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Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2011.01.05 12:07:58 PM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

3D沒搞頭 廠商改打智慧TV?



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.05 10:28:07 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

Cisco joining connected TV party with updated cable boxes at CES



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2011.01.05 10:24:37 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

微軟或將在2011年 CES國際消費電子展上展覽Windows TV


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.12.30 11:03:59 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

龔獨人牲:從壹電視看台灣數位電視發展:TV 2.0時代來臨,史前恐龍該醒醒了



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.12.28 11:12:14 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

Report: Logitech Turns Volume Down on Google TV



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.11.23 12:03:31 PM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

首款Android電視 瑞典開賣



Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.10.27 11:33:53 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

iFixit 拆 Logitech Revue,發現其實是台技嘉 !?


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.10.26 10:31:05 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

Logitech Revue Google TV Box Looks Just as Complex Inside

Logitech Revue Google TV Box Looks Just as Complex Inside

The early word on Google TV is that it's kinda messy! So's the inside of the Logitech Revue, which is basically a netbook on a motherboard, complete with a 1.2GHz Atom processor.

Though like Jason says, if everyone's just trying to sneak a computer into your living room, Google's simply the most honest about it. And the generic hardware from netbooks past means it might not be too difficult for more enterprising nerds to get Google TV running their own HTPC in the not-so-distant future. [iFixit]


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.10.25 11:42:53 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

微軟網路電視 首度登台




國際大廠均有志一同看好數位家庭商機,不讓Google、Apple專美於前,微軟布局網路電視已多年,台灣微軟將於本週二(26日)與台中地區的有線電視及WiMax業者威達雲端電訊公司共同合作打造「娛樂雲」,推出以Mediaroom 2.0技術的網路電視解決方案。


微軟比Google更早布局網路電視(IPTV),3年前網路電視平台更名為Mediaroom,今年初CES展中已推出Mediaroom 2.0版本。相較於Google的電視上網直接與電視製造商合作,微軟的Mediaroom 2.0所訴求的合作對象為機上盒業者及電視節目及內容營運商。


微軟表示,Mediaroom 2.0可協助電視台及頻道內容業者,順利轉型成為數位時代的網路電視經營者,經由Mediaroom的技術和平台,電視內容業者或電信營運商可以提供多元化的內容,簡而言之就是打造一個「娛樂雲」,內容不僅是營運商提供,也可以接受外部的內容。




值得一提的是,終端使用者不論是透過電視、使用Windows 7的電腦、或智慧型手機、平板電腦、甚至家中的遊戲機XBOX 360,都可以取得營運商的內容服務。另一方面,消費者還可以使用互動服務,舉例來說,可以選擇想要看的節目,或是看到廣告時可以透過遙控器來訂購。


威達雲端電訊則表示,週二即將要推出的新服務名稱為Vee Time,最主要的服務內涵就是提供無縫收視環境,任何時間、任何地點均可以看電視,消費者可以做電視的主人。






Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.10.22 11:06:03 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

美國三大電視網封殺Google TV服務

這是一定的啦 !!


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.10.20 11:06:32 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?


 為配合本週末上市的谷歌電視產品,YouTube的官方博客今天宣布正式推出YouTube的Leanback。youtube或Leanback專為大螢幕電視設計,可以根據用戶的瀏覽歷史和喜好,全屏不間斷播放相關HD視訊。此外還 Leanback提供十個頻道,視頻每日更新。根據科技博客Mashable的報導,谷歌和youtube或都希望通過合作擴大自己的用戶數量。

谷歌在五月份的I / O的大會上就演示過 youtube或Leanback,谷歌希望藉此將流媒體視頻引入家庭影院系統,而另一方面,Mashable稱 youtube或Leanback是專為電視設計的谷歌,YouTube的希望用戶在使用谷歌電視瀏覽網頁時也能方便觀看 youtube或網路視訊。

索尼的電視與羅技谷歌谷歌電視機頂盒歌劇團都將在本週末上架,YouTube上公佈 Leanback可以說是恰逢其時,但此項功能能否得到消費者的認可,還需拭目以待。


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.09.30 12:13:00 PM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

Apple TV's Guts Contain 8 GB Of Flash Storage

Apple TV's Guts Contain 8 GB Of Flash Storage

As usual, the folks at iFixIt have torn down the latest Apple gadget. They were happy to find that the Apple TV was ridiculously easy to disassemble and contains the same 8GB NAND flash chip that we've seen in iPads.

