牛津大学衍生公司Oxford Flow获2370万欧元融资 革新阀门技术 (2024.12.05) 源自牛津大学热流体研究所的衍生公司 Oxford Flow,宣布完成2370万欧元C 轮融资,由 bp Ventures 和 Energy Impact Partners (EIP) 共同领投。
此轮融资将帮助Oxford Flow扩大营运规模、提升产能,并推进其阀门和调节器技术的研发 |
工研院亲身示范3大节能策略 两年省逾3,000万电费 (2024.04.28) 面对气候环境剧变,工研院长期深耕节能减碳,以「聪明用电」、「节能好帮手」、「绿能新科技」3大节能策略切入,从2022~2023年连续2年各节电4%,累计省下电力达900万度,换算电费估计省下3,150万元 |
加油站普遍老化 UL地下储油槽安全检查计画首例在台落地 (2021.02.23) 随着加油站的使用年限变长,地下储油槽势必要定期检验及修复。根据美国宾州环境资源部研究,埋设10年以上的储油槽有46%的机率会发生泄漏,设置15年以上者,发生泄漏的机率更高达71%以上 |
串列设备、Modbus设备也能轻松上云 - Moxa推出 (2019.05.10) Moxa四零四科技在其NPort IA(W)5000A-I / O系列串列设备服务器和MGate 5105-MB-EIP系列Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP至EtherNet/IP闸道器产品中推出新的云连接功能,提供用户轻松将其串行设备连接到云系统以用於IIoT应用 |
Moxa推出串列连网伺服器与Modbus闸道器连云新功能 (2019.05.09) Moxa四零四科技在其NPort IA(W)5000A-I / O系列串列设备服务器和MGate 5105-MB-EIP系列Modbus RTU/ASCII/TCP至EtherNet/IP闸道器产品中推出新的云连接功能,提供用户轻松将其串行设备连接到云系统以用於IIoT应用 |
研华、资策会共创工业物联网云平台公司━云研物联EnSaaS (2018.01.10) 研华公司1月9日与资策会共同宣布,携手共创工业物联网平台公司━云研物联股份有限公司(简称:云研物联),并以成为大中华区工业设备联网之运维云平台及方案领导厂商作为该公司发展愿景 |
台达创新自动化技术亮相「2016纽伦堡国际电气自动化展」 (2016.11.30) 台达于11月22日至24日在德国「2016纽伦堡国际电气自动化展」(SPS/IPC/Drives 2016,以下简称SPS展)中,聚焦未来工厂和智慧制造,以云端、物联网相关的技术和产品为主轴,整合旗下工业自动化产品线和先进技术 |
红帽简化JBoss Fuse Service Works 6整合流程 (2014.02.10) 开放原始码软件解决方案全球领导厂商红帽公司宣布推出新一代服务设计、开发与整合的平台:JBoss Fuse Service Works 6。这款新平台可以协助企业撷取分散在不同应用程序的信息、整合不同的商业流程,并转移到开放的混合云架构 |
-uEngine BPM (2010.07.02) A BPM (Business Process Management) / Workflow based on Web Services and CBD-concept, which provides most features of commercial one - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and OLAP based Process Analyzer. |
-uEngine BPM uengine v3.0alpha LEP44 (2008.05.01) A BPM (Business Process Management) / Workflow Solution based on Web Services and CBD-concept, which provides most features of commercial one - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and OLAP based Process Analyzer. |
-uEngine BPM uengine v2.3beta JBoss LEP4 (2008.02.18) A BPM (Business Process Management) / Workflow Solution based on Web Services and CBD-concept, which provides most features of commercial one - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and OLAP based Process Analyzer. |
-uEngine BPM uengine v2.2beta JBoss LEP4 (2007.09.12) A BPM (Business Process Management) / Workflow Solution based on Web Services and CBD-concept, which provides most features of commercial one - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and OLAP based Process Analyzer. |
-uEngine BPM uengine v2.0.6_02 JBoss LEP4 (2007.06.11) A BPM (Business Process Management) / Workflow Solution based on Web Services and CBD-concept, which provides most features of commercial one - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and OLAP based Process Analyzer. |
-uEngine BPM uengine v2.0.4final_02 JBoss LEP4 (2007.04.03) A BPM (Business Process Management) / Workflow Solution based on Web Services and CBD-concept, which provides most features of commercial one - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and OLAP based Process Analyzer. |
-uEngine BPM uEngine2.0.3 patch for issue #07010301 (2007.01.03) A BPM (Business Process Management) / Workflow Solution based on Web Services and CBD-concept, which provides most features of commercial one - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and OLAP based Process Analyzer. |
-uEngine BPM uEngine v2.0.2 (2006.10.04) A BPM (Business Process Management) / Workflow Solution based on Web Services and CBD-concept, which provides most features of commercial one - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and OLAP based Process Analyzer. |
-uEngine uengine v2.0 rc-0 (2006.06.17) A Web Service based Workflow Management System written in Java and CBD-concept. uEngine provides most features of commercial BPM solution - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and DB application generator. |
行动办公室运作要素 (2005.05.01) 行动办公室是指可以让员工在公司内或公司外,随时随地处理以往在传统定点办公室才能处理的工作任务之办公环境。 |
-uEngine uengine v1.0.2 (2005.04.02) A Web Service based Workflow Management System written in Java and CBD-concept. uEngine provides most features of commercial BPM solution - Process Designer, EIP, Web service tools and DB application generator. |
SOAP - 让程式畅行于网路间 (2004.07.26) 简易物件存取协定 - SOAP利用现存的网际网路架构让应用程式之间可以彼此沟通,而不会被防火墙阻碍。在分散式的架构下及使用 XML 的环境中,提供两个电脑系统之间交换的资料架构与型别 |