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全球電動車市場與產品發展上揚 (2016.08.11) 2010年代因環境汙染、能源短缺、經濟衰退、技術發展及消費者環保意識覺醒等因素,電動車才逐漸受到各國政府與消費者重視。 |
意法半導體新款碳化矽二極體支援新能源汽車等應用 (2014.12.17) 因應逆變器小型化的挑戰和強勁需求,意法半導體(ST)推出新款車規碳化矽(SiC)二極體,以滿足電動汽車和插電式混合動力車(Plug-in Hybrids;PHEVs)等新能源汽車對車載充電器(on-board battery chargers;OBCs)在有限空間內處理大功率的苛刻要求 |
Hybrids and battery electric vehicles on the move! (2010.01.20) The automobile industry sees fuel-efficient, low-emission, new-power (or alternative-power) vehicles and their power technology one of the next big things. The hybrids are the first and an important alternative. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) will be one of the options but not the only one |