鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 6
-UbuDSL (beta 1) (2008.08.07)
UbuDSL is a tool that helps users to configure their ADSL modem and connection under Ubuntu (and most of Ubuntu-based) distributions. It supports USB ADSL modems working under the following drivers: ueagle-atm, speedtch, cxacru, unicorn II
-UbuDSL (alpha 4) (2008.07.29)
UbuDSL is a tool that helps users to configure their ADSL modem and connection under Ubuntu (and most of Ubuntu-based) distributions. It supports USB ADSL modems working under the following drivers: ueagle-atm, speedtch, cxacru, unicorn II
-UbuDSL (alpha 2) (2008.05.03)
UbuDSL is a tool that helps users to configure their ADSL modem and connection under Ubuntu (and most of Ubuntu-based) distributions. It supports USB ADSL modems working under the following drivers: ueagle-atm, speedtch, cxacru, unicorn II
-UbuDSL UbuDSL 0.9 beta (2008.01.19)
UbuDSL is a tool that helps users to configure their ADSL modem and connection under Ubuntu (and most of Ubuntu-based) distributions. It supports USB ADSL modems working under the following drivers: ueagle-atm, speedtch, cxacru, unicorn II
ST Unicorn-II USB ADSL芯片组获Vista认证 (2007.04.03)
意法半导体(ST)宣布其高整合度的Unicorn II USB ADSL(异步数字用户回路)芯片组可同时支持32位和64位两个版本的Windows Vista,且已通过微软WHQL(窗口硬件质量实验室)认证,调制解调器厂商可以利用这个芯片组来生产价格低于10欧元的ADSL USB调制解调器组
ST Unicorn II芯片组将大幅降低整体系统成本 (2004.10.21)
ST推出立即可用的Unicorn II USB(通用串行端口)ADSL(异步数字用户回路)芯片组,能将整体系统成本大幅降低至业界最低的程度。新组件能让制造商以低于10欧元的价格制造出ADSL USB调制解调器套装产品

1 Microchip发布适用於医学影像和智慧机器人的PolarFire® FPGA和SoC解决方案协议堆叠
2 u-blox 推出适用於穿戴应用的新型 GNSS 晶片UBX-M10150-CC, 能以最小外形尺寸提供超低功耗和高定位精准度
3 Microchip 推出新款统包式电容式触控控制器产品 MTCH2120
4 贸泽电子即日起供应适用於全球LTE、智慧和IoT应用的Nordic Semiconductor nRF9151-DK开发套件
5 意法半导体推出网页工具,加速搭载智慧感测器的AIoT专案开发
6 凌华科技透过 NVIDIA JetPack 6.1 增强边缘 AI 解决方案
7 意法半导体推出 STM32WL33 低功耗长距离无线微控制器及专属生态系扩充方案
8 意法半导体推出首款与高通合作之支援STM32的无线 IoT 模组
9 Bourns推出全新高效能 超紧凑型气体放电管 (GDT) 浪涌保护解决方案
10 直角照明轻触开关为复杂电子应用提供客制化和多功能性


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