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台灣伺服器市場進入旺季 市場營收大幅增長34.6% (2011.09.22)
淺談OMA DM (2011.01.27)
應用伺服架構下的P2P技術-3 (2010.07.27)
P2P 的應用,是建立在點對點的資料分享上,並且期望能夠透過這樣的技術,建立起用於廣大網路中資源分享的共用基礎。
從CEATEC看2010電子大勢(四) (2009.10.18)
液晶電視與電漿電視在高畫質、大螢幕和薄型化的競賽仍在發生,但上文中提到,日本電視機大廠在今年的CEATEC中,紛紛揭櫫明年將邁向Full HD 3D的電視世代。本文中將進一步解析他們將如何做到對3D電視的承諾,以及未來的發展方向
WACS是為建立一款專業性成人網站的工具程式-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.8.3 (2009.07.01)
專訪:O2 Micro技術發展部副總經理James Wang (2008.09.18)
今年可說是PND(Portable Navigation Device)和GPS手持裝置發展的關鍵年,隨著地圖、導航、定址多樣化服務的日新月異,GPS晶片需要高效能電源管理IC設計的支援,才能發揮水漲船高的功效,PND和GPS裝置系統廠商也日益依賴GPS晶片整合電源管理的設計架構
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.8.0 (2008.06.13)
WACS is a tool for building Adult Web Sites; equally suitable for managing a private collection or building a commercial site. It has many best of breed features including dynamic filtering, model catalogs, automatic download and powerful search engine
-DOCS 2.2 (2008.04.22)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.7.4 (2008.02.23)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
新款TANDBERG Content Server應用功能大幅提昇 (2008.01.24)
台灣威訊得科技,身為TANDBERG挪威原廠指定合作伙伴,日前推出新版TANDBERG Content Server,擴增高解析度影片錄製與多媒體展示產品陣容。使用者可建立、儲存、下載、撥打視訊電話與傳送多媒體簡報內容,讓使用者能透過各種裝置隨時存取這些內容
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.7.2 (2007.11.07)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
-DOCS 2.1 (2007.10.08)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands
克服數位權利管理應用障礙 (2007.09.10)
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.7.0 (2007.07.10)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
應用伺服架構下的P2P技術 (2007.05.03)
P2P 的應用,是建立在點對點的資料分享上,並且期望能夠透過這樣的技術,建立起用於廣大網路中資源分享的共用基礎。
-DOCS 2.0 (2007.04.29)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.6.2 (2007.04.02)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
-DOCS 2.0 beta 3 (2007.01.31)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands
-Web-based Adult Content Server in perl 0.6.0 (2007.01.22)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and now automatic downloads.
-DOCS DOCS-v2.0-b1 (2006.12.01)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands

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1 Infortrend U.2 NVMe儲存系統賦能機場AI自助服務亭加速時程
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3 Microchip為TrustFLEX平台添加安全身分驗證 IC
4 igus新型連座軸承適用於太陽能追日系統應用
5 英飛凌全新邊緣AI綜合評估套件加速機器學習應用開發
6 意法半導體新車規單晶片同步降壓轉換器讓應用設計更彈性化
7 ROHM推出車電Nch MOSFET 適用於車門座椅等多種馬達及LED頭燈應用
8 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客製化服務
9 Microchip新款PHY收發器擴展單對乙太網產品組合 實現網路互操作性
10 Cincoze德承全新基礎型工業電腦DV-1100適用於邊緣運算高效能需求


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