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Crayon加入AWS生成式AI合作夥伴創新聯盟 (2024.11.05)
生成式AI功能快速演進,企業採用時如何確保信任與法規遵循為重要關鍵,尤其是受到高度監管的產業。Crayon宣布將與Amazon.com, Inc.旗下的Amazon Web Services(AWS)合作,加入該公司新設立的生成式AI合作夥伴創新聯盟
-Sketch Master 3.11 (2007.06.29)
Sketch Master is a Photoshop compatible plug-in to create realistic looking hand-drawings derived from photos. It enables you to simulate various drawing styles and tools such as lead pencil, ink-pencil, crayon, charcoal, airbrush, and others, and customize the effects to your likings
-Sketch Master 2.01 (2006.11.15)
Sketch Master is a Photoshop compatible plug-in to create realistic looking hand-drawings derived from photos. It enables you to simulate various drawing styles and tools such as lead pencil, ink-pencil, crayon, charcoal, airbrush, and others, and customize the effects to your likings

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7 英飛凌新款ModusToolbox馬達套件簡化馬達控制開發
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