鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 10
TI马达控制软体开发套件启动新设计 (2019.04.19)
TI C2000微控制器(MCU)已用於控制各类应用中的马达超过25年。这些马达主要是三相同步或非同步马达,通常使用一种称为磁场定向控制(FOC)的技术进行控制,以透过提供有效的扭矩产生来最小化电力消耗量
-AwiFuzz - Fuzzy Logic Control System 0.3 (2008.01.23)
Device independend source code of Fuzzy logic expert system. Reads FCL (fuzzy control language). Sourcecode in C++. Example program is tested with Linux, should also work with Windows or other operating systems. Without a graphical user interface
-FIBL 0.6.3 (2007.10.05)
FIB for Lazarus (FIBL) is improved version of FreeIBComponents for FreePascal/FCL. The aim of this project is to provide high quality components library to access Firebird server for Lazarus IDE.
-FliPS 1.0 (2007.03.23)
FliPS is a Flight Protocol Software (flight logbook regarding JAR-FCL) for Windows. FliPS is based on (and therefore 100% compatible with) Version 1.09 Alpha3 of the project "FluPP".
-jFuzzyLogic jFuzzyLogic_1_2_0 (2006.09.22)
jFuzzyLogic is a java implementation of a Fuzzy Logic software package. It implements a complete Fuzzy inference system (FIS) as well as Fuzzy Control Logic compliance (FCL) according to IEC 1131.
-FIBL 0.6.1 (2005.08.22)
FIB for Lazarus (FIBL) is improved version of FreeIBComponents for FreePascal/FCL. The aim of this project is to provide high quality components library to access Firebird server for Lazarus IDE.
.NET 类别程式库的扩充版-JEDI.NET JediDoc 1.0 (2005.07.17)
.NET 类别程式库的扩充版
-FIBL 0.2 (2005.04.21)
FIB for Lazarus (FIBL) is a FreePascal/FCL port of FIB - well known components library for access to Firebird database server. The aim of this project is to provide high quality components library to access Firebird server for Lazarus IDE
.NET 类别程式库的扩充版-JEDI.NET 1.0 alpha 1 (2005.03.16)
.NET 类别程式库的扩充版
福邦 (2003.10.20)
福邦科技国际股份有限公司成立于1989年7月,是一以台湾、中国大陆地区为主要市场之专业电子零组件代理通路商。 产品线均为全球知名之半导体、微电子、光电组件及软件领导厂商,其中包括 Bridgestone, E-tron, Fujitsu, FHP, i-chips, ICSI, Parade, Spansion, TDK, 及 Trident 等,提供最多且最好之计算机、网络通信与消费性电子产品之关键零组件

1 英飞凌全新边缘AI综合评估套件加速机器学习应用开发
2 意法半导体新车规单晶片同步降压转换器让应用设计更弹性化
3 宜鼎率先量产CXL记忆体模组 为AI伺服器与资料中心三合一升级
4 Diodes新款12通道LED驱动器可提升数位看板和显示器效能
5 Vishay推出获沉浸式许可的新尺寸IHPT触觉回??致动器
6 Littelfuse推出高频应用的双5安培低压侧MOSFET栅极驱动器
7 恩智浦整合超宽频安全测距与短距雷达推动自动化IIoT应用
8 瑞萨第四代R-Car车用SoC瞄准大量L2+ ADAS市场
9 贸泽电子即日起供货Renesas Electronics RA8M1语音套件
10 祥硕USB4主控端晶片ASM4242提供连接稳定性和兼容性


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