鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 23
利用Time-of-Flight感测器开发3D手势辨识 (2022.06.23)
是德科技发表USB Type-C协定触发与解码软体 (2015.12.16)
是德科技(Keysight)日前推出基于示波器的USB-PD(充电)协定解码软体,可支援即时协定触发与解码。利用Keysight N8837A USB-PD协定触发与解码软体的独特协定解码功能,对采用Type-C介面的USB-PD装置进行验证及除错
MHL联盟:用最简单的方式 解决最复杂的问题 (2015.01.26)
在4K行动显示的市场需求之下,MHL技术也因应而生。 透过5pin的技术规格,就能解决高画质影音传输问题。 下一步,MHL技术将更进一步与行动装置完美结合。
一款土耳其版的Linux OS 工具软件,别是其它 Linux OS。-Linux Mint Turkish Edition (2011.09.02)
一款土耳其版的Linux OS 工具软件,别是其它 Linux OS。
此软件目的是提高知名度的鼠标指针,特别是当用来证明或任教的软件在计算机屏幕上。-Spot on the Mouse 2.4.0 (2011.03.12)
SecondShell是一个方便的外壳增强技术,提供多种功能,轻松管理大小和位置-SecondShell 2.0.1 (2010.07.01)
是一款简单的工具,使您可以完全隐藏在Windows任务栏,让您充分利用您的桌面空间-Taskbar Eliminator 2.6 (2010.05.24)
AMD针对嵌入式市场推出新绘图方案 (2010.01.27)
AMD于周一(1/25)宣布,已于2010年电子时报嵌入式技术与应用论坛上,推出新款ATI Radeon E4690 PCIe笔记本电脑模块,其针对密集绘图运算之嵌入型系统。业界标准MXM 3.0规格锁定绘图子系统,此类系统需较低功耗、优异冷却功能与较低高度,让设计人员研发体积更小但效率更高的嵌入式系统,进而加快产品上市时程
针对嵌入式市场 AMD推出新款绘图方案 (2010.01.26)
AMD近日在2010年电子时报嵌入式技术与应用论坛上,推出新款ATI Radeon E4690 PCIe笔记本电脑模块。 其针对密集绘图运算之嵌入型系统,业界标准MXM 3.0规格锁定绘图子系统,此类系统需较低功耗、优异冷却功能与较低高度,让设计人员研发体积更小但效率更高的嵌入式系统,进而加快产品上市时程
在两个工作区段自由来回切换的工具程序,只要用一个热键就可以转换。-DUST 1.5.1 (2009.09.30)
-Spot on the Mouse 2.2.2 (2009.01.29)
Spot on the Mouse is a mouse pointer action and keyboard visualization software that is designed to improve visibility of the mouse pointer, especially when used to demonstrate or teach software on a computer screen. Once activated, the program enhances the cursor with a ring shaped or circular color area and additional color indications for right or left click actions
-Spot on the Mouse 2.2 (2008.10.01)
Spot on the Mouse is a mouse pointer action and keyboard visualization software that is designed to improve visibility of the mouse pointer, especially when used to demonstrate or teach software on a computer screen. Once activated, the program enhances the cursor with a ring shaped or circular color area and additional color indications for right or left click actions
-PC Spy 2.6 (2008.03.31)
Secretly monitor what is being viewed on your computer while you are away. This software allows you to capture and save screen images while you are away from your computer, showing you exactly what was being viewed on your computer at specific times
-Spot on the Mouse 2.0 (2007.12.04)
Spot on the Mouse is a mouse pointer action and keyboard visualization software that is designed to improve visibility of the mouse pointer, especially when used to demonstrate or teach software on a computer screen. Once activated, the program enhances the cursor with a ring shaped or circular color area and additional color indications for right or left click actions
-PC Spy 2.44 (2007.02.07)
Secretly monitor what is being viewed on your computer while you are away. This software allows you to capture and save screen images while you are away from your computer, showing you exactly what was being viewed on your computer at specific times
像电影 Matrix 一样的萤幕保护程式-Matrix Screen Locker 2.00 (2006.02.01)
像电影 Matrix 一样的萤幕保护程式
-PC Spy 2.43 (2005.12.28)
Secretly monitor what is being viewed on your computer while you are away. This software allows you to capture and save screen images while you are away from your computer, showing you exactly what was being viewed on your computer at specific times
像电影 Matrix 一样的萤幕保护程式-Matrix Screen Locker 1.44 (2005.06.11)
像电影 Matrix 一样的萤幕保护程式
Windows执行工作管理器-Task Commander 2.0 (2005.03.26)
让你直接在 XP Professional 系统上用个特殊键来切换使用者-DUST 1.1 (2005.03.20)
让你直接在 XP Professional 系统上用个特殊键来切换使用者

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1 雅特力AT32F421遥控攀爬车电子调速新方案,助力征服极端地形
2 贸泽开售适用於消费性和医疗穿戴式装置的 全新STMicroelectronics含vAFE的ST1VAFE3BX生物感测器
3 Nordic Semiconductor的nPM2100电源管理IC延长一次电池供电蓝牙低功耗产品的电池寿命
4 Rohde & Schwarz推出 R&S ScopeStudio 助力开发团队的基於个人电脑的示波器解决方案
5 群闳携手R&S共创WiFi 7与5G检测新标杆,助力企业拓展全球版图
6 Silicon Labs BG22L及BG24L精巧版SoC提供应用优化的 超低功耗蓝牙连接
7 贸泽电子即日起供货ADI边缘运算平台,可支援自主机器人和自动驾驶车中的机器视觉
8 意法半导体推出适用於车用微控制器的可配置电源管理 IC
9 泓格iSN-811C-MTCP红外线感测模组 从温度掌握工业制造的安全与先机


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