鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 29
Computex:平板SoC核心现三强 高通走自己路 (2011.06.01)
-Fast Ogg Encoder (2010.08.11)
fastoggenc is a multithread python script which converts mp3, m4a, wma, wav and other audio formats into ogg-vorbis format. It is a fork from dir2ogg script that was previously inspired by the perl script mp32ogg.
-NavalBattleX alpha1 (2008.08.07)
鈻 WORK IN PROGRESS 鈼 A naval battle game in unix enviroment. This project is developed in C language and it uses the TCP/IP protocol for clients/server(multithread) communications. The users interactions are done by comma
-NGrid - Grid Computing for .Net NGrid - v0.71beta (2008.05.29)
NGrid is a transparent C# .Net/mono grid computing model. NGrid abstracts the burden of the grid into a simple multithread and garbage collected programming model. NGrid is designed to carry computationally intensive tasks over multiple machines
-POPtm 1.3 beta 2 (recommended) (2008.03.30)
Pop3/Smtp connector for email server. Using scheduler / multithread download email from POP3 account or act as an SMTP gateway. Filtering via external tools.
-ReGet Deluxe 5.2 (2008.01.30)
ReGet Deluxe resumes broken downloads and speeds up your download activity. It supports FTP/HTTP/HTTPS servers and online drives and works correctly with forms and redirection scripts. ReGet Deluxe comes with an advanced scheduler and site manager, a history feature that can remember all your downloads and advanced browser integration
-TCP/ICMP Multithreaded Scanner 0.5.1 (2008.01.21)
TIMS is a multithread-capable high speed TCP & ICMP network scanner and reverse-DNS resolver aiming at scanning very large ranges of IP addresses in a short amount of time. Thread number, timeouts and delay values are highly configurable
-Serial Downloader SerialDwnPL (2007.12.22)
Simple Python script to symultain(multithread) download enumerated files with windowed(Tk) interface.
NI Days接橥多核心系统设计图形化仪控新方向 (2007.11.13)
一年一度美商国家仪器的NI Days今日(13日)在台北国际会议中心隆重揭幕,展会针对LabVIEW图形化系统设计、工业化自动与控制、电子设备测试、机电整合(Mechatronics)、测试应用与技术、产学用户应用案例等主题,进行广泛而深入的讨论与展示
-POPtm 1.3 Beta 1 (FRENCH) (2007.11.07)
Pop3/Smtp connector for email server. Using scheduler / multithread download email from POP3 account or act as an SMTP gateway. Filtering via external tools.
-whois server ewhoisd-0.1.tar.gz (2007.11.01)
ewhoisd multithread and secure whois server with the possibility of load balancing.
-POLUS polus-patchgen-0.0.2 (2007.10.24)
POLUS, a software maintenance tool capable of iteratively evolving running software into new versions, aims to retain backward binary compatibility, support for multithread software and recover already tainted state of running software with low overhead
开创虚拟仪控PXI与图形化视觉软件的璀璨前景 (2007.09.03)
量测仪器从传统控制的仪器架构开始,经过PC为基础的测量方式,演化到整合式量测系统平台,总线标准也从GPIB、插卡式进步到PXI。现在,模块化设计并按用户定义客制化的硬件架构,配合弹性多重应用的图形化视觉软件功能,已是次世代虚拟仪控(Virtual Instrumentation)的技术核心
-Aika Aika Version 0.1.2 (2007.08.08)
Aika is a simple and powerful 3D-Engine, written in C++ (without any platform dependence), api independent and multithread. Helping people to develop not only high-end, but the small applications too, without any overhead in the interoperability
-POLUS polus-patchgen-0.0.1 (2007.06.08)
POLUS, a software maintenance tool capable of iteratively evolving running software into new versions, aims to retain backward binary compatibility, support for multithread software and recover already tainted state of running software with low overhead
-chklinks 3.03 (2007.06.06)
chklinks is a perl link checker. It does not use multithread or simutanuous connections which may use up system resources and crash your system. And it is working.
-POLUS polus-0.0.1 (2007.02.26)
POLUS, a software maintenance tool capable of iteratively evolving running software into new versions, aims to retain backward binary compatibility, support for multithread software and recover already tainted state of running software with low overhead
SUN发布第二季财报 较去年同期成长7% (2007.01.26)
太阳计算机发布第二季财务报告,结算日期截至2006年12月31日止。 太阳计算机于2007会计年度第二季营收总计35.66亿美元,较2006会计年度第二季的33.37亿美元成长七个百分点
-nullget nullget-mw-1.2.0-ra (2007.01.13)
NullGet is A Multithread NetWork File Downloader.Supported Protocols: HTTP,HTTPS,FTP,MMS,RSTP.It is young and I make my effort to develop it . And i will also to say , it my Qt studing result .
-ClamCour 0.3.4 (2006.10.02)
ClamCour is a Courier-MTA multithread filter that allows Courier to scan mail for viruses using Clam Antivirus package.

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1 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相机具备 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
2 明纬推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED灯带
3 美光最低延迟创新主记忆体MRDIMM正式送样
4 Microchip多核心64位元微处理器支援智慧边缘设计
5 Basler新型 CXP-12线扫描相机具备8k和16k解析度
6 捷扬光电 全新4K录播系统可提升多频道NDI串流体验
7 英飞凌CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V重新定义 AI 伺服器电源功效
8 ROHM超小型CMOS运算放大器适用於智慧手机和小型物联网应用
9 Emerson新型气动阀提供自动化高度灵活性和优化流量
10 英飞凌新一代CoolGaN电晶体系列采用8 寸晶圆制程


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