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近日,全球网络搜寻巨擘Google将决定中国业务的去留,但多数消息指出将准备关闭在中国业务,放弃中国市场。而中国搜索引擎公司百度的美国存托凭证(ADR)价格也顺势暴涨逾一成,并稳居中国网络搜寻市场龙头,市占率高达58%,中国谷歌(Google China)则只有36%...

Adam Chen
来自: 宜蘭/花蓮/台東
文章: 149

发 表 于: 2010.04.30 11:14:18 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?


(1)Google品牌價值 全球第一,超越IBM,APPLE及Microsoft


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Adam Chen
来自: 宜蘭/花蓮/台東
文章: 149

发 表 于: 2010.04.30 11:18:24 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?
Google品牌價值 全球第一:超越APPLE,IBM及微軟,而
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.15 10:47:10 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?

Apple Just Bought Their Own Google Earth

Apple Just Bought Their Own Google EarthApple's gone out an bought itself another mapping company. This time it's Canadian firm Poly9, which makes interactive 3D software designed for use in a browser. It could be an important step towards Apple making their very own Google Earth.

The acquisition was made "recently," though it's not clear exactly when. It comes on the heels of Apples purchase of mapping service company Placebase last year. Combined, the technology from the two companies would give Apple the foundation for a potent mapping platform. The Poly9 Globe project, for instance, is a Google Earth-like program that takes up just 303kb and can run on any platform.

Moving away from Google's 3D globe imaging would be a major salvo in the ongoing Apple/Google feud, but it would also give Apple something they very much value in the iPhone and iPad ecosystem: control. Neither company has commented so far, but expect to see some Cupertino cartography sooner than later. [CyberPresse via Apple Insider]


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.19 12:06:44 PM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?
Apple Patent Application Describes Multi-Orientation Docks

Apple Patent Application Describes Multi-Orientation DocksAmong Apple's patent applications, there's one for a multi-orientation dock which seems like it won't rely on traditional electrical contacts on the bottom of your device.

The patent application is titled "Methods and Apparatuses for Docking a Portable Electronic Device That Has a Planar Like Configuration and That Operates in Multiple Orientations" and described in vague terms:

The document describes a docking station that, like those currently available, allows both data and power transfer to a portable device, like an iPhone or iPad. But the new hardware would include a port that is "rotationally symmetric," allowing it to support any device orientation the user may choose.

Rather than "plug in" a device, the necessary power and data contacts could be flush with both the portable device and the docking station. This would allow the device to simply rest on the docking station, negating the need to line up a plug with a port on the device.

Speculation and clever-sounding docks aside, I think it's just plain pleasant to see smiley faces in patent application illustrations. [Apple Insider]

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.21 10:50:08 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?

An FCC Document Points to Apple's New Magic TrackPad for August

The FCC released an October 7, 2009 testing report yesterday that may in fact confirm that Apple is nearing the final stages of a Bluetooth device that is thought to be that of a stand-alone trackpad of sorts. This would theoretically support Apple's February 2010 trademark filing for a "Magic TrackPad." This report presents you with the one slip-up in the Apple filing that proves it's a trackpad along with other documents, including one that may actually point to an estimated release date of the Magic Trackpad for sometime in August. 

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.21 10:52:14 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?

Apple Wins Patents for Dashboard & Future iPad Feature

The US Patent and Trademark Office officially published a series of 12 newly granted patents for Apple Inc. today of which two were for design patents including one for Apple's 3G iPhone. The notables within the remainder of this group include one relating to Apple's OS X feature known as Dashboard and perhaps most importantly, Apple has won a strategically important multi-touch patent covering a visual expander that may be used in a future iteration of the iPad or other unique multi-touch application.

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.22 10:52:45 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?

Apple is winning. Should Microsoft care?

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Two months after Apple edged past Microsoft to become the world's most valuable tech company, it's approaching another milestone: Apple's quarterly sales could top Microsoft's, for the first time ever.

Apple (AAPL, Fortune 500) on Tuesday yet again wowed investors by handily beating Wall Street's revenue estimates for the past quarter. By posting $15.7 billion in sales, Apple set itself up to beat its longtime rival. When Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) reports its earnings on Thursday for the quarter that recently ended, analysts predict Microsoft will say it took in "just" $15.3 billion in sales.

diggEmail Print CommentEven if Microsoft beats those estimates, Apple's sales will almost certainly pass Microsoft next time around. Apple told analysts it's on track to take in a whopping $18 billion in the three-month stretch that ends Sept. 30., which would easily be Apple's best quarter ever -- and the company's guidance is notoriously conservative.

