鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 16
专访:Altera亚太区市场产品经理王冬刚 (2009.04.02)
在嵌入式设计中,Linux是最受开发者青睐的操作系统,因其开放源码的特质具备极佳的设计弹性,同时在价格上也很具竞争力。而看好Linux的发展潜力,FPGA方案供货商Altera也决定与Linux软件方案供货商Wind River合作,在其Altera Nios II嵌入式处理器中提供Linux支持
MIPS推出突破性Linux开发工具 (2008.09.18)
MIPS宣布推出全新MIPS Navigator Integrated Component Suite(ICS),协助嵌入式系统开发人员更容易在MIPS-Based SoCs和嵌入式系统上设计程序、除错和分析Linux系统。Navigator ICS将MIPS开发工具与技术整合为一款相互结合的实际产品,其中亦包含了创新的Linux开发组件
-gnu-efi gnu-efi-3.0e2 (2008.08.02)
Develop EFI applications for IA-64(IPF), IA-32(x86) , and (x86_64) platforms using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development environment.
以GNU为基础 MIPS推出核心优化版本 (2008.07.10)
MIPS Technologies公司宣布,CodeSourcery公司已推出针对MIPS优化的Sourcery G++版本,该套件是以GNU Toolchain与Eclipse IDE为基础的完整C/C++开发环境。该版本支持所有MIPS核心,包括MIPS32 24K核心与超纯量(superscalar)MIPS32 74K核心的效能提升,以及其他优化措施
-Revolution-FX revolution-fx v1.0 for Renesas (2008.05.18)
The Revolution-FX project goal is to provide the best platform for developing applications for the CASIO fx-9860G graphing calculator. Revolution-FX components include addheader, code editor, a hardware library, and works with the GNU toolchain
-BCU SDK bcu1driver- (2008.03.09)
BCU SDK is a C based, high level development system for creating programs for EIB/KNX BCU devices. It includes the GNU toolchain for the m68hc05 architecture (m68hc05-gcc, m68hc05-gdb, newlib). Bus access is possible using multiple methods
-gnu-efi gnu-efi-3.0e (2008.01.31)
Develop EFI applications for IA-64(IPF), IA-32(x86) , and (x86_64) platforms using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development environment.
-Revolution-FX revolution-fx v0.3.2 for Renesas (2007.11.23)
The Revolution-FX project goal is to provide the best platform for developing applications for the CASIO fx-9860G graphing calculator. Revolution-FX components include addheader, code editor, a hardware library, and works with the GNU toolchain
-BCU SDK sdkdoc-0.0.3 (2007.11.19)
BCU SDK is a C based, high level development system for creating programs for EIB/KNX BCU devices. It includes the GNU toolchain for the m68hc05 architecture (m68hc05-gcc, m68hc05-gdb, newlib). Bus access is possible using multiple methods
-Revolution-FX revolution-fx v0.3 source (2007.08.30)
The Revolution-FX project goal is to provide the best platform for developing applications for the CASIO fx-9860G graphing calculator. Revolution-FX components include addheader, code editor, a hardware library, and works with the GNU toolchain
-CDT for Windows 1.0M1 (2007.06.27)
The goal of the CDT for Windows project is to provide an Integrated Development Environment based on the Eclipse CDT and MinGW GNU toolchain and includes the Harmony JRE to make a complete executable package wrapped in a nice installer
-gnu-efi gnu-efi-3.1 (2007.01.17)
Develop EFI applications for IA-64(IPF) and IA-32(x86) platforms using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development environment.
-BCU SDK bcusdk- (2006.12.11)
BCU SDK is a C based, high level development system for creating programs for EIB/KNX BCU devices. It includes the GNU toolchain for the m68hc05 architecture (m68hc05-gcc, m68hc05-gdb, newlib). Bus access is possible using multiple methods
-BCU SDK eib- (2006.05.07)
BCU SDK is a C based, high level development system for creating programs for EIB/KNX BCU devices. It includes the GNU toolchain for the m68hc05 architecture (m68hc05-gcc, m68hc05-gdb, newlib). Bus access is possible using multiple methods
-gnu-efi gnu-efi-3.0c (2006.03.31)
Develop EFI applications for IA-64(IPF) and IA-32(x86) platforms using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development environment.
-BCU SDK bcusdk-0.0.0-4 (2005.10.13)
BCU SDK is a C based, high level development system for creating programs for EIB/KNX BCU devices. It includes the GNU toolchain for the m68hc05 architecture (m68hc05-gcc, m68hc05-gdb, newlib). Bus access is possible using multiple methods

1 Microchip发布适用於医学影像和智慧机器人的PolarFire® FPGA和SoC解决方案协议堆叠
2 安勤推出搭载NVIDIA Jetson平台边缘AI方案新系列
3 贸泽RISC-V技术资源中心可探索开放原始码未来
4 贸泽电子即日起供应适用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT应用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK开发套件
5 u-blox 推出适用於穿戴应用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC, 能以最小外形尺寸提供超低功耗和高定位精准度
6 Littelfuse NanoT IP67级轻触开关系列新增操作选项
7 英飞凌新款ModusToolbox马达套件简化马达控制开发
8 台达全新温度控制器 DTDM系列实现导体加工精准控温
9 Microchip 推出新款统包式电容式触控控制器产品 MTCH2120
10 意法半导体车载音讯D类放大器新增汽车应用优化的诊断功能


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