all of this (or perhaps because of it), Windows 95 can't shake its place in the annals of tech history. She hasn't aged terribly well, but for better or for worse, Windows 95 was for a considerable time the OS that shaped our notion of software's place in daily life. Happy birthday kiddo.



真快,微軟平台自DOS轉成圖形界面的Windows 3.1/95已15年以上了!!


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.08.23 12:16:41 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


微軟副總裁兼首席信息官Tony Scott近日接受媒體專方訪,它談到了與Google的雲計算競爭,談到了移動操作系統,搜索,也談到未來微軟軟件的走向。下面是專訪部分摘譯:






我不想宣布一些新品,不過從必應的歷史上看,每幾個月它就會有一些有意思的事情發生。 Google每4-5年才會改變一下,或者在聖誕時換個圖標,但必應帶來更多的創新。在這個領域,在許多地方,競爭依然還是模仿一些東西。





曾經有一段時間,Lotus 123是統治性的電子製作軟件,在過去,其它瀏覽器佔據上風,但最終微軟成為主導。這個涉及到微軟廣泛而龐大的研發,每一年,我們向新產品和新領域投資90億美元。


答:對於Windows Phone 7我很興奮,在我的口袋裡有一台這樣的手機。我滿世界跑,天天用它,它是一台原型機,但真的很好。真想拿出來讓你見識下,可惜不能。









  人們需要一些簡單的東西。 Windows Phone 7的設計目標是在簡單的手機上獲得豐富的體驗。很好的鍵盤,很好的觸摸屏,或者兩者都有。說誰主導市場,現在還言之過早,但我對此興奮。 Android進入市場,它說明那兒有更多的創新空間,在這個領域我想我們會扮演一個重要角色。人們談論iPhone,認為它是移動OS世界的終點,Windows Phone 7會證明仍有許多可創新之處。


答:它的確在IT環境上創造了一個新市場,不過在手持設備領域,在商業領域,它是不起眼的。 Windows已經嵌入不同的設備中。如果你想在很熱、很冷、或者很熱的環境中用它,你就找不到其它操作系統的影子。我再次重申:微軟提供不同的選擇。



附:Tony Scott2008年2月加盟微軟,擔任CIO一職。他擁有超過25年的全球IT管理運作經驗,作為一個受尊敬的行家里手,Tony曾出任迪斯尼的高級副總裁兼第一位CIO,在迪斯尼任職之前他還曾出任通用汽車的CIO。目前他掌管著擁有4000名員工的微軟全球信息技術運營部門,負責管理為公司全球營銷、推廣和服務提供支持的重要技術系統。

(From : weiphone)

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.08.17 11:47:27 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


(From : weiphone)


地球上最富有的兩個人 - 比爾蓋茲與巴菲特 - 正在舉行秘密會議,有什麼消息能比這更讓人激動?他們在哪裡碰頭?有沒有其他人在場?都談了些什麼?是上大船的船票,還是悄悄買入蘋果公司的股票?

根據最早爆出這一消息的網站 IrishCentral.com的報導,2009年5月5日星期二的下午3點,由巴菲特和蓋茲組織的秘密會議在紐約洛克菲勒大學的校長室裡召開,洛克菲勒家族第三代掌門人大衛•洛克菲勒(大衛洛克菲勒),紐約市長邁克爾•布隆伯格(彭博),脫口秀女王奧普拉•溫弗瑞(奧普拉)和投資大亨喬治•索羅斯(喬治索羅斯)等全美最為富有的人悉數出席。 





這種轉變起源於他們在1991年春天的第一次很重要的交往。巴菲特的傳記描寫了這次會面。那天,蓋茲收到了一張邀請他參加華爾街總裁聚會的請帖,主講人就是巴菲特,他不屑一顧,隨手丟到一旁。蓋茲的母親微笑著勸兒子:“我倒是覺得你應該去聽聽,他或許恰好可以彌補你身上的缺點。”母親的話讓蓋茲清醒了許多,決定認識一下這位大他25歲的前輩。離會議開始還有一段時間,巴菲特和蓋茲有意坐到了一起,一個講述,一個傾聽,彼此聊到自己的童年和對世界經濟的看法。兩人驚奇地發現,他們有太多的共同點,都是白手起家,熱衷冒險,不怕犯錯誤 ... ...不知不覺中,時間過去一個多小時,意猶未盡的巴菲特被催促著來到演講台上,他的開場白竟然是:“在開始講話之前,我想說的是,今天我第一次和比爾。蓋茲交談,他是一個比我聰明的人... ...”

