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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.25 11:33:03 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠






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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.25 11:54:17 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

We have seen solar powered garden lights before but this time, it’s all about the wind. The Firewinder is an eco-friendly garden light which has helix-shaped turbines which generate power to light 14 LEDs positioned around the edges.

The helical wing is made of lightweight material which enables it to spin to provide lighting from light breezes of 4-7 mph. The Firewinder is also made to spin in a clockwise movement based on Buddhist principles that this evokes bad spirit. It measures at 65 cm and costs GBP 44.99 (around $70USD) and can be bought online with free delivery, probably in the UK only.

via Envirogadget


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.25 11:56:03 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Among the common problems in times of natural disasters is the scarcity of potable drinking and lack of power. However, company The Essential Element has come up with the Hydra – a water purifier and fuel cell rolled into one to conquer these problems. Equipped with a 2.88 kW solar panel array that runs a pump pusshing water through a self-cleaning filtration system, the Hydra can purify 87,000 liters of water a day. It also juices up lead-acid gel batteries and runs an electrolyser that splits some of the water to fill a .37 cubic meter tank with pressurized hydrogen. On the power part, the fuel cell can be utilized to power communication devices or even a camp stove. Portable and easy to setup and transport, the Hydra also included Photo-voltaic (PV) mats that can be plugged into the device for extra power.

via EcoGeek


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.25 12:21:44 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠




(photo from weiphone)

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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.25 02:06:23 PM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.27 09:20:41 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠



Solar powered bullet train proposed for Arizona

Arizona is a good place to tap into solar power, and this proposal for a solar train that would travel from Tucson to Phoenix does exactly that. The concept is a high speed solar train, that would cover the distance in just 30 minutes, traveling at a maximum speed of 220mph, powered solely by the sun.

Bill Gaither and Raymond Wright have set up SolarBullet LLC in Tucson and hope to build the solar train that would run on four tracks and require 110 MegaWatts of electricity to operate. The electric needs would be provided by the overhead solar panels on the tracks. The Tucson-Phoenix connection is just the first phase, they envision to extend it further to the Grand Canyon and Nogales. The costs involved though, are extremely high; the first phase alone would cost $27 billion.

Via: TreeHugger456344


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.27 11:11:37 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠



設計: johan kauppi of we think
生產: naturstensbolaget





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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.27 11:28:14 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

建世界最大太陽能電廠 美准了


(法新社華盛頓25日電) 美國今天核發全世界最大太陽能計畫許可證─在南加州建造4座大型電廠,每座造價達10億美元


內政部長沙拉薩(Ken Salazar)指出:「布萊斯(The Blythe)太陽能電廠由4座250兆瓦電廠組成,將建於陽光普照莫哈維(Mojave)沙漠公用地上。」








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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.28 09:22:47 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠





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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.28 09:39:43 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

Something we only used to read in sci-fi and future-predicting blog articles, Oxford Photovoltaics has developed solar cells that can be printed directly onto glass to make your windows generate power for you. The group, affiliated with the Oxford University, has won over $150,000 prize money from the UK Technology Strategy Board’s “Disruptive Solutions Competition” to make this latest invention commercially available.

Basically this organic dye-sensitive solar cell emulates photosynthesis by utilizing a dye that kicks loose an electron which starts a current. The technology is used to attach these cells directly onto windows. To speed up the prototyping process, Oxford Photovoltaics plans to collaborate with other manufacturers and wishes to make these solar cells as durable as possible so that they could last for at least 20 years.

via EcoFriend


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.28 09:41:11 AM
文章主題: Re: Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠

As if we are in dire need of any more ipod speakers, here is the Soulra iPod Boombox. But what makes it stand out is how it is powered by the sun. The Soulra iPod music player is rechargeable and is designed to work with Apple’s iPod and even the iPhone. Built with full-range 8-watt RMS speaker, this ipod speaker probably is made for lounging in the pool since the product is made out of water resistant exterior. And with the built-in solar panel which recharges the lithium-ion battery, it gives you 7 hours of continuous iPod or iPhone music . Find it on sale here for $152.94 USD.

via Alternative Consumer


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