鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 10
浩亭技术集团在严峻的环境中销售表现坚定 (2019.12.06)
浩亭3Deluxe建筑师团队打造物流大教堂 (2019.07.09)
浩亭技术集团欧洲配送中心(EDC)正式落成,典礼上的各种厌祝活动精彩纷呈。 在包括代特莫尔德地区主席Marianne Thomann-Stahl、明登-卢贝克县行政长官Ralf Niermann、比勒费尔德东威斯特伐利亚工商会(IHK)主席Wolf D
Tektronix为其数字内容监视器新增全新功能 (2011.03.01)
Tektronix近日宣布,该公司Sentry数字内容监视器已新增全新功能。Sentry 5.0的推出可让Sentry以全线速(每部机组为1 Gbps)深入监控视讯数据串,这种效能可让视讯服务供货商监控每部机组数以百计的视讯数据串,降低Sentry的数量,藉以全面监控大型的多频道节目
针对可调式视讯之影像编码器 (2008.01.30)
-Linux Video Editor (lve) 2006-12-07 (2006.12.08)
LVE provides frame and GOP accurate editing of MPEG1/2 files. Video scenes are handled as thumbnails movable by drag and drop. Final videos can be build with or without re-encoding. Tools for shrinking and DVD authoring are also available
-Linux Video Editor (lve) 2006-03-14 (2006.03.15)
LVE provides frame and GOP accurate editing of MPEG1/2 files. Video scenes are handled as thumbnails movable by drag and drop. Final videos can be build with or without re-encoding. Tools for shrinking and DVD authoring are also available
-Linux Video Editor (lve) 2005-07-17 (2005.07.18)
LVE provides frame and GOP accurate editing of MPEG1/2 files. Video scenes are handled as thumbnails movable by drag and drop. Final videos can be build with or without re-encoding. Tools for shrinking and DVD authoring are also available
-GOPchop 1.1.6 (2005.05.01)
The "gopchop" utility is a video editing tool designed to take MPEG2-PS files and perform Group-of-Pictures editing ("GOP-accurate editing"). No re-encoding is performed, which drastically improves editing speed.
-Linux Video Editor (lve) 2005-03-31 (2005.04.01)
LVE provides frame and GOP accurate editing of MPEG1/2 files. Video scenes are handled as thumbnails movable by drag and drop. Final videos can be build with or without re-encoding. Tools for shrinking and DVD authoring are also available
制定安全电子凭证 有电子商务发展 (2001.05.11)
因特网发展是时代趋势,但却因交易安全性及机制未能统一,让网络交易一直 无法顺利进行,间接影响到电子商务的推动,失去因特网应有的重要功能。 提供电子商务金流解决方案的华錂科技公司

1 美光最低延迟创新主记忆体MRDIMM正式送样
2 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相机具备 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
3 明纬推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED灯带
4 Microchip多核心64位元微处理器支援智慧边缘设计
5 Basler新型 CXP-12线扫描相机具备8k和16k解析度
6 捷扬光电 全新4K录播系统可提升多频道NDI串流体验
7 英飞凌CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V重新定义 AI 伺服器电源功效
8 ROHM超小型CMOS运算放大器适用於智慧手机和小型物联网应用
9 Emerson新型气动阀提供自动化高度灵活性和优化流量
10 英飞凌新一代CoolGaN电晶体系列采用8 寸晶圆制程


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