鯧뎅꿥ꆱ藥 12
Sophos增强网络安全产品组合 (2014.10.21)
Sophos发表数款全新SG系列防火墙/UTM设备、Wi-Fi存取点和专属虚拟报告设备 Sophos iView。藉由将网络安全产品扩展到入门和企业级设备,Sophos可以为任何规模的企业和通路合作伙伴提供经过验证的全方位解决方案组合
Sophos 收购 Cyberoam Technologies (2014.02.11)
Sophos 今日宣布收购网络安全产品厂商 Cyberoam Technologies。这项收购将可扩充并加深 Sophos 在网络安全方面已经成效显著的产品组合,可以将 Cyberoam 的统一威胁管理 (UTM)、次世代防火墙和网络安全专业,与 Sophos 在 UTM 和无线安全方面的获奖网络安全解决方案结合
-Cyberoam iView - Open Source SIEM (2010.11.15)
Cyberoam iView provides organizations network visibility across multiple devices to achieve higher levels of security, data confidentiality while meeting the requirements of regulatory compliance.
Tektronix扩充逻辑分析仪系列 推出全新中阶产品 (2010.09.23)
-iView MediaPro 3.1.2 (2006.10.11)
iView MediaPro is a professional photo and media organizer with full support for read/write IPTC annotations, EXIF data, custom categories, image tagging keyword assignment and more. It offers support for more than 70 image and media formats as well as over 50 Digital Raw formats
微软并购iView欲与Adobe一较高下 (2006.06.28)
根据国外媒体报导,Microsoft已收购了英国图像分类软件制造商iView Multimedia。iView 的官方网站亦证实此项消息。 iView Multimedia创始人Yan Calotychos在对客户说明的公开信中表示,Microsoft并购iView将有利于 iView产品的竞争地位,同时也将有利于加强iView的客户服务与技术支持
-iView MediaPro 3.1 (2006.06.02)
iView MediaPro is a professional photo and media organizer with full support for read/write IPTC annotations, EXIF data, custom categories, image tagging keyword assignment and more. It offers support for more than 70 image and media formats as well as over 50 Digital Raw formats
-iView MediaPro 3.02 (2006.01.29)
iView MediaPro is a professional photo and media organizer with full support for read/write IPTC annotations, EXIF data, custom categories, image tagging keyword assignment and more. It offers support for more than 70 image and media formats as well as over 50 Digital Raw formats
-iView MediaPro 3.0 (2005.11.04)
iView MediaPro is a professional photo and media organizer with full support for read/write IPTC annotations, EXIF data, custom categories, image tagging keyword assignment and more. It offers support for more than 70 image and media formats as well as over 50 Digital Raw formats
Prime Data发布Tektronix逻辑分析仪销售量调查结果 (2005.05.19)
Tektronix宣布 Prime Data市场调查结果,根据报告,Tektronix在2004年的逻辑分析仪销售量几乎达到全球销售的50%。这是 Tektronix自1996年销售该项产品以来长期业务成长的一个重要里程碑
Tektronix 获逻辑分析仪市场领导地位 (2005.05.18)
全球测试、量测与监测仪器的领导厂商Tektronix宣布Prime Data市场调查结果,Tektronix为全球逻辑分析仪市场占有率的领导者。根据报告,Tektronix 在2004年的逻辑分析仪销售量几乎达到全球销售的50%
太克逻辑分析仪 数字模拟一把抓 (2004.12.04)

1 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相机具备 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
2 明纬推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED灯带
3 Microchip多核心64位元微处理器支援智慧边缘设计
4 Basler新型 CXP-12线扫描相机具备8k和16k解析度
5 英飞凌CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V重新定义 AI 伺服器电源功效
6 ROHM超小型CMOS运算放大器适用於智慧手机和小型物联网应用
7 Emerson新型气动阀提供自动化高度灵活性和优化流量
8 捷扬光电 全新4K录播系统可提升多频道NDI串流体验
9 u-blox新款LTE Cat 1bis蜂巢式模组实现全球连网能力
10 英飞凌新一代CoolGaN电晶体系列采用8 寸晶圆制程


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