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Arria與TIBCO策略合作 以自然語言分析COVID-19數據 (2020.07.19)
自然語言生成(NLG)技術供應商Arria NLG宣佈,將與TIBCO合作,幫助全世界從數據中獲得更多的意義。雙方的合作可借助以自然語言書寫的洞察分析,為數據分析帶來新起點,包含對COVID-19的數據分析
TIBCO與元智大學合作設立分析中心 強化物聯網視覺研究 (2019.12.15)
TIBCO Software Inc.與元智大學今天宣布共同成立TIBCO分析中心,進一步強化雙方的合作夥伴關係。 新成立的分析中心將使TIBCO和元智大學能以更視覺化的方式對物聯網應用的資料分析進行研究,為在職人士提供進修服務,目標是協助他們建立職涯中不可或缺的關鍵資料分析技能
TIBCO攜手元智大學培訓智慧型資料分析人才 (2019.02.12)
資料科學當道,應用領域多元化,專業人才的培訓也刻不容緩。TIBCO宣佈與元智大學攜手合作,鎖定工業工程與管理領域,引進智慧型的資料視覺化分析工具TIBCO Spotfire,進行專題研究及開辦專業資訊工具課程
-TibcoMsgAdmin (2011.06.23)
Tibco EMS Message Admin allows you to purge a queue, list messages in a queue, save a message from a queue to a file, edit the message in memory and send to another (or same) queue, load message from a file and send it to a queue
TIBCO Software收購DataSynapse (2009.08.25)
TIBCO Software宣佈,其以價值約為2800萬美元的現金交易收購了私有企業DataSynapse, Inc.。DataSynapse是企業網格和雲計算軟體領域企業,擁有100多位金融服務和電信客戶。 DataSynapse在物理、虛擬和雲計算環境下提供產品並管理應用
-MActor mactor_2.0.1 (2008.08.15)
MActor is an extensible tool for functional integration testing. It can facilitate tests a range of integration technologies (support for JMS, XML over HTTP, SOAP, TIBCO Rv, IBM MQ series and file-shares are currently supplie
-Message Forge 2.0 (2008.06.27)
Type-safe Java/C# messaging framework for TIBCO/ActiveMQ JMS, TIBCO/RV, etc. protocols. Generates Java/C# classes from XML definitions - field-level constraints, complex field types (arrays, hashtables, nested message objects) are fully supported
-SuperExt superxt.0.1 (2008.04.28)
Extjs is an excellent javascript library but recently released in GPL 3 . We plan to use Extjs as base continue our dev on it also extending via integrating it with Tibco GI , Dwr and GWT ..all in business friendly LGPL
-Qore Programming Language (2008.04.11)
Qore is a modular, multithreaded, embeddable, db-integrated, weakly-typed, object-oriented programming language with XML & Perl5-regex support, Tuxedo, TIBCO RV & AE modules, suitable for interface development, application scripting
-MActor mactor_2.0.0 (2008.03.30)
MActor is an extensible tool for functional integration testing. It can facilitate tests a range of integration technologies (support for JMS, XML over HTTP, SOAP, TIBCO Rv, IBM MQ series and file-shares are currently supplie
-Qore Programming Language (2008.02.08)
Qore is a modular, multithreaded, embeddable, db-integrated, weakly-typed, object-oriented programming language with XML & Perl5-regex support, Tuxedo, TIBCO RV & AE modules, suitable for interface development, application scripting
-Ant For Tibco BusinessWorks 1.0 (2008.02.01)
ant-tibco project provides an ant extension to support Tibco BusinessWorks deployment automation. This library encapsulates BuildEar and AppManage tool provided into Tibco TRA. It allows you to automate your deployment using
-Qore Programming Language (2007.10.14)
Qore is a modular, multithreaded, embeddable, db-integrated, weakly-typed, object-oriented programming language with XML & Perl5-regex support, Tuxedo, TIBCO RV & AE modules, suitable for interface development, application scripting
-Qore Programming Language 0.6.2 (2007.06.17)
Qore is a modular, multithreaded, embeddable, db-integrated, weakly-typed, object-oriented programming language with XML & Perl5-regex support, Tuxedo, TIBCO RV & AE modules, suitable for interface development, application scripting
-Qore Programming Language 0.6.0 (2007.01.31)
qore is a modular, multithreaded, embeddable, db-integrated, weakly-typed, object-oriented programming language with XML & perl5-regex support, oracle, mysql, TIBCO Rendezvous and AE modules, suitable for interface development
-RvSn00p 350-alpha (2006.12.05)
rvSnoop is a graphical application that provides developers and operations support personnel with a sophisticated and feature-rich interface for tracing TIBCO Rendezvous??messages. rvSnoop has been tested with Java 1.4.2 and later
-Qore Programming Language 0.5.3 (2006.10.16)
qore is a modular, multithreaded, embeddable, db-integrated, weakly-typed, object-oriented programming language with XML & perl5-regex support, oracle, mysql, TIBCO Rendezvous and AE modules, suitable for interface development
-Qore Programming Language 0.5.0 (2006.05.17)
qore is a modular, multithreaded, weakly-typed, object-oriented programming language with XML, oracle, mysql, & TIBCO Active Enterprise integration, suitable for embedded application logic, application scripting, interface development, etc
-RvSn00p 1.5.2 (2006.05.09)
rvSnoop is a graphical application that provides developers and operations support personnel with a sophisticated and feature-rich interface for tracing TIBCO Rendezvous??messages. rvSnoop has been tested with Java 1.4.2 and later
-jamsel jamsel-2.1 (2006.01.14)
JAMSEL (Java API for Message Selection) is a high performance implementation of the JMS selection specification 1.1 for client-side filtering. The Java/C# API provides built in support for JMS, TIBCO/RV, and Hashtable data providers

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1 Microchip發佈適用於醫學影像和智慧機器人的PolarFireR FPGA和SoC解決方案協議堆疊
2 u-blox 推出適用於穿戴應用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC
3 Microchip 推出新款統包式電容式觸控控制器產品 MTCH2120
4 貿澤電子即日起供應適用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT應用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK開發套件
5 意法半導體推出網頁工具,加速搭載智慧感測器的AIoT專案開發
6 凌華科技透過 NVIDIA JetPack 6.1 增強邊緣 AI 解決方案
7 意法半導體推出首款與高通合作之支援STM32的無線 IoT 模組
8 意法半導體推出 STM32WL33 低功耗長距離無線微控制器及專屬生態系擴充方案
9 Bourns推出全新高效能 超緊湊型氣體放電管 (GDT) 浪湧保護解決方案
10 直角照明輕觸開關為複雜電子應用提供客製化和多功能性


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