隨著交往的深入,蓋茲逐漸認識到巴菲特是個不可多得的“真人”:他並非一毛不拔的“鐵公雞”,而對金錢有著超凡脫俗的深刻見解,他說:“財富應該用一種良好的方式反饋給社會,而不是留給子女... ...“他的家庭生活幸福美滿,每當愛人危難的時候,就守候在她的身邊,為記錄三個孩子成長的經歷,他堅持寫了30本日記,他不但支持妻子從事慈善事業,而且身體力行,計劃在自己離世後,將全部遺產留給妻子,由她把這些財產捐獻給慈善事業,他助人為樂,對待朋友非常真誠,信任,他的人格魅力常常打動每一個與之交往的人,就是在他的影響下,一心忙於工作,對婚姻持懷疑態度的蓋茨終於學會了熱愛家庭... ...

同樣,在巴菲特眼裡,蓋茲也是個年輕有為的“真人”。2006年6月15日,蓋茲宣布將逐步退出微軟,專心從事慈善基金會的事業。緊隨其後,6月25日,巴菲特因為妻子過早去世,決定將把 370億美元的財產捐給蓋茲的慈善基金會,他動情地說:“我之所以選擇比爾和梅琳達(蓋茲的妻子)慈善基金會,一方面是因為我認為它是世界上最健全的慈善組織,另外就是我十分信任蓋茲和梅琳達,他們是我最好的朋友。“




Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.08.17 11:37:37 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Linux Ubuntu OS將帶來多點觸控特性的支援

(From : weiphone)

開發方表示,下一版本的Ubuntu的將獲得多點觸界面的能力,這使得Linux OS在這方面終於趕上了視窗和Mac OS X。開源的Linux系統的開發工作較為分散,而對於稍微複雜一些的,需要廠家支持的多點觸摸功能,Linux操作系統的支度就顯得慢人一拍,不過基於GTK的GNOME和KDE的Qt界面元素可以給開發觸控手勢帶來不少方便,不過如何盡快開發出一個命令接口是一個重要的話題,此外,同一手勢在不同應用程式中有著不同的理解,這將讓用戶感到迷惑,Ubuntu希望能夠有特定的手勢來有效地劃分,他們預期在5年時間裡,讓手勢操作有著更為深思熟慮和可應用的標準。


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.08.11 09:45:42 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Wii 2 to get blu-ray and hd in 2011? [rumor]

While we’re probably still looking at a 2011 or later release for Nintendo’s next Wii console, the rumors have started to fly on exactly what sort of technology might live under the hood of the next-gen console from Nintendo.


Back at the end of 2009, a rumor surfaced about how the console might include Blu-ray and HD video capability. According to the guys at GirlGamersSuck (Don’t blame me for the name of the site), a “reliable source” inside Nintendo confirmed that the Wii2 (or is it Wii-Two or Wii 2?) would sport not only 1080P HD video, but a Blu-ray drive as its primary media. In addition they mentioned a “realistic timescale” would be a 2011 release date.

Now given the fact that the hardware costs for such tech continue to drop, and the market expectations for video quality continue to rise, I can’t see any reason the Nintendo won’t include the capability. That said, the Big N has been known to focus on gameplay and controller ingenuity over hardware specs, so you never know. Guess we’ll just have to wait a little longer to see what they come up with.

And yes, I know the picture above is Photoshopped – I did it myself.

[via Aeropause]

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.08.04 02:53:29 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect




Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.08.04 11:47:53 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect




Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.08.04 11:14:19 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Modded Nintendo Lets You Play Mario With Your Eyes, Poorly

This is both completely cool and totally useless: a group of engineers going by Waterloo Labs in Austin, Texas created a way of controlling an original NES by simply moving your eyes.

By using electrodes placed around the eyes to track the movement of a players eyeballs, they were able to jury rig a Nintendo to accept eye movement as controller input. And it works!

