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讨论专栏主题﹕Android威胁iPhone 苹果祭出专利诉讼手段

Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.08 10:05:41 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

iPhone 4 Fitted Inside A Canon SLR Body

One things for sure: putting your iPhone 4 inside a Canon SLR isn't as useful as adding a SLR lens to your iPhone. But with this custom-made getup, you won't think about dropping your iPhone every time you hold it up.

And plus you can say your SLR has a "retina display" too! [Aniebres via Engadget]

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.08 10:41:08 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

iPhone在美賣輸Android機海 iOS行動上網市佔率也下滑


iPhone手機在美國市場傳出賣輸給Android機海大軍後,iOS作業系統裝置iPhoneiPod Touch等在美國行動網頁使用市佔率也傳出下滑,而同一時間,Android作業平台的使用率持續攀升,有評論分析認為,等到Android陣營真正設計出一台比較像樣的行動裝置時,那肯定有好看。




Quantcast計算的iOS行動裝置包括iPhone和iPod Touch,報導分析下滑原因認為,Android平台的手機廠商有十幾家,所以蘋果的iOS要以一擋十,雖然可以擋得了一時,但終究無法永遠維持在行動網頁使用率的領先地位,也不會是太令人驚訝的事。


而據市場調查機構Net Applications調查使用者上網所使用的作業系統結果,Windows市佔率為91.32%,Mac為5.06%,iOS為1.06%,Linux為0.93%,Java ME為0.78%,Android因比例太低,尚被歸類在「其他」類別。




Net Applications也追蹤到使用iOS的各種裝置市佔率,7月的分佈情形是,iPhone佔0.73%,iPad佔0.27%,iPod佔0.13%。


此外,據報導,三星(Samsung)推出Android平板電腦Galaxy Tab挑戰蘋果iPad,經過使用者初步測試後,好評不少,距離Android陣營真正設計出一台比較像樣的行動裝置已經近了。


報導說,好評包括造型小而美、效能良好,多點觸控螢幕明亮靈敏,同時三星把Galaxy Tab設計成可當手機使用,內建撥號器(dialer),並支援藍芽(Bluetooth)耳機。目前的缺點則在於,原本為手機小螢幕設計的Android應用程式在大螢幕上跑起來還不太順,另外就是需要更多的遊戲支援,才能iPad相抗衡。


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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.08 10:55:09 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

雙核處理器 4.5寸螢幕宏達 HD7參數曝光


曾有傳聞稱宏達電經典旗艦級智能手機HTC高解析度的後續機型HTC HD3將更名為HTC  HD7,並可能於今年年底前正式上市,而這個傳聞也引發了眾多的猜疑與熱議。近日,又有國外媒體放出了HTC HD7的參數,其真假暫時還難以判斷。

HTC HD7硬體規格預測

據該媒體稱,9月15日HTC發布會中的“重大公佈”就將會是這款全新的頂級智能手機HTC HD7,同時這款智能手機的硬體規格將具有“劃時代”的意義。

HTC HD7將擁有一塊 4.5英寸電容式觸控螢幕

據悉,HTC HD7的機身厚度僅為 10毫米,並擁有一塊 4.5英寸AMOLED的材質的電容式觸控螢幕,該螢幕的分辨率將達到令人難以置信的1280 × 800像素。同時,還將HTC HD7使用一顆主頻為 1.5GHz的級別的雙核處理器,以及配備一塊 1800毫安電池。此外,這款採用了頂級硬體規格的智能手機還將擁有的HDMI HD輸出接口和一枚800萬像素攝像頭

HTC HD7的厚度將達到 10毫米

儘管以目前智能手機硬體發展而言,該媒體對於HTC HD7硬件規格的猜測非常虛幻,但結合此前高通公司曾宣布將在今年的聖誕節期間正式投產 1.5GHz的級別的雙核處理器來看,HTC HD7作為宏達電主打高端期間市場的HD系列最新產品,採用頂級硬體規格設計仍有一定的可能性。隨著此前曝光的HTC HD7上市時間的臨近,一切謎團即將揭曉。

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.09 10:21:24 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.09 11:02:35 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

iPod Touch Teardown Reveals Only 256 MB of RAM and No Vibrator

iPod Touch Teardown Reveals Only 256 MB of RAM and No Vibrator

We'd heard that the newest iPod Touch comes with a built-in vibrator for FaceTime notifications, but there was no such thing to be found when the gadget was torn down. And even worse? There was only 256 MB of RAM.

We certainly feel a bit ripped off after hearing about the lack of RAM in the device. While 256 MB is enough to keep things running smoothly, it's rather disappointing when we remember that we could get a far more powerful iPhone for the same cost as an iPod Touch.

As far as everything else goes, here are the highlights of the teardown according to the guys at iFixIt:

*This is the easiest iPod Touch we've ever cracked open — a bit of glue and two tabs hold the front panel in place. We hoped that the insides would continue to be repair-friendly, but then found that the front glass and LCD panel were permanently fused together. This will prevent dust from getting beneath the glass, but unfortunately will also make repair more expensive.

* Like all other revisions of the iPod Touch, the battery is soldered to the logic board. This isn't a surprise given the slim form factor of the iPod, but we wish Apple would make battery replacement easier, especially on a Touch that is now easier to open.

* Apple did add more space between the battery's three solder points compared to the 3rd Gen Touch. This should make the soldering job a little easier when replacing the battery, as there's less chance of accidentally bridging the contacts.

* The EMI shield is surprisingly heavy, weighing in at 11 grams. The entire iPod Touch is only 101 grams, meaning Apple has devoted more than 10% of the iPod's weight to this metal EMI shield.

