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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.31 10:22:08 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠














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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.31 10:47:20 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠



3年前,通用電氣公司全球研發中心的研發人員發現了蝴蝶翅膀的一個神奇功能 - 在不同氣體環境中能夠顯示不同的色彩。這是由於蝴蝶翅膀鱗片具有一種獨特的納米結構,這種結構對周圍的氣體環境非常敏感,當接觸到含有微量化學成分揮發物的空氣時會反射出不同的顏色。因此,觀察蝴蝶翅膀的這種顏色變化,就可以了解其周圍氣體的化學成分。通用電氣公司的研究人員由此得到靈感,開始著手開發一種全新的動態傳感平台,試圖複製蝴蝶翅膀納米結構的獨特傳感功能。負責該項目的通用電氣公司全球研發中心的首席科學家拉迪斯拉夫Potyrailo博士說:“通用電氣的仿生傳感平台可以大幅提高化學威脅檢測的敏感性,速度以及準確率。



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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.08.31 10:53:37 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Swarms of marine turbines could 'tap the Gulf Stream'

World's largest tidal turbine The current best-bet ideas for marine energy make use of large, fixed turbines

Darris White is a deep thinker.

The engineer at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the US is currently finalising designs for a series of turbines that could be used to harness the immense energy of the Gulf Stream, flowing deep in the Atlantic Ocean.

The underwater stream roughly contains around 21,000 times more energy than the Niagara Falls and by some estimates, could potentially provide up to one-third of Florida's electricity needs.

"Hydrokinetic power from the Gulf Stream can provide enough power for over a million households in Florida," said Professor White.

But that is easier said than done: harnessing that energy needs to happen 1,200m below the surface of the ocean in turbulent and constantly changing conditions.

The "marine energy" industry has come up with a number of ideas to make use of the movement of water around the globe, be it from ocean waves, tides slipping into and out of inlets, or regular ocean currents like the Gulf Stream.

The more common solution to the problem has been to build large turbines, to be anchored to the seabed.

School of jackfish "Swarm intelligence" accomplishes a single goal even if no individual is in charge

But the nature of the Gulf Stream presents different challenges, said Professor White.

"Even though the Gulf Stream is constrained between two bodies of land, the flow rate and location of peak velocity will change, based on seasonal and weather conditions."

The solution, Professor White and his team suggest, are autonomous turbines with so-called "swarm intelligence" that can navigate through the ocean currents, similar to a school of fish searching for food.

"Swarm intelligence can achieve two goals. One is to find the 'sweet spot' of the Gulf Stream, which is the location where the array will achieve maximum power output," he said.

"The other goal is to find the array orientation and alignment that provides optimal efficiency."

Current thinking

A prototype is currently under construction and should be complete within the next 18 months, he said.

The team plans to equip the turbines with sensors that detect the change of hydrodynamics and the swarm's own movements, along communication mechanisms so that turbines can "talk" to one another and share their position.

The entire swarm will either be tethered to the sea floor with anchors, allowing them to migrate within a limited area, or be attached to a movable platform for fixing and transferring the power.

Power from all the turbines will be integrated into a single transmission line and transmitted to a substation on land through high-voltage power lines.

BBC Infographic of the Gulf Stream

The idea of harnessing the power of the Gulf Stream is not entirely new.

Gulf Stream Turbines is a start-up company that holds several patents for water turbine designs; its founders hope to tie up with interested parties to develop the technology further and produce inexpensive energy continuously from the ocean currents.

But Professor White and his team believe their solution has several advantages over other approaches and current renewables, such as wind turbines.

"The best wind resources are in sparsely populated areas, which results in transmission challenges," he explained.

"Water turbines placed in streams, rivers and ocean currents provide a relatively constant source of power with fewer intermittence problems."

An array of 30 to 50 turbines is expected to generate around 15 to 20 million Watts of electricity at the sweet spot in the Gulf Stream, which is enough energy to meet the requirements of around 6000 to 8000 houses.

However, some experts are sceptical of the idea.

"It will require a herculean effort to tackle this approach," says Trey Taylor, president of renewable firm Verdant Power.

"Collectively, the industry does not know enough yet about all of the variables that need to be addressed in this effort."

Peter Fraenkel, technical director of leading UK marine energy firm Marine Current Turbines, agrees.

BBC Infographic: Turbine swarms

"The main disadvantage of this approach is that it does not sound very practical," he said.

In particular, he said, the forces involved with extracting energy form the Gulf Stream are huge.

"This force has to be carried through any moorings and anchors into the seabed."

Ordinary anchors would simply plough a furrow, rather than staying put.

As a result, he said, the turbines would need to be fixed to the seabed with solid anchors.

"How do you drill holes in the seabed 300 metres underwater?," he asked. "With considerable difficulty."

