相關物件共 75
Ordering 和編程 Gateway component.It 進行翻譯傳入 OGC06-141 和 OGC07-018 在 EOLI XML 請求工具。-OPGW (2011.06.17)
Ordering 和編程 Gateway component.It 進行翻譯傳入 OGC06-141 和 OGC07-018 在 EOLI XML 請求工具。
-pycsw (2011.04.20)
pycsw is an OGC CSW server implementation written in Python.
GeoTools 是一款開源的 Java GIS 工具包。通過GeoAPI 的 OGC 項目使用。-GeoTools, the java GIS toolkit (2011.04.05)
GeoTools 是一款開源的 Java GIS 工具包。通過GeoAPI 的 OGC 項目使用。
是一款基於Web的地理元數據目錄系統開發:由糧農組織,聯合國糧食計劃署和環境規劃署設施。-GeoNetwork - Geographic Metadata Catalog (2010.11.17)
一款客戶端應用開發的Java發送OGC同時要求幾個數據目錄之工具-CatalogConnector Open Source (2010.06.15)
一款OGC:Open GeoSMS規格說明文件-OGC:Open GeoSMS規格 Version: 0.2.1 (2010.05.20)
一款OGC:Open GeoSMS規格說明文件
「Open GeoSMS」第二版將問世 業者現身暢談應用 (2009.12.17)
GPS位置資訊共同標準「Open GeoSMS」,在多方業者及經濟部工業局、通推動小組與工研院的努力奔走下,第二版即將問世,並擬於周五(12/18)假台北國際會議中心,舉辦「GPS位置資訊共同標準研討會」
提供地理資訊系統(GIS)的開放框架應用的發展和部署(OGC/ISO規格),在IGN(法國全國地圖機構)-GeOxygene 1.4 (2009.06.22)
次世代資通訊國際標準參與經驗分享 (2009.06.11)
為因應未來新世代無線通訊系統快速發展,此計畫希望能掌握契機,積極參與國際標準制定,為未來我國的無線通訊產業,建構以智財權支援的高價值產業型態。目前並沒有標準組織明確表明自己為4G標準,但有某些國家(如中、日等國)認為ITU-R IMT-Advanced應該就是4G,較為積極的標準制定為3GPP LTE/LTE-Advanced、IEEE 802.16m等
-spigve Release 0.0.1 (2008.07.16)
Cliente de web mapping, basado en GeoClient y desarrollado en EcmaScript/JavaScript sobre SVG, que permite consumir servicios OGC/WFS para publicacion de Informaci籀n Geogr獺fica utilizando graficos vectoriales.
-GeoAPI 2.1.1 (2008.06.14)
The development community in building GIS solutions is sustaining an enormous level of effort. The GeoAPI project aims to reduce duplication and increase interoperability by providing neutral, interface-only APIs derived from OGC/ISO Standards
-GeoTools, the java GIS toolkit 2.5-M2 (2008.05.09)
GeoTools is an open source java GIS toolkit. Used for OGC based projects via GeoAPI interfaces. Includes two great SLD based renderers, raster access and reprojection. Plugns fo Shapefile, ArcGrid, ArcSDE, Postgis, OracleSpatial, MySQL and many more
-ALK-EDBS to WKT-Database Konverter 1.1 (2008.03.28)
Konverting the GIS-Format 'EDBS' to Spatial-Database 'PostGIS' and other using the 'Well Known Text'-Interface. EDBS is a German Fileformat from ALK (Automatisierte Liegenschaftskarte). So this GIS can be used for UNM-Mapserver, JUMP
-52North 52N-SOS-3.0.1 (2008.03.18)
52North (52n) is a Java based implementation of web services and data encodings provided by the Open Geospatial Con., OGC. It mainly addresses the SDI Management Services, Services for Geosensor and Simulation Networks, and Mobile Geocomputing
-GeoTools, the java GIS toolkit 2.4.0 (2008.02.09)
GeoTools is an open source java GIS toolkit. Used for OGC based projects via GeoAPI interfaces. Includes two great SLD based renderers, raster access and reprojection. Plugns fo Shapefile, ArcGrid, ArcSDE, Postgis, OracleSpatial, MySQL and many more
-GaiaPocket ver. 1.0 (2008.02.08)
GaiaPocket is a mobile GIS client written on .NET Compact Framework 2.0, using common OGC protocols such as WMS and WFS. You can use GaiaPocket libraries to build your own GIS client in no time.
-GeoAPI 2.1.0 (2008.02.08)
The development community in building GIS solutions is sustaining an enormous level of effort. The GeoAPI project aims to reduce duplication and increase interoperability by providing neutral, interface-only APIs derived from OGC/ISO Standards
-52North Incubator OXFramework-20080206 (2008.02.07)
Development of web based OGC GIS services.
-GeOxygene 1.3 (2008.02.01)
GeOxygene aims at providing an open framework which implements OGC/ISO specifications for the development and deployment of geographic (GIS) applications. It is a open source contribution of the COGIT lab. at the IGN (the French National Mapping Agency)
-Humboldt WMS Viewer GeoPISTA-getFeatureInfo.pdf-0.1 (2008.01.24)
Humboldt-Viewer the StreetMap/Urban Guide for SMGOs! Humboldt-Viewer is an OGC standard compliant Lightweight Web Map Service Viewer with powerful features and interface customization. Lookout for Humboldt GeoPISTA/WMS Viewer

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