Of course, controlling a game with the direction you're looking makes it pretty tough to look straight at the screen, which is why no one makes it more than halfway through level 1-1 of Super Mario Bros. in this video. But still, impressive work! [Waterloo Labs via Gadget Lab]

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.08.03 12:02:50 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


近日《財富》文章指出,微軟首席執行官鮑爾默週四表示,公司當務之急是與合作夥伴合作推出一批Windows 7平板電腦,以便同當前熱銷的蘋果iPad競爭。

鮑爾默在上週四的分析師會議上介紹了公司在消費者市場赶超蘋果和谷歌的戰略計劃。他說,蘋果憑藉iPad發了大財,現在iPad的銷量已經超出了他的預期。因此,鮑爾默說微軟的當務之急是盡快將基於Windows 7平板電腦推出市場。

鮑爾默說:“在這個關鍵時刻,沒有人能夠高枕無憂。 我們必須推出基於Windows 7的平板電腦。我們正在履行我們的承諾,執行我們的計劃。與我們一樣,我們的合作夥伴也都正集中精力生產對應的系統和晶片。”

但是鮑爾默沒有給出具體的產品發布日期,他只說Windows 7平板電腦將盡快做好準備,而且那批產品的正式發佈時間距離現在不會太久。

鮑爾默稱,微軟必須抓緊時間,盡快讓基於Windows 7的平板電腦參與到市場競爭之中。他說,英特爾將在明年推出一款專為平板電腦定制的處理器Oak Trail,那將有助於電腦廠商研製出更好的Windows 7平板電腦。



鮑爾默對此予以否認,他說微軟的平板電腦將採用Windows 7系統、英特爾處理器,具體產品組合眾多,外形、尺寸、廠商各異,更重要的是,它們肯定會比iPad要便宜一些某些分析師對此保持懷疑態度。

IDC應用開發軟件項目主管Al Hilwa稱:“微軟必須施展帽子戲法才能與蘋果競爭。蘋果在利用iPad拓展消費者市場方面奉行少即是多的戰略。微軟則保證讓Windows 7系統運行在平板電腦平台上。”


鮑爾默在展示了Windows Phone 7之後表示,要想同蘋果和谷歌競爭,公司仍有許多工作要做。微軟打算對新版智能手機操作系統大肆宣傳,趁著電腦廣告“I'm a PC”的成功,再播出一則題為“I'm a phone too!”的廣告。


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.07.29 10:58:47 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Why does the media still think video games are bad for kids?
By Scott Steinberg, Special to CNN

Editor's note: Scott Steinberg is the head of technology and video game consulting firm TechSavvy Global, as well as the founder of GameExec magazine and Game Industry TV. He frequently appears as an on-air technology analyst for ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and CNN. His most recent book is "Get Rich Playing Games."

(CNN) -- History has a funny way of repeating itself, especially when it comes to concerns over the cultural and psychological impact of video games on children.

In 1993, the Senate's hearings on video game violence gave birth to the Entertainment Software Rating Board and the industry's current rating system: E for everyone, M for mature (17 and older) and so on. Later this year, the U.S. Supreme Court will test the constitutionality of a California law that would make it illegal to sell violent video games to minors.

But what gaming insiders find most surprising isn't that such arguments remain topical. It's that some 30 years after video games became a popular form of mainstream entertainment, we're still liable to hear less about games' positive impact on kids' lives than sensationalistic accounts of their hidden dangers.

"Games are an amazing invention that entertain and inform in ways different than traditional media," says Joseph Olin, president of the Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences. "But many critics have little or any experience with them and therefore don't understand where there could be artistic or educational value. No different than with film and TV, media sensationalism and ignorance can contribute to the fear that games are harmful to children.

"There's absolutely no scientific evidence showing a positive correlation between violence in individuals and the games they play," continues Olin, who points to studies from the Harvard Medical School Center for Mental Health, The Journal of Adolescent Health and The British Medical Journal.

Also, Olin says, nearly two-thirds of all games sold are rated E or E+, meaning they're found to be appropriate for players of all ages or children over 10 years of age, respectively

Researchers like David Thomas, who teaches critical video game theory at the University of Colorado, say the most curious misconception about the field is that games are strictly for juveniles. Such arguments -- the impetus for countless political battles -- ignore the fact that the average player is 35 years old, and more adult women play than teenage boys, according to the Entertainment Software Association.

Furthermore, according to the software association, 63 percent of parents believe that games positively impact their children's lives.

Games are simply a tool, Thomas argues, which, like any other implement, can be used for good or ill, and require reasonable balance and oversight.

