相關物件共 10
TI馬達控制軟體開發套件啟動新設計 (2019.04.19)
TI C2000微控制器(MCU)已用於控制各類應用中的馬達超過25年。這些馬達主要是三相同步或非同步馬達,通常使用一種稱為磁場定向控制(FOC)的技術進行控制,以透過提供有效的扭矩產生來最小化電力消耗量
-AwiFuzz - Fuzzy Logic Control System 0.3 (2008.01.23)
Device independend source code of Fuzzy logic expert system. Reads FCL (fuzzy control language). Sourcecode in C++. Example program is tested with Linux, should also work with Windows or other operating systems. Without a graphical user interface
-FIBL 0.6.3 (2007.10.05)
FIB for Lazarus (FIBL) is improved version of FreeIBComponents for FreePascal/FCL. The aim of this project is to provide high quality components library to access Firebird server for Lazarus IDE.
-FliPS 1.0 (2007.03.23)
FliPS is a Flight Protocol Software (flight logbook regarding JAR-FCL) for Windows. FliPS is based on (and therefore 100% compatible with) Version 1.09 Alpha3 of the project "FluPP".
-jFuzzyLogic jFuzzyLogic_1_2_0 (2006.09.22)
jFuzzyLogic is a java implementation of a Fuzzy Logic software package. It implements a complete Fuzzy inference system (FIS) as well as Fuzzy Control Logic compliance (FCL) according to IEC 1131.
-FIBL 0.6.1 (2005.08.22)
FIB for Lazarus (FIBL) is improved version of FreeIBComponents for FreePascal/FCL. The aim of this project is to provide high quality components library to access Firebird server for Lazarus IDE.
.NET 類別程式庫的擴充版-JEDI.NET JediDoc 1.0 (2005.07.17)
.NET 類別程式庫的擴充版
-FIBL 0.2 (2005.04.21)
FIB for Lazarus (FIBL) is a FreePascal/FCL port of FIB - well known components library for access to Firebird database server. The aim of this project is to provide high quality components library to access Firebird server for Lazarus IDE
.NET 類別程式庫的擴充版-JEDI.NET 1.0 alpha 1 (2005.03.16)
.NET 類別程式庫的擴充版
福邦 (2003.10.20)
福邦科技國際股份有限公司成立於1989年7月,是一以台灣、中國大陸地區為主要市場之專業電子零組件代理通路商。 產品線均為全球知名之半導體、微電子、光電元件及軟體領導廠商,其中包括 Bridgestone, E-tron, Fujitsu, FHP, i-chips, ICSI, Parade, Spansion, TDK, 及 Trident 等,提供最多且最好之電腦、網路通信與消費性電子產品之關鍵零組件

1 英飛凌全新邊緣AI綜合評估套件加速機器學習應用開發
2 意法半導體新車規單晶片同步降壓轉換器讓應用設計更彈性化
3 宜鼎率先量產CXL記憶體模組 為AI伺服器與資料中心三合一升級
4 Diodes新款12通道LED驅動器可提升數位看板和顯示器效能
5 Vishay推出獲沉浸式許可的新尺寸IHPT觸覺回饋致動器
6 Littelfuse推出高頻應用的雙5安培低壓側MOSFET柵極驅動器
7 恩智浦整合超寬頻安全測距與短距雷達推動自動化IIoT應用
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10 祥碩USB4主控端晶片ASM4242提供連接穩定性和兼容性


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