鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 23
-Aubit 4GL 1.1RC62 (2009.06.14)
"Aubit 4GL" is a project to make GPL, OpenSource, Informix-4GL compatible compiler, and continue to extend functionality needed to write most efficient and productive business related, database oriented applications
-Aubit 4GL 1.1RC26 (2008.06.15)
"Aubit 4GL" is a project to make GPL, OpenSource, Informix-4GL compatible compiler, and continue to extend functionality needed to write most efficient and productive business related, database oriented applications
-Aubit 4GL 1.00_58 (2007.10.15)
"Aubit 4GL" is a project to make GPL, OpenSource, Informix-4GL compatible compiler, and continue to extend functionality needed to write most efficient and productive business related, database oriented applications
PowerBuilder 11 亚洲巡回上市发表会 (2007.09.03)
使用RAD及4GL开发技术,能更轻松、快速开发应用程序、缩短开发周期的PowerBuilder 11即将上市。 新版本的PowerBuilder拥有快速开发数据驱动应用程序的优势,能因应关键商业功能的殷切需要
Sybase PowerBuilder 11 for .Net供货上市 (2007.06.20)
全球企业基础架构暨无线软件厂商Sybase宣布,优质4GL快速程序开发工具─PowerBuilder 11将供货上市。新版本的PowerBuilder拥有快速开发数据驱动应用程序的优势,能因应关键商业功能的殷切需要
-Aubit 4GL 1.00_44 (2007.06.19)
"Aubit 4GL" is a project to make GPL, OpenSource, Informix-4GL compatible compiler, and continue to extend functionality needed to write most efficient and productive business related, database oriented applications
-Ganimede 1.4.1 (2006.08.07)
The goal of this project is to make possible to access Progress database from any external program that can use sockets. The server (broker and agents) are written in Progress 4GL and made use of sockets capabilities of Progress V9
-Aubit 4GL 0.59-20 (2006.07.22)
"Aubit 4GL" is a project to make GPL, OpenSource, Informix-4GL compatible compiler, and continue to extend functionality needed to write most efficient and productive business related, database oriented applications
在Progress 4GL环境下的元件测试程式, 类似JUnit, NUnit 工具-ProUnit Prounit-0.008 (2006.05.25)
在Progress 4GL环境下的元件测试程式, 类似JUnit, NUnit 工具
-Open 4GL WebServices o4glwsdl2js-0.1-beta (2006.05.02)
A wizard/procedure and a framework to make it easy to publish PROGRESS procedures as WebServices generating the WSDL and WS code, without requiring the developer to learn XML or the framework itself. There are many choices to deploy the code
-Aubit 4GL 0.59-11 (2006.04.26)
"Aubit 4GL" is a project to make GPL, OpenSource, Informix-4GL compatible compiler, and continue to extend functionality needed to write most efficient and productive business related, database oriented applications
在Progress 4GL环境下的元件测试程式, 类似JUnit, NUnit 工具-ProUnit prounit-0.007 (2006.03.21)
在Progress 4GL环境下的元件测试程式, 类似JUnit, NUnit 工具
在Progress 4GL环境下的元件测试程式, 类似JUnit, NUnit 工具-ProUnit prounit-0.005 (2005.12.30)
在Progress 4GL环境下的元件测试程式, 类似JUnit, NUnit 工具
Progress MPF Pro金融软件 获香港东亚银行选用 (2005.11.02)
Progress Software公司十一月二日宣布荣获香港东亚银行选用,以其开发的强制性公积金(MPF) – Pro应用程序来管理东亚银行的强制性公积金业务。 「MPF-Pro」应用程序是由Progress Software在香港的伙伴普格斯有限公司(Progressive Technology Ltd)负责设计开发,主要功能为支持银行的强制积金管理工作
-Aubit 4GL 0.50-11 (2005.08.23)
"Aubit 4GL" is a project to make GPL, OpenSource, Informix-4GL compatible compiler, and continue to extend functionality needed to write most efficient and productive business related, database oriented applications. See "Home Page" link for more
-Aubit 4GL 0.49-98 (2005.05.11)
"Aubit 4GL" is a project to make GPL, OpenSource, Informix-4GL compatible compiler, and continue to extend functionality needed to write most efficient and productive business related, database oriented applications. See "Home Page" link for more
-Prolint 0.0.1 (2005.03.30)
Prolint is a tool for automated source code review of Progress 4GL code. Prolint can enforce company coding standards and finds sloppy code and code that may perform differently than how the programmer intended.
Sybase与倍力信息协助企业创造全球在地化优势 (2005.03.02)
为协助企业能真正地在地深耕、稳固基础与扩大版图,Sybase与倍力信息预定于三月十日与十五日分别于高雄与台中举办Sybase开发工具研讨会,为与会者深入剖析如何利用PowerBuilder 10.0、PowerBuilder Family与PowerDesigner 11.0的新功能与应用,协助企业轻松、快速、自动地建构企业营运系统,迅速面对每一天商业环境险峻的挑战
-EndUser4gl 3F1300 (2005.02.06)
Microsoft Visual 6.0 C++ :New 4gl Windows API, Sql, Queries( Data Base : Excel,Access,Foxpro,Dbase,Text,csv),Ado, Sort, Reporting , Sms phone,Ftp server, mail/mapi,generate Pdf(acrobat) Text,office:Excel/Word, un/Compression(cabsdk),GIf anim,jpg,bmp
-Aubit 4GL 0.49-26 (2005.02.05)
"Aubit 4GL" is a project to make GPL, OpenSource, Informix-4GL compatible compiler, and continue to extend functionality needed to write most efficient and productive business related, database oriented applications. See "Home Page" link for more

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