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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.24 11:45:49 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

The Sailboat Race that Outpaces the Wind

The Sailboat Race that Outpaces the WindRe-adjust what you imagine when you think of a fast sailboat. Forget the floppy sails, majestic prows, and guys scurrying around in silly caps. Those would fly off on a C-class catamaran. Hell, the boats even fly.

C-cats, as they're affectionately known, are the most efficient wind-powered vessels on water. They're light, weighing about as much as their two-person crews. And, because they're designed by aerospace engineers, they leverage every hydro and aerodynamic trick possible to make speed. Instead of one hull, you get two; and instead of a sail, each one of these boats boasts a rigid wing sticking straight up from the deck. No surprise, then, that they can fly on the water. Literally.

The wing sails, usually about 40 feet tall, can convert even the weakest breeze into impressive nautical thrust. But when there's high wind, you have to hold on for your life.The Sailboat Race that Outpaces the Wind

Fred Eaton, the Canadian who helms the defending champion, Canaan, explains: "At 10 knots, it's an incredibly smooth and happy experience on the boat. At 15 knots, it's a complete handful. At 20 knots, you just want to go home. At 25 knots, the boats take off—physically take off—from the water."

The predicted conditions this for this week's International C-Class Catamaran Championships off the coast of Newport, RI? Some rain with winds up to 25 knots. [Editor's note: As of right now, the winds are too strong for racing, and the event has been postponed to prevent the boats from going so fast that they travel back in time and totally screw up history.]

Winged sail boats are seeing something of a popularity boom recently. The ship sailed by the BMW Oracle team in this year's America's cup, USA-17, used a behemoth 223 foot wing in competition. And the Sauter Formula Zero Solar Hybrid Megayacht has solar cells attached to its gigantic rigid wings.

C-cat races have been around since the 1960s, and rigid sails started to emerge in the early 70s. Over the years, designs have improved, and numerous international races have been held. The big prize, which one lucky team will take home at the end of this week, is known as the Little America's Cup. It's skipped around the globe between teams from Britain, Denmark, Australia, the United States, and Canada. And the honor of who has the craziest, most over-engineered boat, is almost as desperately sought.

The beauty of the C-Class is that there are very few design constraints, leaving engineers room to experiment. The catamaran must have two identical hulls and be sailed by two people. It must be 25 feet long, 14 feet wide, and the area of the sail must be 300 square feet. But that's it. There is no minimum weight, no material that's off-limits. The rest is open to interpretation. The Sailboat Race that Outpaces the Wind

That's where the wing came from. Because engineers had no rules, their thought process went something like this: We need the lightest hull possible. We need the tautest sail possible. DRAT! To make the sail hold its shape in the wind, we need a heavy mast and a bunch of high-tension wires (forestays, if you're in the know), which would put too much pressure on our super-lightweight hulls. EUREKA! We can combine the mast and sail into one rigid piece—a wing!—that holds its shape due to the nature of its materials and construction, eliminating the need for a heavy mast or high-tension forestays. Woop Woop!

Norman Wijker, head of the British team Invictus, explains that winged sails feel substantially less drag than conventional canvas. This lets C-cats sail attack the wind at sharper angles as they tack, zigzagging upwind. And sailing downwind in a C-Class is true aerodynamic magic. Usually, a boat with the wind at its stern (back) simply catches the wind in its sails, never moving any faster than the speed of the gusts. But in a C-cat, sailors deploy flaps (just like on an airplane wing) to keep air flowing fast even when apparent wind (the breeze you feel) is low. Sailing directly downwind will never give you much speed, he says, "but by tacking downwind, we can sail faster than the wind."

But it's not just wing design that wins races. The crew's familiarity with the boat and the wing's controls are crucial for performance. This race's underdog is the British team, which will be using this event to debut its new, more aerodynamic wing. That said, Wijker believes his team has spent more time on the water than his competition. This could count for quite a bit in a race where split-second decisions and precise handling of the controls are crucial. The Sailboat Race that Outpaces the Wind

Indeed, C-Class catamarans are beyond responsive, says Steve Clark, leader of the US team, pointing out that small differences in wind velocity across the race course have larger than normal consequences. "Large leads can vaporize in seconds," he says. That's something Clark knows quite a bit about: His squad's new boat, the Aethon, was damaged during pre-race testing, so the US team was forced to enter an older boat, the Cogito, into the competition. It's no slouch, having won the Cup in 2004, but it's just one more piece of evidence leading to the conclusion that sailing—no matter what sort—is a fickle sport.

