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討論 專欄 主題﹕Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.01 05:31:37 PM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Android Market行動商店進軍臺灣,對臺灣ODM為重的軟硬體與網路和國際接軌的契機


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.04 11:24:30 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Microsoft sues Motorola over Android phones

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Microsoft Corp. filed a lawsuit against Motorola on Friday, saying the smartphone maker had infringed on nine patents in its Android-based devices.

The nine patents that Motorola (MOT, Fortune 500) allegedly violated involve essential smartphone functions, including "synchronizing e-mail, calendars and contacts; scheduling meetings; and notifying applications of changes in signal strength and battery power," Microsoft said.

A Motorola spokeswoman said the company had not yet received a copy of the complaint and therefore would not comment, but she said, "We will vigorously defend ourselves in this matter."

Microsoft (MSFT, Fortune 500) filed its complaint with the International Trade Commission and in a Washington district court.

Motorola profited from "willful and deliberate" patent infringement, Microsoft alleged, saying that it will "continue to suffer irreparable harm" if the court does not intervene.

Patent complaint 'a warning shot'
Microsoft's court filing specifically mentioned the Motorola Droid 2 and the Motorola Charm smartphones, but Microsoft claims that the infringements were not limited to those devices.

Horacio Gutierrez, Microsoft's corporate vice president, said in a statement that his company has "a responsibility to our customers, partners, and shareholders to safeguard the billions of dollars we invest each year in bringing innovative software products and services to market."

"Motorola needs to stop its infringement of our patented inventions in its Android smartphones," Gutierrez added.

Android's code is at the heart of another heated patent fight: Oracle (ORCL, Fortune 500) sued Google (GOOG, Fortune 500) last month, alleging that Android infringes Java patents Oracle acquired though its Sun Microsystems purchase. 


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.04 11:32:40 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段








前諾基亞Series 60研發團隊行銷經理哈克蘭寧指出,2004年諾基亞在芬蘭總部向企業客戶展示這支原型機,但諾基亞管理高層擔心,這支手機一旦失敗,可能要付出昂貴代價,因此並未採納和繼續研發這支原型機,仍以Series 60作主要智慧手機產品。




諾基亞新任執行長艾洛普(Stephen Elop)9月21日走馬上任後,將面臨艱鉅的任務,即重新奪回該公司所失去的智慧手機地盤,尤其是美國,並維持全球最大手機製造商的地位。哈克蘭寧等三名前諾基亞員工和產業分析師認為,艾洛普的最大障礙可能是諾基亞令人窒息的官僚文化。












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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.04 12:07:04 PM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

美網站列Windows Phone 7將失敗五大理由


美國IT網站PCWorld今天撰文,列舉了Windows Phone 7將會失敗的五大理由。


微軟將於10月11日推出3款搭載其新款Windows Phone 7操作系統的智能手機,此後一個月,則會通過AT&T出售。

這三款手機由三星、宏達電和LG生產,但目前為止,有關這些產品的功能和外觀的信息非常有限。我們唯一知道的是,如果想要從蘋果、Android和黑莓佔據主導的市場中爭取份額,微軟必須要加倍努力。目前為止,我們知道微軟已經制訂了5億美元的預算用於推廣Windows Phone 7手機。另外,該產品將首先登陸歐洲市場,比美國的上市時間早三週。


但從現在的情況來看,仍然有五大原因會導致Windows Phone 7的最終失敗:


Windows Mobile 6.5推出至今已經一年多時間,在此期間,它一直充當著Windows Phone 7的佔位符。微軟或許希望利用這段時間來擺脫所有人對其產品的負面印象,又或者微軟的開發團隊的確進度緩慢。但無論如何,對於一款新操作系統和新產品而言,這段時間的確太長了,尤其是在智能手機這樣一個競爭激烈的市場中。與蘋果不同,微軟缺乏足夠的技巧吸引媒體曝光其產品,所以Windows Phone 7對於公眾而言相對較為神秘。


斥資5億美元用於一款產品的廣告和推廣並不意味著Windows Phone 7必然失敗,但是的確有這種可能。微軟在推廣Xbox和Windows XP的過程中也花費了類似的資金,而且都取得了巨大成功。不過,在Windows Vista斥資5億美元進行推廣後,該產品仍然落敗。


