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討論 新聞 主題﹕我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急
3D話題延燒,在本屆Computex發揮得淋漓盡致。而為了解決3D內容不足的隱憂,參展廠商紛紛使出渾身解數,展示導入「2D轉3D」技術的產品,藉解決現階段3D影片來源不足問題來搶攻市場。 3D內容不足是3D電視的發展限制之一,因此發展2D轉3D的影像轉換技術已成為解決問題的捷徑...

Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2011.01.07 11:30:28 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2011.01.07 11:43:54 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

CES 2011: Photo frame turns 2D snapshots into 3D, no glasses required

ViewSonic's latest photo frame has a clever trick up its sleeves: it converts standard 2D photos into 3D, then displays them on an eight-inch autostereoscopic display—meaning you won't need glasses to see the 3D effect. Neat? Sure. Great 3D quality? Read on.

On sale now for about $200, the ViewSonic 3DPF8 (not much of a name, I know) looks pretty much like your standard digital photo frame, complete with an SD/MMC memory card slot, a slideshow mode, and touch-sensitive controls on the front bezel.


Just plug your digital photos into the ViewSonic's memory card slot and the frame will interpolate the 2D image into 3D, which it then displays on its bright eight-inch 3D display (which, as I understand it, words its glasses-free magic with the help of parallax barrier technology).

OK, but does Viewsonic's 3D frame really do the trick? Well … sort of.

You do get a definite sense of depth from the image, with the photo appearing to stretch behind the frame. And if you're viewing the photo from precisely the right angle, you will get the uncanny sense that you're seeing an actual 3D image—although "sense" is the key word here.


After looking a little too hard, though, the double images in ViewSonic frame made me feel a little dizzy, mainly because it felt like my eyes were crossing. Not helping matters is the display's relatively low 800-by-600 resolution, meaning your treasured memories won't be getting the razor-sharp look they deserve.

So yes … the ViewSonic 3DPF8 makes for an interesting novelty, but I wouldn't rush out and drop $200 in the hopes that you'll get "Avatar"-level 3D out of your family scrapbook with the Viewsonic's help. You won't.

Still, that's not to say that there isn't any truly promising glasses-free 3D going on at CES this year. Toshiba, for one, is showing off a full-size no-glasses 3D display, and I'm hoping to get eyes-on with it Friday. Stay tuned for a full report.


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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2011.01.07 11:45:35 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

CES國際消費電子展 平板電腦與3D最拉風



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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2011.01.10 11:45:36 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急
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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2011.01.10 11:51:50 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急



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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2011.01.10 12:03:55 PM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Steam TV Elocity 3T glasses-free TV eyes-on

There's been no shortage of glasses-free 3D at CES but we can't' say we expected Steam TV, makers of those Elocity tablets, to be showing off wares of its own. While the company is promising lots of spectacle-free TVs with parallax screens in the next year, at its booth there was just a 42-inch 1080p 3T1 panel on the show floor. We've got mixed feelings about this one; as you can see in the gallery below, the display looks very grainy and the converted HD 2D-to-3D content, while it did look three dimensional (as much as you can say), it didn't appear to be high definition by any means. However, there was one nature clip that was apparently shot in 3D, which looked incredibly crisp. Yeah, it was almost like we were watching that waterfall from a helicopter overheard. We can't say the three-dee experience is as jaw-dropping as the one provided with active shutter glasses, but it is impressive to think you don't have to wear a piece of $100 technology on your face to get images jumping into your living room. Viewing angles were actually pretty impressive -- at least in comparison to the other glasses-free 3D displays we've seen -- and tilting our head slightly didn't throw off the 3D effect too much. Steam TV is planning to release the 3T1 in May along with a 52-inch version and then 56- and 60-inch versions in September -- that will have 'em beating Toshiba to market, but we're not quite sure in quality.
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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2011.01.11 11:39:36 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急
VideoEFX Converts 2D Video to 3D
One of the more interesting little finds I saw over at CES was this gadget which claims to convert any of your 2D content into 3D on the fly.


The VideoEFX takes content from your 2D video sources and instantaneously converts it into 3D for viewing on 3D-enabled sets. Now Samsung has a similar feature built into some of their higher-end sets, but at least in the demo I saw at the show, the VideoEFX did a much better job creating the illusion of 3D from 2D content. The box has three HDMI inputs, and a single HDMI output you can connect to your TV, so you can hook up your game console, Blu-ray player and satellite or cable box and add 3D to all of them. For times when you want to watch native 2D or 3D content, just into bypass mode.


I’m not exactly sure how it works its magic, but I watched a game of Halo: Reach, as well as a live football game, and live video from the booth – each processed by a prototype of the device, and was quite impressed as to how much depth it adds to those 2D image sources. While I’m reasonably certain it’s physically impossible for it to really discern 3D data points, the effect is compelling enough that you might want one of these if you’ve got a 3D TV and are looking to increase your content library instantly. It’s certainly way better than you’d think , especially when you look at the quality of their cheezy flyer:


…your desktop publisher called and he wants his copy of Aldus PageMaker 3.0 back. The VideoEFX hasn’t been released yet, but when it hits, it’ll sell for about $399 (USD).

[Image #2 Credit: Engadget]


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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2011.01.12 11:54:48 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

5 things we learned at CES

(1) 3D不會消失

(2)Android 平板夠熱

(3)hawking gadgets小工具包 


(5)Gadget Transformers



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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2011.01.12 12:09:21 PM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Polariod shows a Movidius-powered mobile glasses-free 3D reference board

Polariod is showing a new reference board that uses Movidius' glasses-free mobile 3D display. This is a small display, aimed for mobile phones. Polariod says that this reference design can become commercial for tablets by the end of 2011. The platform includes 2D to 3D conversion for video and images.As you can see in the photo, there are two displays - the 3D one is on the left, the right one is just a 'controller display'.

via DVice


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Only Chen
來自: 台北縣
文章: 1024

發 表 於: 2011.01.13 10:51:52 AM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

富士通首推裸視3D電腦 毋須眼鏡



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Tommy Chung
來自: 美加
文章: 1102

發 表 於: 2011.01.17 12:21:08 PM
文章主題: Re: 我不是雞肋! 2D轉3D解決內容不足燃眉之急

Man discovers glasses-free 3D tech in the blink of an eye

Who's got two thumbs and needs glasses to see 3D? Not this guy! Francois Vogel's figured out a way to remove those pesky spectacles from the equation, and he's ready to revolutionize the stereoscopic industry forever. Sure, you'll need a monitor with a 120Hz refresh rate, but that's a prerequisite these days anyhow, and the rest is sweet, sticky gravy dished directly to your eyeballs. Get a sneak peek at the game-changing tech in the video above, and keep an eye out for unicorns (we're sure they're around here somewhere). You'll never look at 3D the same way again, we promise.

[Thanks to everyone who sent this in]
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