Whether your boat is old or new, "you can't see the wind, and it doesn't blow consistently," says Clark. "You have to be able to pick out the clues that tell you what is going to happen next and position yourself to take advantage of it." "Keeping the boat going fast and going in the right direction is the challenge of all sailboat races."

Kate Greene is a science and technology writer based in San Francisco

Photographs courtesy Christophe Launay.

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.24 11:52:04 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Draganflyer X8: The Dreamboat UAV

Draganflyer X8: The Dreamboat UAV

All respects to whatever UAV you've got on your pin-up calendar. The Draganflyer X8 has it beat in the beauty department. And wait until you see how flexible it is.

DraganFlyer X8 complete spec list is pretty ridiculous, so let's just gun through some of the highlights: GPS that can track up to 16 satellites simultaneously, can carry a payload of over two pounds, has a microSD black box data recorder, 3 gyros, accelerometers, and magnetometers on-board, and capable of carrying a remote-operated 10MP still camera and a 1080p video camera. Also: it's foldable.



Pretty slick, and a worthy addition to the Draganflyer lineage. It's also, presumably, very expensive, since you have to request a price quote. That's fine, though; this little monster's meant for professional photographers and/or amateur spy games. For now, I'm content just to focus my gadget lust on it. [DraganFly]

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.24 11:55:32 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation


In order to reduce environmental load, we need to start thinking how to take advantage of natural energy which freely available around us. Take a look at Kazaguruma, a futuristic car that uses wind as its power. These Japanese industrial designers thought that electric vehicle indeed reduce the amount of CO2 but at the same time by generating electric, it will produce CO2. So, they decided to focus on natural energy, wind force, and dynamic lift. In order to make Kazaguruma works, they have designed a mechanism similar to a rotor ship. Wind force and Magnus effect create whirlwind at the back that makes this vehicle to move.

Designer : Ippei Iwahara, Naoki Kato, and Keisuke Fukunaga

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation

Kazaguruma Wind Force Futuristic Transportation


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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.24 11:58:35 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Revolute : Futuristic Single Person Electric Vehicle by Harsha Vardhan


Living in big city, I get stuck in traffic jam most of all the time. So when I see motorcycles break up the traffic jam, I wish I was the one on that bike. Harsha Vardhan, an Indian industrial designer might hear my wish. He designed “Revolute”, a futuristic single person electric vehicle, well actually this vehicle was designed to enter INTERIOR MOTIVESDESIGN AWARDS for “Conceptual Exterior Category”. This transportation was designed to bridge the gap between a car and a motorcycle, it’s definitely smaller than a car. Revolute features 2 postures: dynamic and static. While in use, the vehicle uses dynamic mode, static mode while parked. The response is triggered by the on-board computing facility behind the seat that activates the swivel arms enabling the change.

Designer : Harsha Vardhan

Revolute Futuristic Vehicle

Revolute Futuristic Vehicle

Revolute Futuristic Vehicle

Revolute Futuristic Vehicle

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.24 12:01:32 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Kia Electric Pop Concept Car : Compact, Lightweight, and Green


As usual, Kia Motors will unveil its new conceptual future electric car to answer future demands of compact, eco friendly, and futuristic transportation at the Paris Show on September 30th. Kia Electric Pop is an all new electric concept car with innovative and chic design. This dramatic styling zero emissions car is perfect transportation for urban environment. Full details will not be released until the car’s show debut.

From : Kia

Kia Electric Pop Car

Kia Electric Pop Car

Kia Electric Pop Car

Kia Electric Pop Car

Kia Electric Pop Car

Kia Electric Pop Car

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.24 12:05:27 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Bulbo Light Bag by Nicole Osella


Have you ever been in a situation when you need to look and dig for something in your bag in the dark? You can use your mobile phone for light, but that means you can only use one hand to dig while the other holds the mobile phone. Bulbo, a ribbon with LEDs could solve your problem. This device is an add-on module that could fit in any bag you have. It features silicon bulb on one side and a clip that allows you to attach it to any bag. This ribbon light generates its own energy for the light. As you can see in the picture, there’s a sphere that will levitate outside the bag to harness kinetic energy for the battery. Finding stuff inside your bag in the dark won’t be a problem anymore.

Designer : Nicole Osella

Bulbo Light Bag

Bulbo Light Bag

Bulbo Light Bag

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.24 12:08:14 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Aard Is An Efficient And Functional Combination Of A Wind Turbine And Solar Energy Plant


When power would be the most concerned issue for future civilization, designing energy efficient product is not enough; rather, power generating systems that can transform natural energy into usable power is more important. Aard concept combines a wind and solar power accumulating system into a sleek and simple product with a goal to contribute to the future power requirements.

