vuze(原名Azureus)是使用 BitTorrent 協定的 P2P 文件共享客戶端軟體工具。-Azureus / Vuze (2011.04.05) vuze(原名Azureus)是使用 BitTorrent 協定的 P2P 文件共享客戶端軟體工具。 |
一款生成替代為不斷增長的音訊格式集合工具-Java Audio Library Transcoder (2011.02.04) 一款生成替代為不斷增長的音訊格式集合工具 |
-Wiideo Center 0.3.6 (2008.07.11) Wiideo Center is a small application which can transcode and stream all videos from your PC directly to your Nintendo Wii Console (Internet Channel required!). Its an all-in-one package and you don't have to install anything. |
-Wiideo Center 0.3.4 (2008.05.01) Wiideo Center is a small application which can transcode and stream all videos from your PC directly to your Nintendo Wii Console (Internet Channel required!). Its an all-in-one package and you don't have to install anything. |
支援多格式高解析視訊轉碼的單晶片解決方案 (2008.01.21) 隨著多媒體視訊產品如雨後春筍般不斷在市場湧現,各類多媒體終端裝置存取不同格式的高解析視訊檔案,因此要能支援各式壓縮格式之間的轉檔需求也越來越迫切,同時要能執行高畫質視訊檔案,需要高效能且具應用彈性的數位訊號處理器和記憶體,在編解碼演算法上也須能相容於多格式轉碼後的高解析環境 |
-ModToAvi ModToAvi version 0.9 (2008.01.19) ModToAvi is a user-freindly GUI for converting .mod files to either raw or compressed .avi files using the transcode utility. You will need the transcode utility installed on your system for this program to work. Visit our wiki for details |
-Wiideo Center 0.3.3 (2008.01.14) Wiideo Center is a small application which can transcode and stream all videos from your PC directly to your Nintendo Wii Console (Internet Channel required!). Its an all-in-one package and you don't have to install anything. |
-Wiideo Center 0.3.0 (2007.10.22) Wiideo Center is a small application which can transcode and stream all videos from your PC directly to your Nintendo Wii Console (Internet Channel required!). Its an all-in-one package and you don't have to install anything. |
-SubToText SubToText 0.23 (beta) (2007.09.27) SubToText is a small program that allows you to convert DVD subtitles to SRT subtitles. It is designed to be used together with transcode and aspell. |
-Wiideo Center 0.1 (2007.08.04) Wiideo Center is a small application which can transcode and stream all videos from your PC directly to your Nintendo Wii Console (Internet Channel required!). |
-TiVo.Net TiVoDotNet-0.0.3a (2007.01.19) TiVo.Net is a windows service that will auto-transcode files on the fly to your TiVo. It accepts any files that ffmpeg can transcode. |
-SubToText for version 0.1pre (alpha) (2006.08.20) SubToText is a small program that allows you to convert DVD subtitles to SRT subtitles. It is designed to be used together with transcode and aspell. |
-Rippy Rippy 1.2 (2006.08.13) Rippy is a script designed to make ripping DVDs easier. It uses mplayer and mencoder to transcode a video to another format. Features: automatic bitrate calculation based on desired target size; automatic crop detection; mp3 |
-Kavi2svcd 0.8.7 (2006.04.03) kavi2svcd is a GUI for generating VCD/SVCD/DVD-compliant MPEG files from an AVI, MPEG, Quicktime or whatever file using transcode and mplex.
It then generates a (S)Video CD image using vcdimager and burns to CD with cdrdao |
-Batchtranscode batchtranscode-0.5 (2005.10.08) Batchtranscode is a GTK-based Transcode-frontend written in FreePascal for easily transcoding multiple video files. |
-Dirac Dirac 0.5.3 patch for transcode-1.0.0 (2005.08.24) Dirac is a general-purpose video codec aimed at resolutions from QCIF (180x144) to HDTV (1920x1080) progressive or interlaced. It uses wavelets, motion compensation and arithmetic coding and aims to be competitive with other state of the art codecs |
-Dirac Dirac 0.5.2 patch for transcode 0.6.14 (2005.05.26) Dirac is a general-purpose video codec aimed at resolutions from QCIF (180x144) to HDTV (1920x1080) progressive or interlaced. It uses wavelets, motion compensation and arithmetic coding and aims to be competitive with other state of the art codecs |
1394技術應用趨勢 (2005.03.05) 已擁有近10年歷史的IEEE1394介面技術,已經逐漸由高價位電子產品專用轉移自一般消費性3C產品市場,成為大眾熟悉的數位傳輸規格;現在的1394不但成本下降,在傳輸頻寬的提升以及與乙太網路、無線電等通訊技術的整合上也有更進一步的表現,本文將帶領讀者一一深入探討 |
Streaming Media乘風踏浪而來 (2000.12.01) 隨著台灣寬頻網路日趨成熟普及,
是改變傳統網路上影音觀賞不便的一項關鍵技術 |