Spot on?

There's also a question as to whether the turbines need to move around at all.

"The location of the highest currents is very predictable in these cases, and there would little benefit in trying to move the turbines around 'intelligently' from day to day," says Chris Lawn, Professor of thermo-fluids engineering at Queen Mary, University of London.

Oil rig Oil rig technology may figure into eventual solutions for the swarm

However, Professor White and his colleague Yan Tang are not put off.

They point to evidence - although limited - that shows the sweet spot can move by a distance of up to 1km and that fixing the turbines in place wouldn't allow for optimal operation during all seasons.

"Even if the currents don't migrate that much, the current direction may change. So we need to adjust water turbine orientation to achieve optimal performance," says Dr Tang.

The team also thinks that existing mooring systems developed for movable offshore rigs could be adapted to help the swarm operate, rather than developing an entirely new fixture.

They are also trying to head off other potential problems early, like the turbines' effect on sea life.

One solution could be in-built intelligence that either shuts down the turbines or move the whole swarm out of the way of sea life.

Right now, the team is busy constructing a prototype and hopes to begin tests in 2012.

Testing individual or swarm turbines in the ocean will require the team to gain permission and permits from several federal agencies including the US Army Corp of Engineers.

"We need to overcome certain major milestones but the largest issue we face is permitting," said Professor White.

"A permanent placement of water turbines in the Gulf Stream will also require an extensive and ongoing environmental impact study," he said.

However, he added, it will be worth it if they can prove the concept works.

"Greenhouse gases would be reduced by the same amount as removing over a million vehicles from the road.

"I have three young daughters and one reason we are working on renewable energy projects is to ensure that our children and future generations enjoy the same quality of life that we have today."

More on This Story

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(BBC News)

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.09.03 11:00:32 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠





磁懸浮列車有著極高的速度,是新一代列車的代表。而設計師 Tryi葉為日產公司設計的這麼一輛概念車,則是將先進的磁懸浮技術運用其中的設計作品。



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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.08 10:38:12 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Nano technology could cool the heat from server farms

Nanofluid could hold the key to keeping servers cool without using so much energy.

Nanofluid could hold the key to keeping servers cool without using so much energy.

(CNN) -- The internet may soon be a greener place thanks to new research that looks set to slash the carbon footprint of our surfing by introducing nanotechnology to computer servers.

Computer servers are often housed in giant warehouses, known as "server farms" and generate huge amounts of heat, which in turn requires huge amounts of power to fuel cooling systems.

Researchers from Sweden's Institute of Technology have discovered that adding some nanoparticles to water can improve its ability to conduct heat by around 60 percent. This nanofluid could then be used in cooling computer servers and reduce the total amount of energy needed to keep temperatures down.

"We have had some really significant successes," Mamoun Muhammed, Sweden's Institute of Technology, told CNN.

When this technology reaches the market it will provide real savings for business at very little extra cost up front.

--Mamoun Muhammed, Sweden's Institute of Technology
Information Technology
Computer Technology
Nature and the Environment
So far those nanoparticles showing most potential are oxides of metals like zinc and copper, but carbon nanotubes are also being tested.

"What we are using are nanofluids, which are fluids engineered to contain nanoparticles dispersed in such a way that the liquid's capability to move heat is much enhanced compared to normal cooling fluids," said Muhammed.

"For example, if you are using water to cool electronic equipment [such as at large server farms] and you add these nanoparticles, and create a nanofluid, it improves the water's capability to conduct heat by 30 to 40 percent."

It's almost impossible say exactly how much energy is used by information technology due to the system's complexity. But according to research by IT firm Gartner, datacenters account for 23 per cent of global ICT-related carbon emissions -- that's around 0.5 per cent of the world's total carbon emissions; equivalent to aviation and growing far faster.

As well as saving carbon emissions, the technology could help companies improve their business, according to Muhammed.

"Companies will be saving the cost of cooling; secondly, their electronics will function better at lower temperatures, and thirdly, it is greener technology, we are using less energy," said Muhammed.

"The key is this: when you are using the nanofluid you have to specially design the heat exchange.

"Much of the work so far on nanofluids has been done using conventional heat exchanges, and they were getting typically 10 to 15 percent savings. But we can get consistently 30 to 40 percent savings by using a specially designed heat exchange."

These kinds of savings could have a huge effect when scaled up.

Google alone is thought to have at least a million servers, and even medium size businesses frequently have racks of boxes covered in flickering lights to maintain and store their data.

"If you look at Google's datacenters, you will have one block of servers, and then two blocks of equipment to deal with the heat generated by those servers," says Muhammed.

"I think within 3 to 7 years we could expect to see a breakthrough and a mainstream application of this nanofluid technology.

