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Keira Lin
發表 發表於: 2007.06.13 09:47:12 AM    文章主題: Re: Computex剛落幕,大家有在此次展會中發現什麼新現象或是趣事嗎?

外貿協會統計,自6月5日起至6月9日止的Computex Taipei 2007,吸引來自全球超過130個國家地區的3.2萬名買主到場參觀、採購。總計今年共有1333家廠商參展,使用了2926個攤位,展出規模再次突破新高,並較2006年成長約2%。




Hidden Light
發表 發表於: 2007.06.12 01:53:48 PM    文章主題: Re: Computex剛落幕,大家有在此次展會中發現什麼新現象或是趣事嗎?

下面一則Computex的看法則完全不同了,他們是ㄧ家PC專業媒體,叫做PC Pro。文中不僅宣傳歡迎大家去參觀Computex,並認為Comptuex才是真正的第一大IT貿易展,CeBIT只是加上一般民眾而顯得更多人而已。他所附的照片也有點冷清,不過他認為裡面展覽的內容更專業更純粹,以下摘錄其報導:
Welcome to Computex 2007 2:25PM, Tuesday 5th June 2007
Computex is the biggest IT trade show in the world. It differs from the other major trade show - CeBIT - by being a media and buyer show rather than taking the open-to-everyone approach of the Hanover event. As a consequence of both this and the nature of the majority of Taiwanese businesses being focused on components, you'll see fewer consumer products and more in the way of motherboards, graphics cards, RAM, CPU heatsinks, cases and so on.

Given that Taiwan houses all the major players in the motherboard and graphics card market, Computex is the ideal place to scope out new technologies that'll be in your next PC and the trends that will shape the industry for the next six months to a year. There'll also be keynote speeches from industry leaders such as Nvidia, ATi, Intel and AMD.

Set around the world's tallest building - Taipei 101 - the four massive (thankfully air-conditioned) halls of Computex are packed with the latest technology. We'll be updating you over the course of the three-day event, so keep checking back for news, ground-breaking products and the trends to watch out for.

For all the latest news and developments from Computex 2007 see: www.pcpro.co.uk/html/computex2007

Steven Wang
發表 發表於: 2007.06.12 10:35:21 AM    文章主題: Re: Computex剛落幕,大家有在此次展會中發現什麼新現象或是趣事嗎?




發表 發表於: 2007.06.12 09:59:03 AM    文章主題: Re: Computex剛落幕,大家有在此次展會中發現什麼新現象或是趣事嗎?

Hidden Light
發表 發表於: 2007.06.11 04:54:34 PM    文章主題: Re: Computex剛落幕,大家有在此次展會中發現什麼新現象或是趣事嗎?

Computex 2007 展覽5天全部在陰雨中進行,去年的Computex也是如此,風雨交加,往好處想就是遇水則發,往壞處想則是老外對台北的天氣不敢恭維,想要進一步觀光就免了。不過大部分的媒體或團體、個人都很熱烈的參與,即使壞天氣也不想錯過倒是真的,但也有的人唱衰Computex,例如CPRO的報導,摘錄如下:


開展首日冷清清 外商質疑Computex
2007-6-8/ 吳立仁/ 撰文

主辦單位稱參觀人數保持成長的 Computex ,開展首日出奇冷清,許多攤位都出現自家人比參觀者還多的現象。部分參展台商及遠道來台的外商,都對此抱怨不已,表示Computex效果逐年衰退,而主辦單位灌水宣傳,亦誤導參展者投入過多資源,廠商未來將慎重考慮參展事宜。


Korbin Lan
發表 發表於: 2007.06.11 09:16:41 AM    文章主題: Computex剛落幕,大家有在此次展會中發現什麼新現象或是趣事嗎?

