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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.08.25 11:02:23 AM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Happy 15th Birthday to Windows 95, the Ugly Duckling that Conquered Your Desktop

Happy 15th Birthday to Windows 95, the Ugly Duckling that Conquered Your DesktopYou'll be forgiven if Windows 95 doesn't summon a burst of nostalgia. It was never pretty, often cantankerous, and, for the most part, our only option. But within two years of its release, 70% of the planet was using it.

Your own preferences and computing ideology aside, Windows 95 is an undeniable icon. For hundreds of millions of people, Windows 95 was personal computing, spanning the inscrutable crudeness of the Windows 3.1 era and the soothing balm of Windows 98. It was inescapable. It was, possibly, the first operating system you used at home. It might not have been your favorite—we'll stop there out of respect for our elders—but it helped an entire generation make sense of the PC's ascension.

Happy 15th Birthday to Windows 95, the Ugly Duckling that Conquered Your Desktop

It's worth considering how long ago 15 years was. By today's tech standards, the mid-90s might as well have been the Cretaceous Period. In his review of Windows 95 for the New York Times, Stephen Manes hyphenated "on-line." That long ago. Manes also recounts the frustrating experience of fine-tuning his AUTOEXEC.BAT file—a computing relic whose name is a shock to my eyes, softened by years of smooth animations, color gradients, and idyllic menus. Operating systems were gritty back then. But they worked—most of the time. "In many ways," Manes poetically sighed, "[Windows 95] is an edifice built of baling wire, chewing gum and prayer, but you will probably end up living there."

And we did. In the process, mainstream computer users didn't just struggle with inconsistent performance and obscure configuration files, but eased themselves into the warm waters of the Start Menu, task bars, plug-n-play (when it worked), and an overall graphical interface intelligible outside of comp sci classrooms. And at the blistering rate of technological change—they were hyphenating the word online back then!—Windows 95 is owed respect for popularizing these computing principles, many of which are still part of today's status quo. And how embarrassing would it have been if the Start Menu flopped?— Microsoft paid $2 million to license The Rolling Stones' "Start Me Up" for their Windows 95 advertising blitz (another $35,000 went to the legendary Brian Eno for a welcome sound we all took for granted).

But popularize might be putting too bright a gloss on the Windows explosion. It was popular, yes—immensely so—but the Department of Justice had another word for it: monopolistic. Windows 95 introduced the first iteration of Internet Explorer (although it shipped sans browser—again, this was fifteen years ago), the software at the heart of a federal antitrust grappling match that lasted years.

But despite all of this (or perhaps because of it), Windows 95 can't shake its place in the annals of tech history. She hasn't aged terribly well, but for better or for worse, Windows 95 was for a considerable time the OS that shaped our notion of software's place in daily life. Happy birthday kiddo.



真快,微軟平台自DOS轉成圖形界面的Windows 3.1/95已15年以上了!!


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.08.26 11:08:57 AM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Did Microsoft Just Leak Internet Explorer 9's New Interface?

Did Microsoft Just Leak Internet Explorer 9's New Interface?

Microsoft has yet to reveal IE9's interface—not set to debut until next month. But ZDNet's Mary-Jo Foley says she caught a glimpse of IE9's new minimalist look via a slip-up on Microsoft's Russian press site.

Through a leaked screenshot and a bit of translating, Foley says the new layout consolidates existing functions to give you a larger, clearer view of the web. The URL bar and search box will be combined into one, and familiar menus like 'Favorites' and 'Suggested Sites' are nowhere to be seen, clearing up precious real estate. Internet Explorer has never exactly been part of the interface design vanguard, so it's interesting to see Microsoft taking some chances, however minor.

Foley also mentions a feature that will let users turn "recognized" and "protected" sites into web apps that can be launched directly from the taskbar, a la Fluid. What recognized and protected mean, or if they were even translated correctly from Russian, is anyone's guess. [ZDNet]

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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.08.30 11:23:29 AM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

手機OS爭霸 微軟砸320億搏蘋果




資訊業界消息人士指出,軟體業巨擘微軟今年秋天將大舉反攻智慧型手機作業系統(OS)市場,至少砸下十億美元(約新台幣三百廿億元)重金,全力推廣全新打造的「Windows Phone 7」,挑戰當今智慧型手機OS市場三大霸主:蘋果iPhone的iOS、GoogleAndroid、RIM黑莓機的BlackBerry OS。


Windows Phone 7今年二月與世人見面,與微軟舊版的「Windows Mobile」系列OS畫清界線,當時頗獲好評。台灣宏達電(HTC)、美國戴爾(Dell)、南韓三星(Samsung)與樂金(LG)都可望推出Windows Phone 7手機。據傳宏達電的「HTC Schubert」將拔得頭籌,九月率先於英國倫敦發表。


德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)電信業分析師郭德堡這個月走訪美國華盛頓州市的微軟總部,他透露,微軟這回對於爭奪手機OS市場大餅,是抱持破釜沉舟的決心,光是行銷預算就編列高達四億美元,再加上研發經費以及對製造商、電信業者、應用程式(app)開發業者的補貼,絕對超過十億美元。




另一方面,微軟的OS不像Android走免費路線,過去Windows Mobile每一套向製造商收取約十五美元權利金,Windows Phone 7就算降價到十美元,可能還是會影響廠商合作意願。


