鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 27
台湾服务器市场进入旺季 市场营收大幅增长34.6% (2011.09.22)
浅谈OMA DM (2011.01.27)
应用伺服架构下的P2P技术-3 (2010.07.27)
P2P 的应用,是建立在点对点的资料分享上,并且期望能够透过这样的技术,建立起用于广大网路中资源分享的共用基础。
从CEATEC看2010电子大势(四) (2009.10.18)
液晶电视与电浆电视在高画质、大屏幕和薄型化的竞赛仍在发生,但上文中提到,日本电视机大厂在今年的CEATEC中,纷纷揭橥明年将迈向Full HD 3D的电视世代。本文中将进一步解析他们将如何做到对3D电视的承诺,以及未来的发展方向
WACS是为建立一款专业性成人网站的工具程序-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.8.3 (2009.07.01)
专访:O2 Micro技术发展部副总经理James Wang (2008.09.18)
今年可说是PND(Portable Navigation Device)和GPS手持装置发展的关键年,随着地图、导航、寻址多样化服务的日新月异,GPS芯片需要高效能电源管理IC设计的支持,才能发挥水涨船高的功效,PND和GPS装置系统厂商也日益依赖GPS芯片整合电源管理的设计架构
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.8.0 (2008.06.13)
WACS is a tool for building Adult Web Sites; equally suitable for managing a private collection or building a commercial site. It has many best of breed features including dynamic filtering, model catalogs, automatic download and powerful search engine
-DOCS 2.2 (2008.04.22)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.7.4 (2008.02.23)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
新款TANDBERG Content Server应用功能大幅提升 (2008.01.24)
台湾威讯得科技,身为TANDBERG挪威原厂指定合作伙伴,日前推出新版TANDBERG Content Server,扩增高解析度影片錄制与多媒体展示产品阵容。用户可建立、储存、下载、拨打视讯电话与传送多媒体简报内容,让用户能透过各种装置随时存取这些内容
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.7.2 (2007.11.07)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
-DOCS 2.1 (2007.10.08)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands
克服数字权利管理应用障碍 (2007.09.10)
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.7.0 (2007.07.10)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
应用伺服架构下的P2P技术 (2007.05.03)
P2P 的应用,是建立在点对点的数据分享上,并且期望能够透过这样的技术,建立起用于广大网络中资源共享的共享基础。
-DOCS 2.0 (2007.04.29)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands
-WACS: Web-based Adult Content Server 0.6.2 (2007.04.02)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and automatic downloads. The API is available in both perl and php
-DOCS 2.0 beta 3 (2007.01.31)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands
-Web-based Adult Content Server in perl 0.6.0 (2007.01.22)
WACSip creates a personalised adult web site with many best-of-breed features including model catalogs, attribute-based searches, latest additions highlighting, photographer catalogs and now automatic downloads.
-DOCS DOCS-v2.0-b1 (2006.12.01)
DOcumentum Command Shell (DOCS) is a command line client interface for the Documentum Content Server, which provides navigation, execution of basic library functions, and an extensible architecture for writing additional custom commands

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1 Infortrend U.2 NVMe储存系统赋能机场AI自助服务亭加速时程
2 捷扬光电首款双镜头声像追踪 PTZ 摄影机上市
3 Microchip为TrustFLEX平台添加安全身分验证 IC
4 igus新型连座轴承适用於太阳能追日系统应用
5 英飞凌全新边缘AI综合评估套件加速机器学习应用开发
6 意法半导体新车规单晶片同步降压转换器让应用设计更弹性化
7 ROHM推出车电Nch MOSFET 适用於车门、座椅等多种马达及LED头灯应用
8 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客制化服务
9 Microchip新款PHY收发器扩展单对乙太网产品组合 实现网路互操作性
10 Cincoze德承全新基础型工业电脑DV-1100适用於边缘运算高效能需求


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