"We live in a media-rich world, and video games are part of that diet," he says. "Kids are incredibly savvy these days. But being children, they still need guidance. Games can be beneficial to children as a modern form of media, albeit one that they need to learn how to use, cope with, contextualize and manage."

All too often overlooked in debates are the sizable educational and social benefits that games offer kids, says Winda Benedetti, who writes the Citizen Gamer column for MSNBC.com.

"A lot of parents are unfamiliar with gaming and afraid of the unknown," she says. "But games can be a huge positive for children, as long as you set reasonable limits. When my 3-year-old watches TV, he just passively zones out.

"But when he plays games, he's actively engaged, thinks about what's happening, talks to me about what's happening on-screen and takes away so much more from the experience. Games offer parents enormous untapped potential."

Experts say that playing video games helps develop kids' lateral thinking and decision-making skills. Children are also encouraged to discover and experiment at their own pace, failing and trying new approaches to solving virtual problems, which helps build confidence and self-esteem.

"Games aren't solely an entertainment medium anymore. [Many] emphasize cooperation and sharing, and encourage kids to learn economic basics," says Olin, referring to such popular kids' titles as "Animal Crossing" and "Club Penguin."

"Other games like 'LittleBigPlanet' foster creativity, while online games such as 'Toontown' teach lessons on teamwork and community, and the Professor Layton series focuses on critical thinking and puzzle solving," Olin says. "Games illustrate the concept of risk and reward in a manner that's comprehensible and engaging."

Nevertheless, journalists focus mostly on violence in games, says Ariella Lehrer, CEO of software publisher Legacy Interactive.

"Some of the complaints that games destroy a child's ability to concentrate or do harm to the developing brain are silly. The research is not completely clear, but in general, the data paints a very different picture," she says.

Ultimately, gaming experts say, whether games are beneficial or detrimental to kids comes down to fundamental playing habits, exposure to age-appropriate content and, most vitally, active parental involvement.

"Games are a social currency that can enhance the relationship between parent and child -- no different than any other medium," says Olin. Most parents know their kids' friends, the shows they watch and some of the music they listen to. I always recommend that they take the same approach with the games that their children play."

Lehrer, whose titles include sophisticated animal doctoring simulations such as "Pet Pals" and "Zoo Vet," says games for kids can be challenging and don't have to dumb down the experience for them.

Maybe it's time that we held the debate over the impact of video games on children's lives to the same standards.


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.29 10:43:42 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

hitachi gesture-based interface: why do we hate buttons so much?

Seriously, will the future be button-less? What’s up with this surge of motion- and gesture-based UIs? Aside from Microsoft and Sony working on motion-based gaming controllers, Hitachi is also currently working on a Minority Report-ish interface. The company plans on using the technology for digital signage, and – this I can understand – in the medical field, to enable doctors to manipulate data without actually touching the monitor.

hitachi gesture based interface

Here’s the interface in action. It’s still in development, hence the delay in response, but it does work:

What I can’t understand is why Hitachi is planning on incorporating this on desktop PCs and even TVs by the middle of next year. No doubt, gesture-based technology is useful in some instances, but does it really have a place in everyday usage? Will our lives be more awesome if we could wave our hands in front of our PCs just to view pictures and zoom in on maps? Have I just become too old to appreciate new technology? What the hell is going on?!

[via Akihabara News]

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.29 10:38:20 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

the nintendo dsi xl museum of art


Sit back, relax, and enjoy as these digital artists does their best to reproduce famous works of art by the masters using only a Nintendo DSi XL and Art Academy.

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.23 11:42:06 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Sony Might Make Depth Slider for 3-D PS3 Games

One of the most underrated features in the Nintendo 3DS is the depth slider that can adjust the depth of 3-D images. Sony has recognized how important it is, though, and might be doing the same thing for PS3 games.

A Sony rep told gaming site Kotaku that the company might include a similar slider or switch in PS3 controllers so that users can adjust 3-D games to fit their needs.

The problem with 3-D games is that you need glasses to perceive 3-D content, and that's only if you can see 3-D in the first place. Many people can't. And even if you have the glasses, there are still sweet spots where the user must sit to get the best effect, and the images can still cause headaches.

All these problems mean that a slider to adjust 3-D depth would make 3-D games much more customizable for users. If someone wants to tone down the 3-D effect, they can adjust the depth of the image. And if glasses aren't available for all players, or a player gets frequent headaches from 3-D content, the slider can make the game revert to 2-D completely, making it operate like current games.

