相關物件共 13
CWFA205: WiFi+BT (2011.11.25)
CWFA205 provides a complete 2.4GHz WLAN solution in an ultra compact package. Also, this chip is designed for ease of use; all the critical matching and harmonic filters are embedded. In addition, the antenna port is set at 50Ω for most of typical antenna
GPS SiP Module (2011.11.25)
CGPA104 is a complete navigation system built on a new SiRFstarIV and other specifications of key components for deriving highest performance in GPS application. These combinations are resulted in higher sensitivity, faster first fix, system stability in outdoor environment
CGPA10x: GPS SiP (2011.11.24)
CGPA10x is a complete navigation system built on a new SiRFstarIV and other specifications of key components for deriving highest performance in GPS application. These combinations are resulted in higher sensitivity, faster first fix, system stability in outdoor environment
CWFC10x:Mobile AP/Router (2011.06.20)
CWFC10x is an IEEE802.11b/g/n AP/Router, which features compact size with 2 fast Ethernet ports. It provides a powerful high-speed wireless connection for wireless-enabled devices to roam and connect easily and freely.
CT49 Memory SiP NAND + DDR3 (2011.06.17)
CT49 Memory SiP is a Multi Chip Package Memory (MCP) that integrated NAND Flash and DDR3 SDRAM by advanced SiP (System-in-a-Package) technology. CT49 Memory SiP offers space saving advantage that could miniaturize your portable device
CT84 Memory SiP DDR3 Stack (2011.06.17)
CT84 Memory SiP is a Multi Chip Package Memory (MCP) that integrated DDR3 SDRAM- stacked by advanced SiP (System-in-a-Package) technology. CT84 Memory SiP offers space saving advantage that could miniaturize your portable device
CT92 Memory SiP Mobile DDR Stack (2011.06.17)
CT92 Memory SiP is a Multi Chip Package Memory (MCP) that integrated Mobile DDR SDRAM-stacked by advanced SiP (System-in-a-Package) technology. CT92 Memory SiP offers space saving advantage that could miniaturize your portable device
鉅景科技推出9x9mm Memory MCP產品 (2008.04.15)
鉅景科技(ChipSiP)因應市場產品微型化需求,於四月中將推出更小包裝Memory MCP(9x9x1.2mm)應用於超薄型及多功能數位相機(DSC)市場。擁有豐富的SiP與Memory MCP研發經驗與技術,鉅景10x13mm MCP在2006年開始導入台灣數位相機ODM大廠,並Design Win至知名日系相機品牌,2007出貨量達300萬顆
鉅景 (2008.03.11)
著眼於科技隨身化的潮流,鉅景科技於2002年以”Chip of SiP”構建元件微型化的品牌核心價值,以全方位系統解決方案,運用封裝技術,創造最小、最易於整合之記憶體、邏輯、無線通訊的SiP元件,充分滿足未來輕薄短小的隨身化需求
鉅景推出全系列手機MCP整合方案 (2007.10.05)
針對手機市場不同記憶體容量組合、低耗能與體積小之需求,鉅景科技於十月份陸續推出CT71系列 Memory MCP產品,供客戶作平台測試與驗證。其整合NOR Flash與pSRAM記憶體,提供多種容量組合包括32/64/128Mb NOR Flash搭配4/8/16/32Mb pSRAM,並具有1.8V與3V不同電壓之產品,符合客戶不同產品需求
因應市場需求 鉅景進軍手機MCP市場 (2007.03.29)
根據Portelligent最近發佈的一項報告,目前手機、數位相機和MP3播放器等可攜式多媒體產品,採用Memory MCP(多晶片封裝記憶體整合元件)的比例幾乎已達到巔峰。其中手機採用MCP的比例在2004年就達到了90%,現正朝著採用2個或更多MCP方向發展,以達到產品薄型化與多功能化之目標
台北國際電腦展後報導 (2006.07.06)
鉅景科技Memory MCP 適合薄型化產品設計 (2006.02.10)
鉅景科技(Chipsip)宣布該公司的CT47568566X-G產品,成功導入多家國內一線數位相機大廠設計,並將於今年三月份試產,預計第二季開始量產;去年受到日本數位相機薄型化設計的需求風潮,國內將提升薄型的出貨比例至30%以上,鉅景的CT47568566X-G為提供給薄型數位相機使用的Memory MCP,符合歐盟RoHS規範,被廣泛應用在數位相機等多媒體產品上

1 Basler 新型 ace 2 V相機具備 CoaXPress 2.0 介面
2 FlexEnable柔性顯示技術創新產品目前已出貨
3 Microchip多核心64位元微處理器支援智慧邊緣設計
4 明緯推出CF系列:12V/24V COB LED燈帶
5 Basler新型 CXP-12線掃描相機具備8k和16k解析度
6 英飛凌CoolSiC MOSFET 400 V重新定義 AI 伺服器電源功效
7 ROHM超小型CMOS運算放大器適用於智慧手機和小型物聯網應用
8 Emerson新型氣動閥提供自動化高度靈活性和優化流量
9 友通EC5 系列嵌入式系統適合工業自動化的多元應用需求
10 Igus不含 PFAS 的 chainflex 耐彎曲電纜:提供多面向安全保障


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