鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 149
Oracle告Android侵权 美专利局逐一驳回 (2012.03.26)
关于Oracle对Google Android的侵权控诉,陆续遭到美国专利商标局(USPTO)的驳回。在几个月(2011年12月)的月初,先驳回Oracle主张Android对7,426,720号专利所有权的侵权行为,接着在月底又驳回Oracle要求对其6,192,476号专利进行复审要求
-Physhun (2011.07.16)
Physhun is a Java framework for building and executing finite state machines in J2SE and J2EE environments. State models are defined as collections of Spring beans, and do not use proprietary modeling languages. The framework is simple and flexible
-ex95delta - Disaster Response Management (2011.04.21)
Its my college project for Natural Disaster Response Unit Management Information System Based On Java Standard Edition (J2SE) using IDE Netbeans and DBMS MySQL. Supported language in the system is Bahasa Indonesia.
-Luaj (2010.07.30)
Lightweight, fast, Java-centric Lua interpreter written for J2ME and J2SE, with libraries for basic, string, table, package, math, io, os, debug and coroutine packages, a compiler, luajava bindings, and JSR-233 pluggable scripting engine bindings
-jlog2 (2010.05.23)
Lightweight logger/debugger for both the Java J2SE and J2ME platforms. Configurable logger for writing logging or debugging information to separate output streams. Lightweight logger/debugger compatible with Java J2SE or J
加解密装置存取接口程序设计 (2009.08.06)
-openMDX - Open Source MDA platform 2.5.0 (2009.06.16)
openMDX is the leading open source MDA platform. Generic, model-driven framework. Ultra-fast, platform-independent development. No proprietary model tagging. No cumbersome generative PIM-to-PSM mappings. Supports J2SE, J2EE, CORBA, and
-KoLmafia v13.3.1 (2009.06.13)
KoLmafia is a cross-platform desktop tool which interfaces with the online adventure game, Kingdom of Loathing. KoLmafia is written in Java (J2SE 1.4 compliant), with binary releases in JAR format.
ThinkFree推出第一套行动办公室软件包 (2009.03.17)
办公室软件解决方案厂商ThinkFree发表全新的ThinkFree Mobile产品。此产品特别适用于台湾市场,可提供文字处理、电子表格及简报应用程序,并针对x86及ARM芯片组之小尺寸屏幕、硬件资源有限的行动网络装置(MID)及笔记本电脑达到优化效果
-BlueCove 2.0.3 (2008.08.12)
BlueCove is a JSR-82 implementation on Java Standard Edition (J2SE) on BlueZ Linux, Mac OS X, WIDCOMM, BlueSoleil and Microsoft Bluetooth stack on WinXPsp2 and newer. Originally developed by Intel Research and currently maintained by volunteers
-openMDX - Open Source MDA platform 2.1.0 (2008.07.11)
openMDX is the leading open source MDA platform. Generic, model-driven framework. Ultra-fast, platform-independent development. No proprietary model tagging. No cumbersome generative PIM-to-PSM mappings. Supports J2SE, J2EE, CORBA, and
一个符合用在组件导向系统如Enterprise JavaBeans程序的研发平台-CUBA 3.0.1 (2008.06.28)
一个符合用在组件导向系统如Enterprise JavaBeans程序的研发平台
-TeeDict 0.6.1 (2008.06.27)
TeeDict (formerly jStarDict) is a j2se/j2me dict application which can use any stardict/dict.org/kdic/zdic format dictionaries. Go to http://www.teesoft.info to find the installation instruction and some other documents of this project
-UniMod 1.0.0 (2008.06.20)
Automata Based Programming Tool for implementing logic for J2SE, J2EE and Sybmian applications. Consists of Java FSM Framework and Eclipse Plugin parts. Plugin implements UML model editor, visual debugger, validator, compiler
在线游戏 Kingdom of Loathing 的一个桌上接口程序-KoLmafia v12.5 (2008.06.17)
在线游戏 Kingdom of Loathing 的一个桌上接口程序
-kMemorize MyComp20080609 (2008.06.09)
This project is opened for vocabulary memorizing, but not limit, base on J2ME mobile device. There are 2 components in porject, a J2ME(MIDP 2.0) vocabulary-card reader, named kMemorize , and a J2SE vocabulary-card authoring tool
-jStarDict 0.5.9 (2008.06.04)
jStarDict is a j2se/j2me dict application which can use any stardict/dict.org/kdic/zdic format dictionaries. Go to http://www.teesoft.info to find the installation instruction and some other documents of this project .
-kMemorize BWZKForge (2008.04.02)
This project is opened for vocabulary memorizing, but not limit, base on J2ME mobile device. There are 2 components in porject, a J2ME(MIDP 2.0) vocabulary-card reader, named kMemorize , and a J2SE vocabulary-card authoring tool
-JavaDoc Taglet Collection Taglets 2.0.3 (2008.03.31)
The Taglet Collection is set of general pupose taglets for use with the JavaDoc tool. It provides a standard set of new tags and allows to create new ones by configuration or using simple Java interfaces. Tested with J2SE 1.4, 1
-JME C64 JME C64 v1.7.4 (2008.03.26)
A Java-based Commodore 64 emulator for the J2ME and J2SE platform. If you want to see the old C64 become alive on your mobile phone or PC then try this emulator. For more information on the project see the Wiki pages http://jmec64

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1 美光最低延迟创新主记忆体MRDIMM正式送样
2 艾迈斯欧司朗与greenteg创新体温监测技术 为耐力运动领域带来新变革
3 明纬推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED灯带
4 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相机具备 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
5 Microchip多核心64位元微处理器支援智慧边缘设计
6 Basler新型 CXP-12线扫描相机具备8k和16k解析度
7 捷扬光电 全新4K录播系统可提升多频道NDI串流体验
8 Ceva蜂巢式物联网平台整合至意法半导体NB-IoT工业模组
9 Emerson新型气动阀提供自动化高度灵活性和优化流量
10 英飞凌新一代CoolGaN电晶体系列采用8 寸晶圆制程


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