This concept with a round shape features flexible photovoltaic modules that can accumulate solar power during daytime, also when wind gets strong, the ball starts with spin and produces electricity through the dynamos with each of the eight wings. The aluminum construction with basic blue color have given the product a beautiful look that can complement to the urban architectural environment as well as areas that are covered by nature. Moreover, the round shape of the product eliminates the need of turn and adjusting it according to the direction of sunshine.

Designer : Arttu-Matti Immonen






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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.24 12:12:56 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Traffic Light Saves A Lot Of Energy With Ultimate Functionalities


Traffic lights are one of the most overlooked things in our everyday life which I guess would left behind forever unless Cheng Tsung envisioned this energy efficient and eco-friendly traffic light concept that features innovative color-changing LED technology instead of existing incandescent bulbs. This will enable even the visually impaired or color blind people to read the traffic lights through strong visual sense created by only one light. Rather than taking electricity from the power grid, this concept features solar panel on the surface through which it accumulates solar energy which will save around 1 billion degrees of electricity every year.

Designer : Feng Cheng-Tsung, Wang Bo-Jin, and Lin Yao-Jie

traffic light

traffic light

traffic light

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.25 10:44:16 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠









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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.25 10:47:11 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Ryno Motors公司正式推出電動獨輪摩托車


Ryno Motors公司早前曾經透露過自己正在製造一種新型的電動獨輪摩托車,而現在這輛電動獨輪摩托車正式由Ryno Motors公司推向了市場。

與早前所透露的資料一樣,Ryno Motors公司的這款電動獨輪摩托車在一次充滿電的情況下可以跑上30英里的路程(大約等於48公里),最高速度為25英里。騎上這東西在大街小巷裡穿行似乎是一件很酷的事情,但是行駛的時候請務必小心控制速度和避讓行人和車輛,否則在高達25英里的時速下發生事故的話,還是很危險的

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.08.25 11:12:26 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

  AVX Aircraft 4x4

AVX Aircraft 4x4

Futuristic 4×4 Fly-Drive Vehicle by AVX Aircraft Company
DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) has announced that they are looking for a tactical fly-drive vehicle designs or known as Transformer (TX). They have clearly stated that the objective of the program is “to demonstrate a four person flyable/roadble vehicle that provides warfighter terrain — independent mobility”. AVX Aircraft Company has submitted their futuristic 4×4 fly-drive vehicle design proposal. This aircraft can carry up to 4 full-equipped soldiers to travel 250 miles by land or air just on a single tank of fuel. It is especially designed for use in Iraq and Afghanistan where soldiers face danger all the time from roadside bombs or any explosive devices. This vehicle will be better protection for soldiers to travel between base to base.

Designer : AVX Aircraft Company

[Press Release]
AVX Aircraft Company has responded to a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) seeking designs for a tactical fly-drive vehicle known as the Transformer (TX).

The DARPA stated objective of the program is “to demonstrate a four (4) person flyable/roadable vehicle that provides the warfighter terrain-independent mobility. This presents unprecedented capability to avoid traditional and asymmetrical threats while avoiding road obstructions.”

AVX Aircraft Company President and Chief Engineer Troy Gaffey commented on the proposal saying; “The ability of AVX Aircraft to respond to this proposal demonstrates the versatility of the AVX configuration. The design is very adaptable and can be configured for many different size and types of vehicles. The efficiency of the AVX design provides flexibility and performance to support both ground and aerial movement required for the TX design.”

In a briefing prepared for potential proposers in January 2010 DARPA presented the program requirements. Specifically the program objective is to “Demonstrate a tactical four person vehicle that can fly and drive on command. ” The design needed to;

  • Be manually driven on the ground like an SUV
  • Rapidly reconfigures between ground and flight configuration
  • Vertical Takeoff and Landing (VTOL) capability
  • Cruise speed equivalent to a light aircraft
  • Automated takeoff/landing flight control

The AVX (TX) design meets all the performance requirements of the DARPA BAA. The AVX (TX) will have the following performance parameters;

  • 1040lb payload
  • 250NM range on one tank of fuel
  • 10,000 ft msl altitude at max gross weight
  • 80mph on road speed, 30mph rough terrain speed
  • 140mph flying speed
  • Converts from road mode to flight mode in 60 seconds

The AVX (TX) will have intuitive controls. They will provide the non-pilot operator control and navigation systems that are sufficiently intuitive to facilitate the transition from road operations to flight operations.

Additionally the AVX (TX) can be quickly converted to medivac with a vehicle operator, medical attendant and littered patient. Further it can be converted to a resupply vehicle and using a sling can move 1250lb as an unmanned vehicle or 1000 lb as a manned vehicle with the same 250 nm range.


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