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先進整合觸控技術 開創行動裝置新局面 (2015.06.17)
觸控螢幕在使用者體驗中扮演著深具影響力的角色, 在設計方面的選擇可能成為產品最終成功的決定性因素, 其中,電容式觸控螢幕技術為智慧型手機和平板電腦帶來嶄新局面
智慧型手機與平板電腦最先進的觸控及顯示整合技術 (2015.05.05)
Synaptics整合RSP優勢 TDDI搶中階手機市場 (2014.10.30)
自日前宣布收購日商Renesas SP Drivers(RSP)後,至目前為止,Synaptics表示已完成對RSP的收購,預期此一收購動作將會擴展其觸控125%的市場規模,同時也加速TDDI解決方案的推動,Synaptics行銷與業務發展資深副總裁Bret Sewell指出,最快在一年內將會推出整合RSP技術的TDDI產品
Synaptics收購Renesas SP Drivers 拓展1.5倍市場 (2014.06.12)
身為人機介面領導廠商的Synaptics近幾年來不斷的積極拓展其市場,除了在去年收購Validity,踏入指紋辨識市場後,近日又再度宣布將收購日商Renesas SP Drivers。此次的收購,將有機會為其觸控螢幕導入指紋辨識的願景帶來幫助
Synaptics主打單層外掛式SLOC觸控技術 (2013.09.27)
IP攝影不延遲 SLOC混合架構突破限制 (2012.12.05)
在過去,數位的IP攝影機會因為網路頻寬、視訊解碼暫存等原因產生影像傳輸延遲,再加上電線電纜多以CCTV同軸電纜為主,因此在應用上有相當限制。Intersil為此所推出同軸電纜安全鏈路技術(Security Link Over Coax
Lattice ECP3 Video Protocol Board (2012.04.13)
The LatticeECP3™ FPGA family includes many features for video applications. For example, DisplayPort, SMPTE standards (SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI) and DVB-ASI can be implemented with 16 channels of embedded SERDES/ PCS. 7:1 LVDS video interfaces like ChannelLink and CameraLink can be supported by the generic DDRX2 mode on the I/O pins
Intersil、Sony與Altronix結盟混合視訊技術 (2012.04.03)
Intersil日前宣佈已與Sony及Altronix公司結盟,共同致力於加速視訊監控市場的混合IP(hybrid IP-based)監控系統的普及。 Intersil類比暨混合信號產品部門資深副總裁Susan Hardman表示:「Intersil的同軸電纜安全鏈路技術(SLOC)是開發混合IP視訊監控方案的關鍵技術,並且為客戶提供更高等級的價值
MachXO2 Control Development Kit (2011.05.16)
The MachXO2 Control Development Kit provides a full featured development platform to prototype system control designs using MachXO2 PLDs. The kit features the MachXO2-1200HC device, a Power Manager II ispPAC-POWR1014A, 128Mbit LPDDR memory, 4Mbit SPI Flash and a microSD card socket
Intersil與Sony合作,將視訊技術帶入安控市場 (2011.04.26)
Intersil近日宣佈,Sony將採用Intersil同軸電纜安全鏈路技術(Security Link Over Coax;SLOC),整合到該公司網路視訊監控產品系列的多款2011年IP攝影機。此SLOC技術與Sony網路攝影機的結合,將進一步加速網路視訊監控方案的推動
安全監控成長力道強 Intersil躍升武林盟主 (2011.04.22)
Power Manager II Hercules Development Kit (2011.03.22)
Get started integrating multiple power management ICs fast with the ProcessorPM Development Kit. The kit is a versatile, ready to use hardware platform for evaluating and designing with ProcessorPM power management devices. The kit is based on a 2
Processor PM Development Kit (2011.03.22)
Get started integrating multiple power management ICs fast with the ProcessorPM Development Kit. The kit is a versatile, ready to use hardware platform for evaluating and designing with ProcessorPM power management devices. The kit is based on a 2
ispMACH 4000ZE Evaluation Board (2011.03.22)
This board is designed to help you quickly evaluate the ispMACH 4000ZE, prototype your designs, check performance and verify power consumption.
ECP3 PCI Express Development Kit (2011.03.22)
The Lattice PCI Express Development Kit is a complete hardware/software development environment to help accelerate the evaluation of PCI Express technology, get to a known good starting point for a design, and then easily transition to design exploration
ECP3 Video Protocol Board (2011.03.22)
The LatticeECP3™ FPGA family includes many features for video applications. For example, DisplayPort, SMPTE standards (SD-SDI, HD-SDI and 3G-SDI) and DVB-ASI can be implemented with 16 channels of embedded SERDES/ PCS. 7:1 LVDS video interfaces like ChannelLink and CameraLink can be supported by the generic DDRX2 mode on the I/O pins
生成一款從 markdown 文件和其他內容的靜態內容樹的工具。-rawk - rage against web frameworks (2011.02.02)
生成一款從 markdown 文件和其他內容的靜態內容樹的工具。
Intersil新SLOC解決方案 拓展數位網路視訊監控運用 (2010.10.10)
Intersil近日宣佈,推出能於單一同軸電纜上同時傳輸類比CVBS視訊與數位IP視訊的先進數據機解決方案。獨特的Intersil Techwell SLOC(Security Link over Coax)解決方案讓今日百萬相素的網路攝影機不需更換新的電線電纜,便能於現存的CCTV同軸電纜設備上操作,明顯節省資源與成本
-PHPSLOC - Source Lines of Code Analyzer v1.1.1 (2006.03.01)
A PHP CLI tool to analyze PHP scripts and count their SLOC (source lines of code) as defined in the COCOMO II standard. Will analyze all scripts in a given directory. SLOCs are used as base for software cost estimations using the function point analysis

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2 捷揚光電首款雙鏡頭聲像追蹤 PTZ 攝影機上市
3 Microchip為TrustFLEX平台添加安全身分驗證 IC
4 igus新型連座軸承適用於太陽能追日系統應用
5 資通電腦ARES PP以AI文件解密異常行為偵測判定準確率達八成以上
6 英飛凌全新邊緣AI綜合評估套件加速機器學習應用開發
7 ROHM推出車電Nch MOSFET 適用於車門座椅等多種馬達及LED頭燈應用
8 意法半導體新車規單晶片同步降壓轉換器讓應用設計更彈性化
9 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客製化服務
10 Microchip新款PHY收發器擴展單對乙太網產品組合 實現網路互操作性


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