It sounds like a great idea, but for now it's only an option that Sony is aggressively studying. With the number of obstacles still to overcome for 3-D, an adjustable slider is the perfect way for Sony to keep betting heavily on 3-D without alienating some customers.

(From technewsdaily By Dan Hope)

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.22 10:56:36 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft defends Kinect pricing

Big M exec says Kinect's high price reflects its innovative tech.

Microsoft has sent out its big guns to defend the £129 price tag slapped on its Kinect motion-control system yesterday. The gaming giant’s Chris Lewis, who looks after its Interactive Entertainment Business group in Europe, said the add-on was, “good value,” claiming it was “innovative and not derivative,” in a swipe at Sony’s PS3 Move.

Speaking to Gamesindustry.biz, Lewis said, “"From our point of view, [Kinect Adventures] plus the technology and what that means to the consumer by way of experience - and the innovation it represents - we're confident that it's great value.”


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.19 12:24:44 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Windows Phone 7 in-depth preview



Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.07.14 10:00:24 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

This isn’t surprising but about 74 percent of Windows users still run Windows XP

不知是全球經濟景氣還沒復甦,使用者不想多花錢買Windows 7/Vista;還是Windows XP設計得太好?微軟還會支援Windows XP到2020年

Adam Chen
發表 发表于:2010.07.09 09:08:46 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

NASA 3D Moon Game On-Line








Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.07 02:22:58 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect




‧Microsoft Patent Shows Dynamic Dual Sided Remote (Being Manan網站)
‧Microsoft Office Labs GM Shows The Office Labs 2019 Vision Isn’t That Far (Being Manan網站)


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.07.06 12:06:11 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.07.06 09:09:21 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft InstaLoad™ Battery Installation Technology Overview 電池正接反接都導電


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.05 10:55:28 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft gives up on Mobile---the Kin, Eyes Windows Phone 7 (CNN)


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.07.05 10:45:25 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Nintendo DS improved a boy’s eyesight?

You think playing video games is bad for your kid’s eyesight? Well, it worked differently with Ben Michaels who was about to lose his right eyesight. He simply played Mario Kart on his DS for two hours each with his bad eye and after a while his eyesight improved.

It wasn’t accidental as Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital’s consultant Ken Nischal recommended such. Ben and his mom followed the strange advice and it did work.

Apparently, Nischal said that by ‘forcing a player’s eyes to engage in more rapid eye movementmay improve eyesight. (techfever)

Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.02 11:53:11 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Displax 螢幕手勢識別系統


Tommy Chung
發表 发表于:2010.07.02 11:48:26 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


A research project from Intel can turn any surface into a touchscreen. Instead of propping up a tablet or putting a touchscreen computer in your kitchen, picture yourself tapping on the counter top to pull menus, look up recipes and add items to a shopping list.

"There's nothing absolutely special about the surface, and it doesn't matter if your hands are dirty," says Beverly Harrison, a senior research scientist at Intel. "Our algorithm and a camera set-up can create virtual islands everywhere"

Intel demoed the project during the company's annual research-day fest Wednesday to show touchscreens can go beyond computing and become a part of everyday life.

The project uses real-time 3-D object recognition to build a model of almost anything that's placed on the counter and offer a a virtual, touchscreen-based menu. For instance, when you put a slab of meat on the counter or a green pepper, they are identified, and a virtual menu that includes recipes for both are shown.

"The computer in real time builds a model of the color, shape, texture of the objects and runs it against a database to identify it," says Harrison. "And it requires nothing special to be attached on the steak or the pepper."

Smartphones have turned touch into a popular user interface. Many consumers are happy to give the BlackBerry thumb a pass and instead swipe and flick their finger to scroll. New tablets are also likely to make users want to move beyond a physical keyboard and mouse.

But so far, touchscreens have been limited to carefully calibrated pieces of glass encased in the shell of a phone or computer.

Intel researchers say that won't be the case in the future. An ordinary coffee table in the living room could morph into a touchscreen when you put a finger on it, and show a menu of music, video to choose from. Or a vanity table in the bathroom could recognize a bottle of pills placed on it and let you manage your medications from there.

Some companies are trying to expand the use of touchscreens. For instance, Displax, based in Portugal, can turn any surface - flat or curved - into a touch-sensitive display by sticking a thinner-than-paper polymer film on that surface to make it interactive.