AT&T本身並不算是絕對的劣勢,畢竟該公司的網絡質量有可能會提升,但是只將Windows Phone 7面向一家運營商推廣的確是一個糟糕的決策。用戶渴望選擇,如果可以使用不同的運營商,他們之間的感受也會有所差異。


儘管有些人認為這並無大礙,但在其他人看來,tethering共享上網已經成為智能手機的必備功能。由於iPhone、Android和黑莓都已經支持這一功能,因此這將成為Windows Phone 7的一大劣勢。


我們已經了解到,微軟正在大舉吸引開發者,包括提供現金獎勵,鼓勵開發者為Windows Phone 7編寫應用,藉此與蘋果和Android競爭。目前為止,我們唯一知道的是,Windows Phone 7中沒有應用,但除此之外,卻不甚了了。

如果Windows Phone 7能夠成功當然很好,畢竟消費者和企業都渴望一個更大的手機市場。激烈的競爭通常都意味著價格降低和創新增加。



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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.06 09:49:03 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.06 09:56:39 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Skype now available for Android devices

Skype calling is now available for the Android mobile platform.

Skype calling is now available for the Android mobile platform.



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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.06 11:17:51 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

蘋果涉侵權 判賠195億


美國Mirror Worlds公司控告蘋果公司的四項技術侵犯其專利,陪審團認定其中三項侵權成立,判蘋果公司必須賠償6.255億美元(約台幣195.5億元),蘋果已向主審法官提出異議。


蘋果公司被控四項侵權,其中三項成立,包括在麥金塔電腦、iPhoneiPod等產品中,違法使用檔案封面呈現技術Cover Flow。麥金塔的Spotlight硬碟搜尋功能、Time Machine自動備份技術也被控侵權。




蘋果對陪審團的裁決不滿,認為應該只罰2.085億美元,而非把2.085億美元乘以三,否則等於重複懲罰。蘋果說,Mirror Worlds要求賠償額累計的做法「錯誤且令人反感」。








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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2010.10.07 11:07:27 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Who's Suing Who in the Mobile Industry

There are a lot, lot, lot of lawsuits shooting around the mobile industry these days, and you can see them all at a glance in this tidy infographic by George Kokkinidis. Just look at Nokia go! [Design Language via DF]
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.08 10:18:23 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Who Is Really Winning the Smartphone Race?

Who Is Really Winning the Smartphone Race?

Apple fanboys vs HTC fandroids. Crackberry junkies vs Nokia cheerleaders. All of them have their arguments and neverending doses of absurdly blind faith in a corporation. But who is really winning this race? Who is really the dominant smartphone manufacturer?

It's hard to tell.

See, when you take into consideration more than one factor, you get a different picture of how things are. Here you can see that Samsung is gaining market share faster than all its competitors, but their profit share growth is going down. Then you can see that Apple is gaining market share at a good rate, but their profit share growth dwarfs everyone else. The iPhone is one popular smartphone, with a hefty profit.

Asymco, who produced these graphics, argues that you can pair manufacturers according to their current growth vectors (in the chart above, you can see those pairs by color). According to them, Apple is destroying Nokia, while RIM is crunching Sony Ericsson, and Samsung is doing the same with Motorola. HTC and LG are doing something down there too, but both are doing it slowly, so let's ignore them for a while.

The fight for true domination

When you look at their 2007 vs 2010 comparison, things get even better:

Who Is Really Winning the Smartphone Race?

Why better? Because despite its star status, Apple is still not the dominant player. Nobody is. Unlike with computers—where Microsoft still dominates—there is still no emperor in the smartphone empire. Apple is in a great position to claim that crown, but the game is still open.

One last thought: Looking at Nokia, I can't help to think that the CEO and his execs were complete imbeciles. If they had snatched Palm before Hewlett Packard—and scrap their stupid, outdated, horrible Symbian—they could have probably retained the dominant position they lost so quickly. Which is too bad, because they always made good hardware. [Asymco]


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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.08 10:30:51 AM
文章主題: Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段

Eric Schmidt:『Android 有帶來百億美元商機的潛力呀!』


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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2010.10.08 10:39:49 AM
文章主題: Re : Re: Android威脅iPhone 蘋果祭出專利訴訟手段



Tommy Chung 提到:

Who's Suing Who in the Mobile Industry

There are a lot, lot, lot of lawsuits shooting around the mobile industry these days, and you can see them all at a glance in this tidy infographic by George Kokkinidis. Just look at Nokia go! [Design Language via DF]
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