"The problem is finding just what is the ideal concentration of which particle.

"But when this technology reaches a level when it is ready for the market it will provide real savings for business at very little extra cost up front."

But efficiency on its own isn't the only weapon being deployed -- natural cooling is another perhaps obvious, but hitherto overlooked, angle.

As such, Iceland is marketing itself as the ideal location for the world's datacenters: it has plenty of space, a climate that is certainly colder than most of the world and best of all, an abundance of "carbon neutral" geothermal power.

"The carbon savings would be enormous," Jeff Monroe, head of Verne Global -- a data center company working in Iceland, told reporters late last year.

"For example, if a large internet media company operating thousands and thousands of servers relocated its servers to Iceland, that company would save greater than half a million metric tons of carbon annually."

But beyond moving to the frozen north -- or waiting for smart new technology to roll out -- there are still actions both consumers and businesses can take to cut their power use.

"[We] focus on improving the efficiency of the devices that power the internet -- like computers, servers, storage devices, and networking equipment -- to support the increasing number of internet connections and anywhere/anytime services," Lorie Wigle, president of the Climate Savers Computing Initiative board told CNN.

"A commercial entity can save around $50 or more per unit in annual in energy costs by engaging power management. Multiply this by your number of units and the savings really add up.

"At the consumer level, many individuals have multiple PCs at home that could mean $100-150 in annual energy savings. Now imagine there were a greater consciousness across the population -- not just individuals, but neighborhoods, cities, states, etc. It's compelling."


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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.08 11:07:33 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

XWave Headset Lets You Control iPhone Apps With Your BRAIN

XWave Headset Lets You Control iPhone Apps With Your BRAIN

You could argue that the iPhone's biggest UI leap was turning the user's finger into a stylus. Now, with the PLX XWave headest, you can turn your BRAIN into the stylus. Or your finger? My head hurts already.

From what I can gather—and this is only from what I can gather—the PLX XWave is a sesnor-laden headset that plugs into your iPhone, iPod Touch, or iPad and lets you interact with apps simply by thinking. This promotional video shows a glowing orb appearing in the palms of users, but I'm pretty sure that doesn't actually happen when you're using it:

Here, according to the company's site, is what actually happens:

XWave, powered by NeuroSky eSense patented technologies, senses the faintest electrical impulses transmitted through your skull to the surface of your forehead and converts these analog signals into digital. With XWave, you will be able to detect attention and meditation levels, as well as train your mind to control things. Objects in a game can be controlled, lights in your living room can change color depending on your mood; the possibilities are limited to only the power of your imagination.

I'm not sure how they make the leap to controlling lights, and I definitely wouldn't say that the possibilities were only limited by one's imagination, but hey, it's MIND CONTROL, and that's always fun. PLX is even serving up their APIs so developers can make their own brain-controlled apps. Doodle Jumping with your brain—if that isn't the future than I don't know what is. You can order an XWave for $100; it ships on November 1. [PLX]


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.09.09 10:49:00 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠


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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.09 08:51:27 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

A Phone Concept That Places Moisture-Damage at the Heart of the Design

A Phone Concept That Places Moisture-Damage at the Heart of the Design

With iPhones being damaged by moisture, why not create a phone where water bubbles are the focal point of the design? Presumably that was the thinking behind Seoul designer Bon-Seop Ku's Aqua GUI concept phone. [Coroflot via Core77]


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.09.10 08:56:01 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

稿不好以後一臺工作站與伺服器的所有處理功能可通通濃縮在一個微晶片處理器CPU上 !!



英特爾執行長歐德寧將於13日起舉行的英特爾科技論壇(IDF)上,發表這款名為「Sandy Bridge」的微處理器晶片架構。Sandy Bridge晶片設計把微處理器電路、和處理繪圖與影片效能的電路整合到同一顆晶片上,可大幅減少個人電腦(PC)所須使用的繪圖晶片(GPU)數量。

(經濟日報 節錄)

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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.09.10 11:20:02 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Touchpad in Your Hand


A simple dream, a simple reality. This is the “Gesture” remote control. It’s sort of a ring shape, made to fit in your hand, made to be intuitive to your touch. Using GestIC by IDENT Technology AG, Gesture is one giant trackpad with clicker embedded in. Made for your television, but think of the video game applications! What a magnificent tool this is going to be for those who get creative.

 Design: LUNAR Europe


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Only Chen
來自: 台北县
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.09.13 11:44:33 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

傳統太陽能電池板成本一直計較高,直接阻礙了太陽能推廣。研究人員開始轉向研究動植物獲取太陽能的的技術。最近瑞典的研究人員利用水母身上獲得的GFP(綠色熒光蛋白) 改變了這一現狀。他們在特別製作研發的裝置上將這些紫外光轉化成了自由電子。


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