Intel research labs try to do away with the extra layer. Instead, researchers there have created a rig with two cameras, one to capture the image of the objects and the other to capture depth. The depth cameras help recognize the objects and the difference between the hand touching the table or hovering over it. A pico-projector helps beam the virtual menus. The cameras and the pico-projector can be combined into devices just a little bigger than your cellphone, says Harrison. Sprinkle a few of these in different rooms and point them on tables, and the system is ready to go.

At that point, the software program that Harrison and her team have written kicks in. The program, which can run on any computer anywhere in the house, helps identify objects accurately and create the virtual menus. Just make a wide sweeping gesture to push the menu off the counter and it disappears. There's even a virtual drawer that users can pull up to store images and notes.

Harrison says all this will work on almost any surface, including glass, granite and wood.

"The key here is the idea requires no special instrumentation," she says.

Still it may be too early to make plans to remodel the kitchen to include this new system. The idea is still in the research phase, says Harrison, and it may be years before it makes it to the real world.

Photo: A counter top acts as a touchscreen display.
Priya Ganapati/Wired.com

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.07.01 10:49:44 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


The Microsoft Surface may have been the inspiration for the iPad and other tablet computers but we still can’t see it everywhere. We have just been teased by the software giant but it’s all good since other companies took advantage of the idea.
Microsoft won’t be last to utilize their big idea again as the company’s Applied Science group is working on a a touchless telepresence display. This comes with a sub 2-inch camera and a Samsung prototype transparent OLED panel for a 3D gesture-control interface.

This could be the next Surface but we’re really hoping Microsoft releases such in the near future.(techfever.Net)

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.30 10:01:38 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Windows 8細節揭露

• Microsoft is in a full-on love-affair with Apple, and for good reason. Complexity is out, simplicity is in. Can Microsoft really follow through with making Windows 8 “just work” a la Apple? It certainly wants to, and thinks “this is something people will pay for!”
• Webcams will be a big focus for Windows 8, with the potential goal of letting Windows 8 log you in automatically via camera image. Some vendors have built this separately already for earlier versions of Windows, and users seem to like it.
•  Windows 8 will embrace “the cloud” by letting you take your workspace from one PC to another via a single login that’s connected to the web. So now you can borrow my computer and I don’t have to worry about my precious documents getting disorganized.
• You’ll also be able to more easily combine your personal computing environment with your business workspace. It’s unclear exactly how, but presumably Microsoft’s cloud focus will play a part here. Yay, more time to work!
• Microsoft is focusing on three computing-form factors when Windows 8 is released: Slates (tablets), laptops, and all-in-one PCs. Traditional desktops may still be around, but this isn’t a major focus of the OS, and for good reason, since sales are falling off a cliff.
• Windows 8 will hopefully start up faster than ever before, thanks to a new and as-yet-undeveloped operating mode.
• More advanced help and support systems were meant to be part of Windows 7, but anyone who’s used the Windows 7 troubleshooters knows this didn’t happen. They’re back with Windows 8.
• One-button “Reset Windows” option will take your computer back to its original state while leaving your personal documents and settings intact. System Restore gets a big upgrade.
• There’s a Windows 8 App Store in the works, which will offer apps for any Microsoft/Windows device, from PC to phone to Zune. It even already has a URL: windowsstore.com.

(Yahoo! News)

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.25 11:28:38 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect




Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.21 11:23:21 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


(Image : CNN Tech. News)

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.17 12:20:41 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

 Nintendo 3DS 


Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.17 12:13:16 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Sony Move  





Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.17 09:39:18 AM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.15 02:52:27 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Xbox 360 Kinect 影片

Kinect支援Xbox 360體感,也支援聲控及多方視訊,另Xbox 360新款輕薄版也開賣







Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.15 12:20:36 PM    文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect


美國洛杉磯電子娛樂展(E3 Expo)於2010年15日揭幕,微軟、Sony、任天堂等全球電玩遊戲三雄莫不趁機飆創意玩行銷,推出期待已久的3D體感遙控系統和遊戲,以吸引玩家注意,期能提高銷售量。

Only Chen
發表 发表于:2010.06.15 11:25:54 AM    文章主题: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟發布詳細的超高動力學,人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect,可搭配其產品Microsoft Xbox 360。Kinect將在2010年12月於北美發售。


Photo From Reuters and Microsoft Web-Page