鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 76
一款功能强大的电子邮件程序工具,可用于在一个非常广泛的环境,这是特别适合网络邮件。-Pegasus Mail 4.61 (2011.02.24)
-RD's Little Windows Backup (2011.02.08)
A small Windows file backup tool written in C#.Net 2.0. Target: a folder mirrors the source folders via hard links (must:NTFS). The files are stored in separate dirs with history. -Long paths supported -Network supported -Multiple settings -Easy to u Long filename support Incremental backups Current backup browsable
-Nagios (2010.10.04)
Nagios is a powerful, enterprise-class host, service, application, and network monitoring program. Designed to be fast, flexible, and rock-solid stable. Nagios runs on *NIX hosts and can monitor Windows, Linux/Unix/BSD, Netware, and network devices
-Open CWorthy (2010.07.28)
Open CWorthy clone for Linux, DOS, and Windows written by Jeffrey Vernon Merkey. This Library resembles the Cworthy Interface deployed with Novell NetWare. This multithreaded library supports VT100, VT220, Linux, and XTerm, Windows and DOS
Netware风格 Linux内核调试,由杰弗里弗农梅基( Jeffrey Vernon Merkey)攥写的-Merkey Linux Kernel Debugger (MDB) (2010.07.04)
Netware风格 Linux内核调试,由杰弗里弗农梅基( Jeffrey Vernon Merkey)攥写的
您可以搜索和分析网络空间使用:它支持磁盘空间管理(跨Windows),活动目录,NDS公司的NetWare和UNIX系统-SPACEWatch Pro (Network Edition) 6.0 (2010.01.26)
普桦推出首款三合一企业级NAS机种 (2009.10.02)
普桦科技(Proware Technology)宣布推出业界首款三合一企业级SAS NAS机种,满足企业级用户规划、建置数据中心。普桦该款产品不仅可视为一NAS,并可针对单纯RAID功能做整合,以及针对iSCSI target的服务器机种提供全方位解决方案
-Merkey's Kernel Debugger MDB (2008.08.05)
Netware style Linux Kernel Debugger written by Jeffrey Vernon Merkey
-Mercury/32 4.52 (2008.04.25)
Mercury/32 is a Windows mail server with special support for the Novell NetWare environment. The program consists of multiple modules that can be activated depending on your needs. Mercury/32 comes with a long list of advanced features and is extremely standards-compliant, supporting the major Internet mail-related protocols and has special features designed for use in dialup environments
FSF考虑干预Novell和微软的Linux合作协议 (2007.02.05)
Novell和Microsoft先前在Linux开放软件合作专利协议的默契,已经引发开放原始码软件社群及相关业界的负面情绪,拥有Linux核心智财权的自由软件基金会(Free Software Foundation;FSF)表示,正考虑接受相关业界的建议,禁止Novell发行Linux操作系统
顶沛科技获Novell Sentinel台湾总经销 (2006.12.01)
VMWare发表可开启多项操作系统的虚拟软件 (2006.08.08)
在Apple WWDC 2006会上,虚拟软件厂商VMWare展示可适用在Mac、让OS X操作系统用户无需重开机的情况下、便可安装其他操作系统的产品。 VMWare表示,这款虚拟化软件可使Apple操作系统的用户同时安装Linux、Sun的Solaris、Novell的Netware以及Microsoft的XP操作系统
Novell扩大支持Linux操作系统与营销网络 (2006.03.21)
根据外电媒体报导,Novell CEO Jack Messman在美国盐湖城开幕的Brainshare年度大会上,公布Novell未来发展蓝图,同时推出包括Suse Linux Enterprise 10在内的多款产品。 3月初在德国汉诺威举行的CeBIT电子产品展上,Novell推出新一代Linux操作系统Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop 10
-Pegasus Mail 4.31 (2006.02.17)
Pegasus Mail is a powerful mail program that can be used in a very wide range of environments, and which is especially well-suited to Internet mail. The program has tons of features, including multiple signatures, HTML support, mailing lists, address books, reply templates and many more
-TurboPower B-Tree Filer 5.57a (2005.12.11)
B-Tree Filer is a fast library of file-based database routines for Borland Turbo Pascal & Delphi. B-Tree Filer supports stand-alone programs or those running on Microsoft-compatible networks including Novell Netware.
-NWSend 5.0 (2005.11.05)
NWSend allows sending and receiving messages between Novell NetWare users that have Client32 installed. The program sends messages using the same protocol as standard NetWare utility does, so users can receive them without any additional software requirements
让 Unix 使用者透过 SMB 将 Windows 档案系统连上 Unix-lba-pam-mount 0.9.15-44 (2005.03.22)
让 Unix 使用者透过 SMB 将 Windows 档案系统连上 Unix
Novell's reonag6 的 Windows 使用介面-NetWare rconag6 win32 native client 2.5 (2005.03.13)
Novell's reonag6 的 Windows 使用介面
威联通与群丰策略联盟 (2004.11.23)
威联通科技日前与群丰信息共同合作,以威联通科技之网络储存路由服务器(Router NAS)为国内知名买贵退差价之大型连锁药妆店建置POS系统储存备援机制,成功满足了连锁药妆店于事务数据保存安全及管理便利的需求
微软「2004年.NET程序设计竞赛」今起正式开锣 (2004.04.02)
台湾微软公司集结联合软件组件社群网站蓝色小铺、神达计算机、惠普科技、O2、微软技术社群暨最有价值专家、中华民国资管学会等单位,共同举办「2004年.NET程序设计竞赛--- Web、Windows、Mobility 跨平台大决战」活动

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1 Infortrend U.2 NVMe储存系统赋能机场AI自助服务亭加速时程
2 Microchip为TrustFLEX平台添加安全身分验证 IC
3 捷扬光电首款双镜头声像追踪 PTZ 摄影机上市
4 igus新型连座轴承适用於太阳能追日系统应用
5 资通电脑ARES PP以AI文件解密异常行为侦测判定准确率达八成以上
6 意法半导体新开发板协助工业和消费性电子厂商加速双马达设计
7 恩智浦新一代JCOP Pay提供支付卡客制化服务
8 ROHM推出车电Nch MOSFET 适用於车门、座椅等多种马达及LED头灯应用
9 Tektronix全新远端程序呼叫式解决方案从测试仪器迅速传输资料
10 Microchip新款PHY收发器扩展单对乙太网产品组合 实现网路互操作性


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