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所羅門穿戴式AI智能解決方案 獲2023台灣精品銀質獎肯定 (2022.11.30)
因應各國陸續推動製造業回流,對於缺工孔急的企業無異雪上加霜。近年來3D機器視覺及工業用AI領導品牌所羅門公司不僅以「Solomon AI Inside」,在國際間博得良好口碑,今年更是第五年獲得台灣精品獎肯定
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力新國際攜手AI inside 加速推動企業DX數位轉型 (2022.02.24)
力新國際科技正式成為日本AI inside人工智慧平台供應商全球合作夥伴,旗下「DX Suite」產品支援雲端與地端方案將為台灣智慧文件處理市場注入更高規的AI-OCR(智慧光學字元辨識)應用解決方案,雙方將攜手共創台灣數位轉型新里程碑
一個具人工智慧的網頁自動填表工具程式-RoboForm 7.2.0 (2011.02.06)
-AI RoboForm 6.6.8 (2006.04.04)
AI RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside. It allows you to define your personal profile or "usual" responses to a web form. This information is then saved, and when you need to fill a form, just click "Fill Forms" button, and form is filled out
-AI RoboForm 6.6.0 (2005.12.17)
AI RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside. It allows you to define your personal profile or "usual" responses to a web form. This information is then saved, and when you need to fill a form, just click "Fill Forms" button, and form is filled out
-AI RoboForm 6.5.1 (2005.10.12)
AI RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside. It allows you to define your personal profile or "usual" responses to a web form. This information is then saved, and when you need to fill a form, just click "Fill Forms" button, and form is filled out
-AI RoboForm 6.3.97 (2005.08.01)
AI RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside. It allows you to define your personal profile or "usual" responses to a web form. This information is then saved, and when you need to fill a form, just click "Fill Forms" button, and form is filled out
-AI RoboForm 6.3.7 (2005.05.02)
AI RoboForm is a push-button web form filler with some serious Artificial Intelligence (AI) inside. It allows you to define your personal profile or "usual" responses to a web form. This information is then saved, and when you need to fill a form, just click "Fill Forms" button, and form is filled out
一個具人工智慧的網頁自動填表工具程式-AI RoboForm 6.3.0 (2005.03.31)

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