So Apple is poised to dethrone Microsoft. Customers are spending more money on iPhones, Macs, iPods and iPads than they are on Windows licenses, Microsoft Office and Xboxes.

But does it matter? Are Microsoft and Apple even really rivals these days?

"The media loves to tell this story, but I don't think it's a particularly relevant comparison," said Barry Jaruzelski, management consultant at Booz & Co. "In the past seven or eight years, Apple went from a computer company to a cutting-edge consumer electronics business, and Microsoft is a platform software business."

Once known as Apple Computer Inc., Steve Jobs' company dropped the "computer" from its name and became simply Apple Inc. in 2007. Macintosh computer sales accounted for just over a quarter of Apple's revenue in the last three months, while 65% came from sales of iPhones, iPads and iPods. Music sales on iTunes made up 8% of the money Apple took in.

Though Apple certainly makes software, like its Mac operating system and iPhone iOS, it has essentially become a hardware business that is enabled by its software.

Its biggest competitors have become companies like Nokia (NOK), Research in Motion (RIMM) and Motorola (MOT, Fortune 500) in the smartphone market. Hewlett-Packard is a consumer-gadget giant and a looming tablet threat. And Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) is Apple's most formidable challenger in the mobile advertising market

By contrast, Microsoft is still predominately a software company and is heavily reliant on the success of PCs: Windows and Office generate more than half of the company's revenue and profit. Also, nearly three-quarters of Microsoft's customers are businesses, a space that Apple is only starting to make headway in.

Microsoft now competes more with Oracle (ORCL, Fortune 500), SAP (SAP) and Adobe (ADBE) than Apple.

"Although it's fun to compare them, the reality is these are two ships that passed in the night," said Noah Kravitz, executive editor-in-chief at gadget news site PhoneDog.com.

The tech pages were all abuzz when Apple passed Microsoft in market capitalization in late May, but it still has a long way to go to get to where Microsoft once was.

With a market cap now hovering around $236 billion, Apple is the second-most valuable company in the U.S., behind only Exxon. But at the start of the decade, when its share price was more than quadruple what it is now, Microsoft's market cap was a stunning $550 billion.

And though Apple and Microsoft may be the kings of tech on the stock market, they don't come close to bringing in the kind of sales that some of their behemoth competitors do. HP (HPQ, Fortune 500), by far the largest tech company in the world, is expected to post $30 billion in revenue this quarter, and IBM (IBM, Fortune 500) is forecast to take in $24 billion.


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.22 11:07:07 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?

蘋果線上販售Mobileme 台灣列為國家

更新日期:2010/07/22 04:11







中國未列入 中國網友罵被藐視







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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.23 10:36:03 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?

Apple Reveals Technology Required for Future Miniature Products

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.07.23 10:37:42 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?

Apple Finally Designs a Way to Share Your Music Headset

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.07.23 11:52:43 AM
文章主题: Re: Google與Apple企業大不同?Google.cn成絕響?

Secunia ranks Apple first in software insecurity, Safari said to have AutoFill vulnerability

Bad news, Oracle. You've slipped to second place for the first time in years. The good news is that it's in Secunia's ranking of the top ten companies with the most software vulnerabilities, which is now topped by Apple -- Microsoft remains in third place, followed by HP and Adobe. According to Secunia, Apple's vulnerabilities are mostly not in OS X, but in Safari, iTunes and other applications. What's important to note, however, is that Secunia's definition of "vulnerability" doesn't simply include dangerous, exploitable vulnerabilities, so the rankings don't necessarily indicate which software is the most insecure from a user's point of view.

One vulnerability that is potentially serious, however, is an issue with Safari's AutoFill feature recently discovered by Jeremiah Grossman of WhiteHat Security. According to Grossman, a malicious website can exploit the feature to pull data from a user's address book without their knowledge, which has been demonstrated to take "mere seconds" by a bit of proof of concept code (you can try out yourself if you're feeling trusting). Grossman also says he's informed Apple of the vulnerability but hasn't received a response, and suggests that the only "fix" in the meantime is to turn off the AutoFill feature completely.

Update: AllThingsD has a statement from Apple on the AutoFill issue -- a spokesperson says "we take security and privacy very seriously," and that, "we're aware of the issue and working on a fix."
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