* Unfortunately, the rear-facing camera is only 960x720 resolution. That's only about .7 megapixels, compared to 5 megapixels on the iPhone 4. Apple was forced to sacrifice still photo resolution in order to squeeze the camera into the Touch's slim package. Going forward, we expect Apple to adopt improved micro camera technology as better cameras come to market.

* For those of you who are wondering, there's no way the iPhone 4's rear camera can be installed in the Touch.

* In a first for the iPod Touch line, the headphone jack is not soldered to the logic board. There's also a liquid damage indicator on the bottom of the headphone jack, so don't use your Touch to stir the coffee.

* This primary antenna is situated near the front glass panel. Its new location eliminates the need for the plastic "window" found on the 3rd generation Touch. There also appears to be a secondary antenna located on the headphone jack.

* Contrary to Apple's initial claims on their FaceTime marketing page, the iPod Touch does not have a vibrator. Apple's website has been updated to remove this claim.

You can check out more photos of the teardown over at iFixIt. [iFixIt]


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.10 11:10:50 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.10 11:14:55 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段


1 - Cover - apple thinks lcd tv's should run in two modes

Embodiments of the present disclosure provide a system with a display that may operate in at least two display modes: a "frame-buffered" display mode, such as CPU-style interface, and a "streaming" display mode.....


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.10 11:32:17 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

蘋果想通了 伸手擁抱Flash


蘋果公司9日宣布,將放寬iPhone 與iPad應用軟體的開發限制,正式解除奧多比(Adobe)的Flash禁令,並首度印製蘋果商店(App Store)的審查說明書,希望讓應用軟體審查程序更加透明。




蘋果公司在程式開發商授權部分的聲明中表示,已解除奧多比的Flash CS5禁令,將接受為認可的程式語言。蘋果公司昔日與奧多比曾是重要夥伴,卻因為蘋果禁止旗下行動裝置使用Flash產品而針鋒相對。
















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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.10 11:44:02 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

The iPod Nano Watch Is Here and It Is Glorious

The iPod Nano Watch Is Here and It Is Glorious

Everyone knew it the moment they saw it. Hell, even Steve Jobs alluded to it when he was unveiling the thing. The new multitouch iPod Nano was made to be strapped to a watch band. Here it is, for $17.

OK, so there's still the issue of having headphones plugged into your watch at all times. And the limits of the Nano's looks-like-iOS-but-can't-run-apps-like-iOS operating system. But these things are pretty minor when you consider that this time next week you could be wearing an IPOD as a WATCH. Imagine the look on your 2001 self's face if you told them that in under a decade you'd be wearing one of those iPod things on your wrist. It'd be a look of incredulity. And longing!

The iPod Nano Watch Is Here and It Is Glorious


The 22mm Maratac Nylon band slips through the Nano's clip and is available in a variety of colors, to make sure you're all nice and coordinated. Just think: "Oh excuse me, what time is it?" "Hold on...let me check my iPod." "No, you must've misheard me because of those earbuds you have in your ears—I didn't ask what song you were listening to, I asked what time it was!" "I know." You can have that exchange for just $17. Go buy one already! [County Comm via Techeblog]


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.14 11:12:48 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段













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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.15 11:16:37 AM
文章主题: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Analysts: Symbian and Android will dominate by 2014

By the end of 2010, Google's Android will sneak into second place behind Symbian with 17.7 percent market share.

(CNET) -- Symbian and Android will dominate the mobile operating system market by 2014, research firm Gartner said Friday.

Gartner expects that Symbian and Android together will account for 59.8 percent of the total worldwide mobile OS market by 2014, split almost equally -- Symbian with 30.2 percent, and Android with 29.6 percent.

Android is already closing the gap with the market leader. By the end of 2010, Gartner says, Google's Android will sneak into second place behind Nokia-backed Symbian with 17.7 percent market share, compared to Symbian's 40.1 percent.

At the end of 2009, Android OS had just 3.9 percent market share, the research firm reported.

Gartner's predictions don't bode well for RIM's BlackBerry OS and Apple's iOS. Those platforms, which ended 2009 with 19.9 percent and 14.4 percent of the market, respectively, are expected to take the third and fourth spots this year.

In fact, Gartner believes RIM will end the year with 17.5 percent market share, while Apple will capture 15.4 percent of the space. Windows Phone will trail far behind with just 4.7 of the market.

But by 2014, when Symbian and Android will be soaring, Gartner expects BlackBerry OS to have just 11.7 percent of the mobile market and iOS to own 14.9 percent.

Gartner thinks Symbian will still lead the mobile market in 2014 due to "Nokia's volume and the push into more mass-market price points." Android's success can be attributed to "communication service providers' marketing and vendor support," Gartner said.

The research firm's findings echo what fellow market researcher IDC announced earlier this week.

IDC likewise said that Android OS will take the second spot behind Symbian in 2014, but it pegged Android's worldwide market share at 24.6 percent, compared to Symbian's 32.9 percent.

It also believes that Apple's iOS platform will be lower than Gartner's predictions, capturing 10.9 percent of the worldwide market in 2014. RIM's BlackBerry will have 17.3 percent of the mobile market in 2014, IDC predicted.

Of course, four years is a long time. And things can change. Nowhere is that more evident at the moment than at Nokia.

Late Thursday night, the company announced that it is appointing Stephen Elop, president of Microsoft's Business Division, as its new CEO. Nokia said that Elop will help lead its "substantial transformation" from a hardware company to a software company.


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