不過微軟主管仍對Windows Phone 7信心滿滿,聲稱它的商業模式將結合iPhone與Android的長處。對於攸關智慧型手機生存的應用程式開發,微軟表示廠商反應熱烈,下載開發工具數量已超過卅萬筆,屆時一定能夠為手機族提供眼花撩亂的應用程式。




更新日期:2010/08/29 04:11

〔編譯劉千郁/綜合報導〕美國電腦龍頭微軟的共同創辦人艾倫(Paul Allen)的公司Interval Licensing控告Google、蘋果等十一家公司,要求對Interval Licensing所擁有的「突破性」基礎網路技術求償。


Interval Licensing擁有艾倫十年前參與研發的電腦通訊專利,Interval Licensing指稱,包括Ebay、AOL、Facebook、Netflix、Yahoo等企業都違反它的網路技術專利權。訴狀中列出的四項專利是以上這些公司營運的重要技術,包括網路購物、新聞、影片和其他服務中的相關顯示功能。全球最大社群網站Facebook表示,該項指控毫無法律依據,Ebay表示將全力捍衛公司利益,世界最大搜尋引擎Google表示,創新比訴訟更重要。




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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.08.30 11:36:48 AM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

近期業界傳聞稱,微軟將於2012年發布下一代視窗操作系統Windows 8?而在2014年推出下一版本的辦公室Offices辦公軟體套裝。軟件站Softpedia日前發表分析稱,這種說法確有其道理。



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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.08.31 10:44:03 AM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

耐吉+ Wii=最佳跳舞遊戲控制器

耐吉公司近日舉辦了一個名為“Nike 78”的活動,他們要求藝術家們以耐吉鞋為原型,進行各種功能性挑戰來獲取新鞋的設計靈感。這個項目由保羅詹金斯負責,目前已經開始收集藝術家們的作品,並將會在9月份的倫敦設計節進行展出。

其中有一雙鞋子相信會引起不少的Wii用戶的關注,這也是耐吉鞋與高科技的結合,有一位名為尼克馬什的設計者將鞋子與 Wii的控制器進行了合體。雖然這種創意並不是非常的新,但是想到玩家腳穿 Wii的鞋玩遊戲的場景,相信能想像到非常惡搞的滑稽動作。

或許尼克馬什的創意會讓任天堂獲取一些靈感,開發出新的腳部 Wii的控制器,讓玩家們使用下肢來控制遊戲。

下面是這雙鞋子的實際效果,可以看到腳穿 Wii的鞋玩遊戲是多麼的具有幽默感。



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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.06 10:05:37 AM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect




原因據說是腔調關係,以同樣都是英文來說,各國家的腔調並不完全相同,Kinect的語音辨識系統可能還無法敏銳到這種程度,所以才會有這個限制,並且以國家作為劃分,所以就算是會講英文的意大利人也一樣無法有這個功能,以開放國家的語系來看,應該也是不支援法文,雖說明天春天會有相關更新,但是開放到什麼程度,又很難講了... ...。

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.13 11:40:59 AM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

微軟IE9將利用Sandy Bridge實現圖形內容渲染


微軟和英特爾正在緊密合作,以實現在IE9中的網頁瀏覽硬體加速,IE9將支援Core i系列晶片加速,包括最新的Sandy Bridge


微軟在一台上網本上展示了IE9運行HTML5視訊和720P HD視訊編碼的範例,對比測試中,其它瀏覽器幾乎佔用了所有CPU運算,而IE9卻表現良好,不過也有人對此表示質疑,包括Mozilla Firefox在內的一系列新版本瀏覽器都已經開始實現各種級別的硬體加速。
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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.13 12:06:35 PM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect



為慶祝Windows Phone 7進入RTM階段,微軟員工為iPhone和黑莓舉行了一場毛骨悚然的送葬遊行。
陣中一輛貨車打出標語:“Windows Phone 7 OS平台埋葬競爭”。
近日多個消息來源報導,上週進入RTM階段的Windows Phone 7將於10月11日在紐約的一場活動上正式發布,但首款產品直到10月底、11月才會分別在歐洲、美國上市
上周微軟在YouTube上貼出了一則Windows Phone 7宣傳視頻,這是微軟為這款行動系統發布投入的總值預計達5億美元的營銷資金交出的首份作業。
市場研究公司Gartner週五預測,Windows Phone市場份額將由2009年8.7%降至2014年的3.9%。諾基亞Symbian和谷歌Android被置於第一、第二位置,佔有率分別為30.2%、29.6%。蘋果iOS列第三,該公司預計其2014年份額為14.9%。


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.14 11:36:15 AM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Playstation's MoveMen Will Stalk You, Crash Your Party and Force You To Play Games

I'm not entirely certain what's going on in this commercial for the Playstation Move, but it appears that there are these freaky MoveMen who'll troll your Facebook page for mentions of parties, gatecrash, and force you to play a game.

And here I thought that the Nintendo guys who showed up unannounced and proclaimed "Wii would like to play!" were creepy. [MoveMen via GameSetWatch via Kotaku]


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Tommy Chung
来自: 美加
文章: 1102

发 表 于: 2010.09.16 11:36:06 AM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect

Microsoft launch Internet Explorer 9 web browser

Click to play

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Only Chen
来自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

发 表 于: 2010.09.20 08:48:00 PM
文章主题: Re: 沉浸多時的微軟,發表電視遊樂器的人體動作感應視訊遊戲系統Kinect
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