According to iFixIt, this is what you should know about the teardown:

* The Apple TV has 256 RAM, just like the 4th Generation iPod Touch and the iPad. The key marking of interest on the A4 processor package is "K4X2G643GE," which is identical to the marking found on the iPad.

* We found Samsung K9LCG08U1M 8GB NAND flash chip inside the Apple TV! It's the same chip we found when taking apart the iPad. This is a pretty remarkable amount of storage for a $99 device.

* We are pretty sure the flash memory is used to cache your favorite shows while they're being streamed.

* There is an empty spot right next to the Samsung NAND flash that looks to be the perfect size for putting another Samsung NAND flash chip. Could Apple be planning a higher capacity Apple TV in the future?

* Wi-Fi board brought to you courtesy of Panasonic! This is the first time we've seen a Wi-Fi board from Panasonic in an Apple device. A different division of Panasonic usually supplies the optical drives for Apple's laptops.

* The Panasonic Wi-Fi board contains a Broadcom BCM4329XKUBG 802.11n Wi-Fi/Bluetooth/FM, exactly the same as the one we found on the iPad.

* The solder pads near the side of the logic board look to be a *perfect* match for a dock connector! This Apple TV seems to be a couple of features shy of a full-on computer. Perhaps this logic board will be used in future iPads?

* Apple is continuing its theme of hiding power supplies inside their devices. It's especially impressive here, considering that the Apple TV is only slightly larger than a 60 watt MacBook AC adapter.

* The sticker on the power supply has this rating: 3.4V @ 1.75A. We'll save you the multiplication: that's just 5.95 watts!

* Apple brags that when in standby mode, the Apple TV uses less power than a night light. We don't suggest trying to use the status LED to illuminate your dark hallways, though.

If you're into gadget gore or DIY repairs, be sure to follow the link to the full teardown for more details and photos. [iFixIt]


Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.09.10 11:36:08 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

英特爾總裁:Google TV本月上市

Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2010.09.08 10:57:18 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?


Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2010.09.02 07:57:16 PM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

Tommy Chung
發表 發表於: 2010.09.02 07:13:01 PM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

APPLE 新推出iTV,就是"愛TV"

Apple Showtime's After Party: Photos of the iTV Livingroom Streaming Box

The iTV set was by far the shining star of the show, hounded by fat, balding, geek paparazzi. The little set top box iTV looks like a half height Mac Mini with the sole purpose of streaming media to a livingroom TV. This is what is known to PC-doods as a Media Center Extender.

Again, it streams those new 640 by 480 pixel movies, music, photos, podcasts, TV shows. There's a power supply inside, USB, 802.11 wireless, Ethernet, HDMI, component, stereo audio, and optical audio out to your TV.

The good news is that even though there's a front row like interface, it looks like it's running fast enough that it won't suck like Apple's sluggish 10-foot interface, Front Row.

Apple's set top streamer won't be in our grubby little gadget mitts until 2007, but we're already asking: Why $299 for something without a drive? I don't know. Call it love.

And we touched it! Jump for some fetish shots, along with some screens. BTW, its a box, so don't expect centerfold-type imagery, mmkay?

(PS, we're not done yet! More posts to come in the next few hours.)

All our iTV coverage at Apple's Showtime [Gizmodo]
All Apple Showtime Posts [Gizmodo]















Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2010.09.02 12:15:01 PM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?



Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2010.08.17 11:20:33 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

美國投行Piper Jaffray公司的著名分析師吉恩週一發表投資者報告時反复強調說,在未來 2-4年內,蘋果計劃推出一款可聯網的全功能高清晰度電視。而下個月推出的新款蘋果電視只是為發行可聯網的高清晰度電視鋪路。

Only Chen
發表 發表於: 2010.08.12 10:54:03 AM    文章主題: Re: Google TV怎麼用?

蘋果將推出新一代的Apple TV正式更名為iTV(網路互動電視)

據可靠消息確認,蘋果將要推出新一代數位機上盒,售價 99美元。他的大小還有結構都和新一代的iPhone差不多,(A4的中央處理器,16GB的閃存)並且將會推出新的iTunes的視訊流服務。遺憾的是,據我們得到的消息,這個機上盒並不能處理 1080i的和1080p的視訊,最高只能支援到720p,原因是A4的處理器並不能很好的處理HD視訊。另外,蘋果會將蘋果電視改名為互動電視iTV,有意思的是,當蘋果的機上盒剛剛推出的時候,他就叫這個名字。

Steven Wang
發表 發表於: 2010.08.03 09:33:31 AM    文章主題: Google TV怎麼用?

Google TV就是把電視當成瀏覽器一樣吧我想!