鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 21
Lineage发布永续发展报告 展示冷链建设推动力 (2023.07.27)
因应企业、社群和地球面临的挑战,全球温控工业房地产投资信托(REIT)和整合解决方案供应商Lineage Logistics发布首份《永续发展报告》,介绍为迈向建设更加永续、包容且合??道德的未来目标所做的努力
Energy Micro 启动EFM32 Gecko MCU 免费样片计划 (2012.06.20)
Energy Micro日前宣布推出其EFM32 Gecko 系列微控制器的免费样片计划,这一计划使得全球范围内的设计者可以迅速、便捷地拿到其MCU 产品样片。 该免费样片计划旨在为那些有意对其全球最低功耗EFM32 Gecko MCU 进行测试的设计者提供便利,这也是Energy Micro一直所推崇的“简洁”精神的沿袭
-inTool (2010.09.15)
a small launchpad for russian Lineage II game client that also fixes disconnections caused by frost on low end computers.
可以读取屏幕像素和仿真按键 F1 - F12,且它并不修改数据包。-l2click (2010.08.10)
可以读取屏幕像素和仿真按键 F1 - F12,且它并不修改数据包。
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠 (2010.05.05)
Google綠能投資 首購風力發電廠
-LineAge Utils LineAge Utils (v 1.6.9) (2008.08.13)
Utilities for tuning LineAge 2 client
-L2CraftHelper 0.4 (2008.08.08)
A simple tool application usefull for people playing and crafting items in the Lineage 2 online game.
-LineAge Utils LineAge Utils (v 1.6.6) (2008.05.13)
Utilities for tuning LineAge 2 client
-Lineage II Connection Manager 4.0 Beta 2 (2008.04.30)
An application for managing connections to multiple Lineage II servers.
-CellarDoor 1.0.1 (2008.04.13)
CellarDoor the latest of a long lineage of Interactive Fiction interpreters for PalmOS devices. It supports Z-Machine (Z1-Z8, inc. Z6) and Glulx stories, as well as .zblorb and .gblorb files and graphics. Requires hi-res screen & memory card
-LineAge Utils LineAge Utils (v (2008.02.26)
Utilities for tuning LineAge 2 client
-CellarDoor Release Candidate 1 (2007.03.29)
CellarDoor the latest of a long lineage of Interactive Fiction interpreters for PalmOS devices. It supports Z-Machine (V1-V8, inc. V6) and Glulx stories, as well as .zblorb and .gblorb files and graphics. Requires hi-res screen & memory card
-La2.Gr C4 Project La2.gr L2 C4 Final (2007.02.17)
Client for Lineage II C4
-LineAge Utils LineAge Utils (v 1.5.2465.23682) (2006.10.02)
Utilities for tuning LineAge 2 client
-MatCalc 1.0 (2006.09.13)
MatCalc for Lineage 2 is an application that contains a database of materials required for making items in Lineage 2, and the user's inventory contents. It show the user what materials he/she needs to make items.
-La2.Gr C4 Project beta-system-01 (2006.09.12)
Client for Lineage II C4
-LineAge Utils LineAge Utils (v 1.4.2278.25257) (2006.07.26)
Utilities for tuning LineAge 2 client
-Legacy Gamers LegacyGunboundClient (2006.05.24)
This is a gaming community developing games such as Pangya,Gunbound,Lineage II. Join legacygamers.net Now! We are serious developers that work hard to get listed games working and running perfectly!
-L2Net L2Net MSAccess DB v0.1 (2005.05.24)
L2Net is .net Alternative Lineage 2 Server and Client.
-Project C2 beta1 (2005.02.21)
Project C2 is an Alternative Lineage II Game Server in c+ code

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10 凌华OSM开放式系统模组开启嵌入式运算新纪元


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