2011年台北國際電腦展 展前記者會

2011年03月30日 星期三 【科技日報報導】
活動名稱: 2011年台北國際電腦展 展前記者會
開始時間: 三月三十日(三) 09:40 結束時間: 三月三十日(三) 11:10
主辦單位: 外貿協會展覽處
活動地點: 台北國際會議中心三樓南軒(台北市信義路五段1號)
聯絡人: Thomas Huang 聯絡電話: 02-2725-5200 分機 2768
報名網頁: http://event2.taitra.org.tw/Enroll/F000464/Enroll/Enroll_1.asp?EnrollNo=F000464000071&DataKey=&RefEn
相關網址: http://download.taipeitradeshows.com.tw/2011/computex/download/Microsoft%20Word%20-%200330%20Agenda.

 New Scale

COMPUTEX TAIPEI 2011’s scale and size has set new records; scoop the news on the soaring booth/exhibitor numbers!

 New History


COMPUTEX TAIPEI has just signed MOU (Memo of Understanding cooperation memorandum) with CeBIT Hannover (on March 2nd) and is making ICT Trade Show history by entering a brand new era. Our 2011 Pre-Show Press Conference opens the big picture of this progress.

 New Trend

COMPUTEX TAIPEI holds a keynote speech on the topic of “How will Tablet Transform the Landscape of ICT Industry”. This is where the top rep from IEK (Industrial Economics & Knowledge Center)─Mr. Stephen Su reveals the coming power shift that will redefine the course of ICT.

關鍵字: 外貿協會展覽處